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White widow, Mazar and Bagseed

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I'm wondering what type of seeds to get.


I am growing 5 plants in a tub DWC under 1000w.


I want a small bushy plant as I am using the SCROG method also.


I want a plant that has a high potency such as White widow, Mazar etc but is also cheap (they are cheap at 40 EURO).


I need the plant to have a high yield.



Are there any other strains anyone can suggest that are cheap, potent and bushy growing?:peace:


Which has a higher yield out of white widow and mazar? I have seen conflicting information. I am purchasing from PS.


Which out of the two would be more suitable for SCROG?


Thank you :peace:



I forgot my last question (i'm pretty stoned :thumbsup:) anyway here we go. I'm also wondering if I grow with bagseed can the yield still be as big as white widow or mazar for example? And what is the usual male/female ratio when you buy a packet of 10 seeds of white widow or mazar please :peace: :o<--

Edited by stonedstump
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first of all hopper not being nasty but it aint good to hijack a thread you should have started a new post and we would answer your question in that but cause ya new i'll let ya off :thumbsup:


anyhoo to your question stonedstump i aint to shore about the price but i would try one of the celtic strains i have some atm only just popped and from what i have heard they aint gonna disapoint big yeild as well as dam good smoke


and to your question hoppy try www.planetskunk.com that is the seed bank that i use and they have come through every time and you are right no trading of anything illegal on this site


hope this helps lads

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mazar sounds good to me, the celtic strains sound good as well. shit they all sound good, but thats not surprising as seedbanks wouldn't advetise strains that sound shit would they? :thumbsup:


it doesn't really matter, once you get growing you'll want to try em all. You'll get a list of strains you want to try and the longer you grow the longer your list gets cause you can think of strains you want to grow faster than you can grow em generally... :peace:

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I cant give any feed back on those strains but the Celtic Stone witch i have growen.


The Celtic Stone is a great plant to grow, its yleid is good, the smoke is bloody great gets u smached every time u smoke it and i have been smokin it full on for 6 weeks +.


The only draw back with the Celtic Stone i found was it streached a little to much, if you have plenty of room that isent a prob but it you are trying to keep thing very quiet in a small area the hight can be a lil hard to control.


And one other thing with this strain the smell can get quite strong dureing flower time...

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Chronic has been tried and true for a huge yield. I've seen some ridiculous donky dick colas off Chronic plants, which is essentially what they were bred for, not to mention the smoke is pretty good. I've also heard they're excellent for SOG'ing.


Another huge producer is Big Bud (not the original heady Big Bud, but the commercial one) however the smoke still isn't spectacular, so I would suggest getting it crossed with something like Northern Lights or Skunk. A friend of mine did a massive grow and got around a pound per plant with a variety of NL x Big Bud he ordered online.


I've been growing White Widow for a real long time now, and let me tell you, it's really amazing. People talk badly about it since the flavor isn't anything great and it's a real couchlock stone, but that doesn't bother me or anyone else who's smoked it. It also seems quite difficult to build up a tolerance to the plant, as I've smoked ONLY widow for 4+ months straight and it would always get me real stoned. My last crop was grown in a semi-SCroG setup (removed screen for flowering but trained them on it in veg) netting me about a half pound between four 2.75ft plants (which kind of sucked because I did WAY too much trimming during flower... stunts the plants like you wouldn't believe) plus about a pound of trim for some great BHO.


Anyhow, I think I've already said too much.



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Hi everyone


Thanks for the replies.


I think I will order white widow when the time comes. I actually sprouted some bagseed at the beginning of the year and had a few plants going until fungus knat and spidermites invaded.


The thing is, I sprouted what looked like two sativa throwbacks and there was one BEAUTIFUL plant that was the bushiest, greenest looking thing ive ever seen and it started to get 9 leaves even.


I think that I sprouted a white widow from my bagseed, because as I undertand it, you could get any of the plants in that genetic line or something? So that means I had a whitewidow plant but unfortunetely its dead now.


That's my story.

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netting me about a half pound between four 2.75ft plants (which kind of sucked because I did WAY too much trimming during flower... stunts the plants like you wouldn't believe) plus about a pound of trim for some great BHO.




WOW that is a shit load of leaf to bud :peace:

last crop i got 3/4 pound and was stugling to get 2oz of trim from it. this was a dirt grow to.

i would shit my pants if i got half bud to pound leaf

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Well it was probably less than a pound, but I sold it as one because it made a pound bag bulge apart. I feel bad though cause the kids I gave it to were using it as filler in .4 bags of my Widow. Oh well.


Torana, are you an agressive trimmer? I like to make sure the only part of plant on my buds are the actual calices, with not even the tiniest of leaves in sight. This probably hurts my total pull, but if I turn it into Honey Oil (which I usually do) then it doesnt really mater IMO.

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