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HELP!!! Nubie Fucked up already!!!

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The problems I've been having have been due to light burn. The leaves have been touching the fluro tube. Slow growth can be attributed to it being to hot (I was expecting cooler weather by now) as they are growing in a colourbond shed that acts like a green house.


May have also been a lack of nutes, I gave them a hit with Thrive and they're starting to kick along again.

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NH ...I just bought some HPM timers from Bunnings today and holy fuck is that pot growers heaven!. They've got everything in that joint. Even saw some plastic trellis that would be perfect for SOG.


They R a top place to make fortnightly or weeekly visits. I wished they stocked the bullbs for HPS & some envirolight fittings. bulbs for the enviro's would be a dream .............. :thumbsup:


May have also been a lack of nutes, I gave them a hit with Thrive and they're starting to kick along again.


Steady as she goes NH ......Your a real cronic worrrier... It's good to see your that way as your out to learn and are keen & interested..... this is supposted to be a 'therapudic mission' as much as a worry/concerned parent. Fint the balance ............. Luke Sky walker ( the OS member one too) would say "let the force flow, feel the force ... & lastly May the Force be with you in your Grow NH


Don't kill them with overcareing love !


....remember this easy rule - "not enough is a whole lot better than too much" :whistle:


Gazza ...... i just had an over watering problem due to my low IQ and using a digital timer it was running my pumps 24/0 :rolleyes:


Return that timer to bunnings I say. Ask for the easyer version M8. Ask for one with an IQ adjustment on it. Or, perhaps one with an IQ rating of what is need ...... :thumbsup:


New Holland...... The problems I've been having have been due to light burn. The leaves have been touching the fluro tube.


What fluro's are you using. ?

Most of what I have read about heat off fluro bulbs is almost non exixtant. Of course, if they were touching the intensity would be pretty high. The bulb surface heat coiuold also cause a bit of a problem.


Slow growth can be attributed to it being to hot (I was expecting cooler weather by now) as they are growing in a colourbond shed that acts like a green house.


Your sure it's not like a "Steam house" (a.k.a sauna)


As well as heat causing slowed growth, lack of ventalation will do so. Even more so. so how much air gets movement in the sauna - I mean shed !


They (the plants) are alive and that shows all is pretty smoth & you have discovered bunnings wearhouse .=== to boot :( :) :(



Grow wwell NH and may the force be with you (abd the grow) :(

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About the Nutes, the plants are about 3 weeks old now so I thought it would be safe to start them on half strength once per fortnight. This is what I have read and been told on this forum. The plants were looking a little pale prior to ferting, now they look a healthy dark green.


The initial growth spert was amazing. They popped out of the soil and grew 4cm in 2 days. They grew another week after that reasonablly well. But in the last week that havn't grown at all.


With the ventillation I have a Fart Fan which is an over kill for the size of the cupboard. To help increase longevity of the fan, instead of it running for the 18 hrs that the light are on, I set it to vent for 15 minutes every hour. This is why I had my heat problem. Because of the hot weather we've been having I set it back to constant running to reduce the temps. In the 3 days since I've done that the plants have grown more then they have an the past fortnight. The lack of ventilation and high temps had made growth non existent. My light period is between 10pm at night and 4pm the next day. I set the timer for the fan to run all day to keep the temps down, but to shut of at about 3pm so that the wardrobe will store enough heat to last it till the next morning. So I'm kinda storing heat to last the night. Just checked the temp now (5am) and the temp would be about 22-25c.


For lighting I'm using 2' double batten Fluro tubes. They're Phillips Alto's 18 watts each @ 7000Kelvin (865). So thats to fluro tube over the top of each plant 36 watts per plant.


Heat with Fluro's is almost non existant. I can touch the globes while they've been on for 18hrs and not get burnt. However, they are warm to the touch and if the leaf is constantly touching it will cause the leaf some grief. I have a friend who killed a bonsai plant that way with a gro-lux. That's why I put it down to light burn. It's definatyly not a water problem, or a nute problem because I hadn't added any nutes yet. So really I hurt them with to much "LOVE" as you say. I wanted to keep them as close to the lights as possible.


I dunno about the steam house thing. I thought high humidity was good for veg growth?. I stuck a sauspan of water in the bottom to try and raise the humidity. It seems dry to me. I don't have a hygrometer or thermometer yet, they're on the "To Buy" list. I'm on a tight budget.


In regards to Bunnings, it's a super special treat to me as I live in a small country town 2 hours away from the nearest Bunnings. We only have a small nut and bolt Hardware here. I love spending a day each month just to go to Bunnings and look around even though I don't have any money. Give me the oppurtunity to plan ahead and come up with new ideas.


Also, I don't know if it's just me being paranoid, but I swear to fuckin god the hydro guy knows I'm growing MJ. He's never asked me what I'm growing. And when we discussing ventilation he told me you have to have enough ventilation the keep them cool, other wise they'll go hermi. How many other plants are there out there that go hemi in high temps?. He also said "Make sure you save ya pennys to get a Carbon Filter, you don't want your neighbours smelling your plants". If I was growing say Chillis or Strawberry for example what would it matter if my neighbours smelt them?. All the cash transactions have prob tipped him off too?.

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Hi NH, in a rush so a quick reply.


My light period is between 10pm at night and 4pm the next day.


You say your light on period is 18hrs. Have you thought about changing the hours so it is on during the coldest part of the cycle. although havinf run on fluro's would not generate that much heat. so a HPS would be good they are 3 weeks old providing that it is far enough asway from the plants.


This woulod also help with heating the room.


I dunno about the steam house thing. I thought high humidity was good for veg growth?.


Humidity is best kept to a tolllerable range at most times betwen 40 - 70% at extreme levels (Dry & moist). During flower this should be around 60% ideally due to the possibility of mold increasing with humidity.


In reference to your set up in the shed I was mainly refering to air exchange (air in and out , or venting.


Venting is exchanging carbon monoxide (CO2) for oxygen (O2) which is very important. A further factor is where you are pulling that exchange from. This replacement air should come from outsside your grow space and not simply pulld in from within your shed.


In regards to Bunnings, it's a super special treat to me as I live in a small country town 2 hours away from the nearest Bunnings. We only have a small nut and bolt Hardware here. I love spending a day each month just to go to Bunnings and look around even though I don't have any money. Give me the oppurtunity to plan ahead and come up with new ideas


Poor NH only monthly visits to Bunnings. At least you have one! So plan ahead for your visits getting whats most important and essential first.


Also, I don't know if it's just me being paranoid, but I swear to fuckin god the hydro guy knows I'm growing MJ.


He possibly dose due to your regular items you purchase. Most Hydro retailers do have an inkling of what your up to. They want you to purchase itmems in exchange for cash so it's a symbiotic relationship. Don't let this stop buying your gear. You need to keep a good relationship with the hydro-retailer. If you chat a bit don't directly tell him just ask questions around the issues (ie. Asking about heating I would say "the heat has been bad lately, what fan would replace air sufficient for a space Xm by Ym x Z m's high. ect.)


Be calm and collective about it.


If I was growing say Chillis or Strawberry for example what would it matter if my neighbours smelt them?.
So talk to the shop gus/giirls as though your growing chillies/strawberries indoors. With your neibours if you tell thenm your growing nice consumablees like the aformentioned they will prob expec you to share at some point. A remidy for 'oder control' is a carbon filter. I hear you say more $. Not rally so.


You need "activated carbon" (cheap purchase) for this and the air from you room needs to pass through it (activated carbon) to the outside when venting. So a an exhaust fan and some ducting is what you will need. A cheap solution to a filter is at hand. In your neck of the woods you may have access to a workshiop which dose work on trucks, tractors or busses. The filter containers from them are ideal all you need to do it clean it out thoughly. All you need then is the carbon and a fan sufficient to exhaust the air out (sufficient to push through the filter. I am speaking from pure knowledge in this area tbh as my room (12'x12'x14') dose not need an exhaust fan due to it size and the number of plants and 1 x 400 HPS light being used only on 12/12 and not 18/6. It is also insulated (it's a bedroom) indoors.


My air exchange is done manually by opening up a window and to let a good sea breeze flood in. I keep temps down by having my light working during the cooler times 5.30pm - 5.30 am. During this time I manually vent my room and have an 'ocelationg' fan running 24/0.


soz if this is a bit rushed but I have a meeting and need to run.


I hoe this helps & goodluck NH- :xcited:

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No worrys about the rushed reply, I'd rather a rushed reply then no reply at all lol. I know what it's like to be busy!.


I made my light on period 10pm to 4pm. This sounds silly for Fluros but sometime soon they'll be moved to a room that is 10'x5' (3mx1.5m) with 3 600watt HPS. With this light on period the HPS's will keep them warm during the cold nights coming up. Plus where they are now, there is a slight chance that I'll get visitors that will come into the shed to borrow tools. This is most likley to happen after they finish work (5pm). So if the lights are out at 4pm they'll walk right by the wardrobe and not think twice as it's alway been there. Plus the neighbours are in bed by 10pm so they're not gonna be up and about outside to notice light leakage (daylight saving ends soon).


I don't know how to quote. But you said "so a HPS would be good they are 3 weeks old providing that it is far enough asway from the plants." Even though they're 3 weeks old there hasn't been much growth so they're not as big as other 3 week old plants I've seen on here. What I want to do is grow them In veg as long as I can under 7000Kelvin fluros to make them as bushy and stocky as I can because I'm told HPS (higher red) can cause them to stretch. Plus the longer I use the fluro during 18/6 the more $ I save. I know it's wrong to grow and then sell it, but I'm hoping that a "SMALL" portion that I sell to friends will make me enough profit to pay my electricity bill and all the ferts and gadgets I need etc.


In regards to ventilation for there Co2, what would be the minum time I can set the fan for?. 200mm fart fan. If I vent during the light on period of a night I'm going to draw cold air in and warm air out. I didn't think they need alot of ventilation at this size?.


About the Hydroguy,...I reckon he knows, and aslong as I'm not growing 500 plants and selling to the kiddies I don't think he really cares. I get this "Live and let live" vibe ffrom him :peace: . In other words he's thinking "If this guy is growing some MJ for himself and his buddys he's not really hurting anyone even though it's against the law, and if I don't ask and he doesn't tell me he's growing MJ I'm not really guilty of anything". Besides I'm pretty sure he knows over a period of time who's growing MJ and he's not about to dob them in becuase half of his business is prob provided by MJ growers. Think about it, who in there right mind would turn down half there customers, who btw, pay cash that he can stick straight in his pocket and not pay GST or income tax on?. :xcited:



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