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Vapir One (v2.0) review :)

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I had a play with one of these last week. I was not impressed. Vapir is a cheap 2nd rate company that is big on presentation and marketing and thin on quality.


First off the noise of the unit was really annoying. It was so loud you have to raise your voice to have a conversation. The unit I tried also overheated. The instructions that came with the bags said to tune it to the max temp. This seemed to be corrrect as even at the max temp which was 204 celsius the vapour was still mild. Then after a couple of uses it started overheating. The temp readout got to 240degrees and it started making smoke big time. (yes the fan was still running on high while it overheated). I think the problems with temp control may stem from the fact they've tried to make the unit too small.


We all got high but I wouldn't pay money for one of them. It was noisy, had poor temperature control but the biggest thing was we found it to be wasteful, going through a lot more gear than we normally do if we had the Volcano fired up.


At $300odd dollars plus $50 for the bag kit it is about a third of the price of a Volcano, and about a third as good.


I would not recommend them to anyone.

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Wow, it seems you have quite a lot of negative things to say about the unit :baaasmiley: of course those are your opinions and you are entitled to them and I respect that.


The noise, although quite loud, doesn't really bug me at all to be honest. My computer's fan is about half as noisey as that! given that it's designed to prevent over-heating of the actual unit itself, I think the noise is a non-issue.


It's possible the reason why you say it has a 'mild' vapour is because it probably doesn't quite heat up as hot as a volcano? (I can't confirm this, but this is my guess)


To be absolutely fair on both models, the price difference is night and day. Where as the volcano is highly revered as the be-all-and-end-all of vapes, and given the price... I feel It's not really fair to draw a direct comparison between the two ($220 dollars compared to around $1050 is a lot less than a third of the price, granted you may be able to source them overseas also but you'd have to factor in hidden costs like taxes and shipping fees etc.)



Can I ask how many times you have used the unit? and if you have really given it a 'fair go'? It almost seems like you where expecting something better than a volcano at that cheap of a price? I will admit it has a small learning curve, but it's nothing to someone with a little patience :)



My thoughts on this unit still stand. Dollar for dollar, I think it does it's job extremely well. And if I can get high using 0.1 grams of weed... I would DEFINATELY recommend this unit to others. I don't want people in similar situations to myself (financially) to have to fork out extra for a volcano just because it's the bees knees of vapes, when something cheaper can achieve similar results.


Just out of curiousity, what version vapir one did you use? I have heard there are 3 revisions? (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 respectively) ;)

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It was the Vapir One from memory. It was black and plugs in direct to mains power (no transformer).


The problem wasn't with the smoke being mild, the problem was the unit was OVER heating. As I said the temp readout got up to 240 degrees.


We gave the unit a good workout for a session. And I'm pretty convinced its a cheap piece of shit just like their previous model.


Bottom line is, the single most important function of a vapouriser is to accurately heat the herb so it vapourises and doesn't smoke. There would be a learning curve in using this thing for sure and with practice you'd get it working better. But the point is you're meant to be paying for the technology that automates the temperature, and htis thing just doesn't do it. I would just as soon get a hotplate vape for $100 and learn to turn that on and off to control the temp so it vapourises and doesn't smoke.

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Thanks for replying :)



I have found that the temperature does fluctuate and I can't debate that fact at all.


But at the same time *and I have further tested the unit to try and replicate what you have said* I have found that the fluctuation for each setting is as follows:


The fluctuation occurs without switching fan speeds are on an average of a 5% deviation from the set temperature.


The fluctuation occuring when you switch from High speed to Medium speed *and in between these settings* is closer to a little under 10%.


The fluctuation occuring from High speed to Low speed *and between the two* is closer to around 10% - 20%.


So it's quite interesting to say the least. My suggestion would be to compensate for fluctuating temps one would just simply set the temperature to 'below' 200 degrees (I have found 195 degrees celcius to be perfect) even with fluctuating temps it would rarely go over 200 degrees.


Another thing to consider I guess would be to try and avoid going from High fan speed to Low fan speed settings too often (as this would definately increase fluctuating temperatures dramatically, but this is logic)


I have used this unit around 5 times since I've bought it now. Going from smoking on average of 1.5 grams daily to only 0.6 grams in 3 days is an absolute HUGE difference for me (and something my wallet truly welcomes :()


And because of what you have said, I've found a way to add more 'body stone' to the buzz I thought wasn't even possible. So with a bit of practice and some patience I feel anyone could get the hang of this unit. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts. I just don't want to see people getting discouraged about this unit because they really could be missing out on something great.


If I truly did not believe in this product then I would not bother wasting my time with all of this typing and reviewing stuff.... I gain absolutely nothing financially or otherwise out of this at all. I'm merely here to defend something that I believe in... and if it means that even only one person reads this and finds useful information here (and decides to give it a go for themselves and is happy about this product like I am) then this will all have been worthwhile for me... ;)




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Interesting thread... thanx for your review Amnesiac. All that matter is it makes you happy mate. :(


For me personally, I've tried the Vapir 2.0 a few times and it just doesn't deliver the strength of hits that the Vriptech and Volcano do... it simply leaves me unsatisfied feeling.


That said, it seems to work fine and will do the job eventually... just in a less powerful & refined way. :)

Edited by resinreaper
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Hey Im not a big fan of any vapourisers. But I have never tried the volcano.


Thing is on Pot tv it showed people using a volcano and it was smoking. SO it cant be that good.


I have a hot plate type that is ok, but I still love my pyrex bong.


Hey amnesiac do I get an invite to try that vape out mate?? :).

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Some people like the 'smoke' a vape can produce I guess :) even still you're getting a cleaner hit because there's no butane. I guess people that love the 'on your ass' kinda stone probably wouldn't be completely satisfied with the vapir. It's more of an up-and-go sorta buzz I rekon.



Ferengi you're fully welcome to come around and have a crack at this thing mate :( consider yourself always welcome around my way.



I'd love to be able to try a volcano just to see what all the hype's about. Anyone live in brissy that's got one and is keen on demonstrating? ahaha

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