Cannabis Research
Stay abreast of cutting-edge cannabis research. Dive into studies, understand the science behind terpenes, CBD, and THC, and contribute to an informed dialogue.
492 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
When i smoke i can smoke a few cones but after a certain point after a while i will become really wierd and cant talk properly, i feel like if i move then i'll spew, which i normally do. Is this just me or is it the strain i am smoking or what? is this like a semi-od or what? cos last nite i was sitting on the trian, sweat pouring off me, then i got off the train a few stations early cos i had to spew. im kinda worried, but not scared or nething, its happen before
- 14 replies
Hey hows it going. I have looked on alot of faq's etc. But the one what really struck me was the one on erowid saying that marijuana is actually good. Could i get the experts here to say the good and bad things about marijuana. And also your personal opinion on Smoking it thanks. Bye
Last reply by deejayvee, -
The New Scientist Articles On Marijuana
by Guest BudWaver- 4 replies
Last reply by expansion, -
- 10 replies
does this happen to anyone else here...? when i have any THC at all, even just one cone, in a few minutes i get this really intense tingling through my whole body (most intense in the feet, legs and chest). it's most noticable when i'm sitting still or lying down, or even just standing. it's the best feeling ever... better than anything. and the thing is, if i really let go i can still feel it the next day in the feet and lower legs. it's like the muscles are contracting really slowly and it feels great. fuck, i dunno. it's pretty weird. no one else i know experiences it, but i remember john birmingham said on triple j one time that he was aware of and could feel all…
Last reply by tyler, -
i was just wondering how much of what u hear about mj is true or just propaganda. all the shit about smoking dope causing schizophrenia and depression and losing all ambition or watever. ne1 have the real facts?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 1 reply
It seems whoever is around the site at the time a new poll starts votes, but when the thread dies off new members don't vote in the old polls. Some polls have been up for ages, and still only have around 50 votes. So this is just an encouragement to all new members, and all old members for that matter, to have a look through the pinned polls in this forum and cast a vote if you haven't already. The more people that vote the more meaningful these polls will be. cheers. PS - I'll bump this topic from time to time as a continuing reminder.
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by syk613, -
- 5 replies
Addiction, Dependance and Tolerance: Repeated use of many drugs leads to tolerance and dependence. Dependence is characterized by physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms. Tolerance is the reduction in response to the same repeated dose and can occur through different mechanisms: pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and learned tolerance. Addiction is a syndrome characterized by compulsive drug-seeking behavior that results in an impairment in social and psychological functions or damage to health It is the result of long term changes in the brain and involves more than just the changes seen in dependence and tolerance. Eg ppl have used opiates for long per…
Last reply by syk613, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
This information is taken from: Pharmacology: Rang H.P. Dale M.M. Ritter J.M. 3rd Edition (1st printed in 1995 and reprinted '98) Publshed by Churchill Livingston. pages 661-664 And intended to help guide ppl who use mj for med use mostly but there will be info for the recreational user and it is not opinion it is a summary of a well respected and easily accessible book so if there is disbelief or general enquires I would be happy to provide more info or there is always the option of investigating the references: INTRO. Cannabis sativa (CS) grows freely in temperate and tropical climates and contains the active substance 1-tetrahydrocannabinol (or 9-THC dependin…
Last reply by syk613, -
- 4 replies
Neurotoxicology and Teratology Volume 23, Issue 1 , January-February 2001, Pages 1-11 A literature review of the consequences of prenatal marihuana exposure An emerging theme of a deficiency in aspects of executive function P. A. Fried, and A. M. Smith Department of Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6 Received 26 July 2000; revised 29 August 2000; accepted 30 August 2000 Available online 20 March 2001. Abstract In spite of marihuana being the most widely used illegal drug among women of reproductive age, there is a relative paucity of literature dealing with the neurobehavioral consequences in offspring –– particular…
Last reply by syk613, -
- 29 replies
Just wondering about something, I recall a loooooong time ago, and I may be totally mistaken, that there was some reaseach done into either comparative deteriorative effects of alcohol and other drugs whilst driving, or it was something on the relative IQ's of smokers to drinkers... or something to that effect... not very precise eh? How about I just word it as a question... Have there been any studies into the IQ levels of long term, medium term and short term users of cannabis as compared to those who use no recreational drugs and long term, medium term and short term users of alcohol? I'm interested because of there is a lot of anectodal evidence that cannabis use i…
Last reply by syk613, -
- 27 replies
Authors Stepanov GS. Sytnik VP. Title [ineffectiveness of the back cross method in selecting hemp for heterosis]. [Russian] Source Tsitologiia i Genetika. 12(5):424-7, 1978 Sep-Oct. Abstract In the back crossings the heretability caused by the additive effect of the genes predominates. The selection on the characters controlled by the additive genes leads to the homozygosis increase of the population and to the reduced vitality of the plants. The repeated crossing of the heterozygous hybrid plants with the parental form homozygous according to the recessive gene increases the quota of the genes of the latter. It results in the intermediate type of inheritance for al…
Last reply by syk613, -
- 6 replies
Any1 seen any similar research from oz growers. Authors Pitts JE. Neal JD. Gough TA. Institution Laboratory of the Government Chemist, Teddington, UK. Title Some features of Cannabis plants grown in the United Kingdom from seeds of known origin. Source Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology. 44(12):947-51, 1992 Dec. Abstract The cannabinoid content of UK-grown plants (up to the 6th generation) from Moroccan, Sri Lankan and Zambian seedstock was determined by TLC, GLC and HPLC. All plants from the 5th and 6th series resembled their parents, and UK-grown plants were always much greener than those grown overseas. Cannabinoid content remained broadly typical of the so…
Last reply by syk613, -
How does smoking up influence your sexual life 1 2
by Guest IMPOSTORGanjyaNON-MEMBER- 10 replies
Hallo, dear members. I have been doing some research on the net and other sources, which is primarily involved with a very intimate problem of mine. Info, that I found can be interpreted very differently, therefore I have decided to post this message and ask people who actually smoke for a piece of advice. My question is very simple: does continuous smoking up (every day during more or less 8 years) effect your sexuality (if you are a guy) and if it does, than how exactly? Thank you very much for your reactions
- 12 replies
Another interesting article I found on the web enjoy.(a search of a meical research journal database indicates 5000+ artice on cannabis) Authors de Meijer EP. Bagatta M. Carboni A. Crucitti P. Moliterni VM. Ranalli P. Mandolino G. Institution HortaPharm B.V., 1075 VS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Title The inheritance of chemical phenotype in Cannabis sativa L. Source Genetics. 163(1):335-46, 2003 Jan. Abstract Four crosses were made between inbred Cannabis sativa plants with pure cannabidiol (CBD) and pure Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) chemotypes. All the plants belonging to the F(1)'s were analyzed by gas chromatography for cannabinoid composition and cons…
Last reply by syk613,