Cannabis Research
Stay abreast of cutting-edge cannabis research. Dive into studies, understand the science behind terpenes, CBD, and THC, and contribute to an informed dialogue.
492 topics in this forum
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Emerging Opportunities with Cannabinoids within the Medical Industry Sept. 26, 2008 The Wall Street Journal Market Watch DUBLIN, Ireland, Sep 26, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Emerging Opportunities with Cannabinoids" report to their offering. This invaluable briefing provides a critical and far-reaching examination of current cannabinoid products and areas of unmet clinical need where the use of cannabinoids could be clinically beneficial and commercially profitable. The psychotropic effects o…
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Marijuana- Not What It Used To Be Serious Health Consequences From Increased Potency of Marijuana Transworld News 19 September 2008 Marijuana use in the past decades has evolved from being perceived as a relaxing pastime to a serious drug abuse problem. "Marijuana has been portrayed as simply a 'gate-way drug' to harder drugs." comments Mary Rieser, Director for Narconon Drug Rehab GA. "However, recent studies show that the higher levels of THC, the active component in marijuana, have turned marijuana into a 'hard drug' in and of itself. "Not only is marijuana more potent, but the perception that it is har…
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 2 replies
Snuck this into another thread, thought it best to give it a thread to. A nicely buried little austrian study - Abstract Although a variety of drugs are available for the treatment of depression, therapy is not effective in all cases and finding alternative options is desirable. Results from animal studies, anecdotal experience reported by patients using cannabis and observations from clinical studies where cannabinoids were used in serious diseases suggest an anti-depressive potential of cannabinoid receptor agonists. From 2003 to 2006, 75 patients suffering from depression, stress and burnout syndrome were successfully treated in a practice for general medicine wit…
Last reply by Apocalypse_now6, -
- 1 reply
Sativex Study Confirms Long Term Effectiveness In MS Neuropathic Pain Article Date: 13 Sep 2008 - 6:00 PDT Medical News Today Effective MS treatment MS can now be treated Naturally without any side effects learn more Multiple Ms Learn More About Study for Relapse Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Meds. Results from a new study investigating the benefits of Sativex in neuropathic pain in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) have shown it gave long-term pain relief. The study followed 42 people with MS who took Sativex - a cannabis-based drug trialled by GW Pharmaceuticals. …
Last reply by kiloppo, -
- 3 replies
Marijuana in Bipolar Disorder PR Cannazine 3 August 2008 Whilst the British government does its damndest to propel the country back into the dark ages so far as national drug policy is concerned, the rest of the world is making great strides in getting to grips with cannabis and mental disorders, but not in the way the Home Secretary would have us believe. The role of cannabis (marijuana) in psychiatric disorders remains controversial. In bipolar disorder, it is known that many people use cannabis for various reasons. There are some reports that people use cannabis for help in alleviating mania and others report i…
Last reply by scarypizzle, -
by tomm01- 0 replies
- 902 views To me it sounds completely terrible. Look at the side-effects section, it says because it's the opposite to cannabinoids it increases risks of Alzheimer's etc. etc. Why would anyone want to abuse their perfectly good CB1 receptor like this? Me thinks it's a government plot to ruin people's cannabinoid receptors so they can't get high anymore.
Last reply by tomm01, -
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Marijuana patients advised "don't smoke..vaporize" 5 September 2008 PR Cannazine Patients receiving physician approval to use cannabis should be warned that chemicals released when the dried leaves and/or flowers are burned put heavy smokers at increased risk for bronchitis and respiratory infections.1 The risk can be avoided, however, by an alternative delivery system: a device called a vaporizer that heats dried cannabis to a temperature where cannabinoid vapors are released, but below the point of combustion, where noxious and carcinogenic smoke toxins are formed. Patients can thus inhale the pharmaceutically acti…
Last reply by grace, -
- 5 replies
Cannabis cures cancer! PR Cannazine 2 September 2008 Since 1974 science has known what the DEA has tried to keep from every one of us. Cannabis can and does cure cancerous growths whilst leaving healthy cells untouched. ! Who spilled the beans? Doctors and patients all over the world that's who! The truth is out and spreading like wildfire! Cannabis cures cancer! This truth will not be suppressed, until every household knows the clamor, the swelling protest, exposing dark, dirty secrets of heinous crimes against humanity! Cannabis medicines were once the “drugs of choice” in the United States and all over this planet…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 2 replies
“Medical Marijuana” Takes On New Meaning for Metastatic Breast Cancer PR Cannazine 30 August 2008 If you have breast cancer, you may have considered the use of “medical marijuana” at some point during your chemo treatment. Smoking marijuana has provided some women with relief from the nausea and vomiting that can accompany chemo, relief that the range of normal side effect drugs weren’t able to give. Some states permit the legal use of medical marijuana; most don’t. Nevertheless, most women who want to try marijuana seem to be able to get it. Personally, I didn’t experience any severe problems with nausea. But I wa…
Last reply by aerowizard, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Killing bacteria with cannabis By Yun Xie | Published: August 26, 2008 - 03:31PM CT Pharmacists and chemists have found another use for the multipurpose cannabis as a source of antibacterial chemicals for multidrug resistant bacteria. Ironically, inhaling cannabis is known to damage the lung's ability to fend off invading pathogens, but the ingredients in cannabis, particularly the cannabinoids, have antiseptic properties. Although scattered research has been conducted since the 1950s, no comprehensive study existed that relates the structure of cannabinoids with antibacterial activity. Giovanni Appendino,…
Last reply by Infinitee, -
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Could Marijuana Be The New Weapon In Battle Against Osteoporosis? PR Cannazine 28 August 2008 In the United Kingdom people who are diagnosed with arteritis often find the steroid based drugs prescribed for the original condition can often lead to chronic osteoporosis, or brittle bones. Medical researchers at the University, working in collaboration with scientists from Israel, the USA and Britain, have identified a previously unknown regulatory mechanism in the process of bone loss. Their findings could open up new approaches to the treatment of osteoporosis. More than four million people, predominantly women, a…
Last reply by grace, -
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Personally I am just fine with natural cannabis ... but I will keep an open mind about cannabis in pharmaceutical forms as many people I know would prefer a pill over smoking or vaping the herb .... it's all a matter of making an informed decision about what's best for one's own health and quality of life. Marijuana's Potential Exciting Researchers in Treatment of ALS, Parkinson's Disease 23 August 2008 A Legal Mood Lifter: Researchers are investigating a new antidepressant and pain reliever that works like cannabis (marijuana), without the illegal side effects. A decade ago, when Daniele Piomelli went to scientif…
Last reply by grace, -
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Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids? By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos Tuesday , April 20, 2004 Fox News,117541,00.html As a California pediatrician and 49-year-old mother of two teenage daughters, Claudia Jensen says pot might prove to be the preferred medical treatment for attention deficit disorder (search) — even in adolescents. "Why would anyone want to give their child an expensive pill … with unacceptable side effects, when he or she could just go into the backyard, pick a few leaves off a plant and make tea for him or her instead?" Jensen asked the Drug Policy Subcommittee of the House Government Reform Committee earlier this m…
Last reply by grace, -
- 0 replies
Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol Written by Tod Mikuriya, MD 18 August 2008 More and more people are finding themselves able to kick sometimes long-term, damaging and expensive alcohol habits without any of the uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal which normally comes with long-term addictions, and they are doing it thanks to cannabis. Ninety-two Northern Californians using cannabis as an alternative to alcohol obtained letters of approval from the author - Physician Tod Mikuriya MD. Their records were reviewed to determine characteristics of the cohort and efficacy of the treatment —defined as reduced harm to the patient. All pa…
Last reply by grace, -
Experiement Idea 1 2
by leafy-
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Now after some creative thought, I have put my ideas on the web, we know that cannabis contains chemicals which get us high, and we also know these chemicals are soluble in fats/oils but also alcohol. has anyone ever thought of using a bong like setup to extract pure THC? Could this be done? well my idea gos big cone piece, stuffed with weed or weed even mixed with hash, no tobacco. this goes into the first chamber which is just water, the other chambers contain a hydrocarbon such as pure alcohol. as the smoke passes through the first chamber the ash and crap gets filtered out, but also cools the smoke for the second chamber, in the series of chambers which …
Last reply by Ozzy420, -