Cannabis Hemp News
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Shares in GW Pharmaceuticals Plc, a British firm pioneering cannabis-based medicines, hit an all-time high on Wednesday as Germany's Bayer AG acquired rights to its first product. The drugs and chemicals group will pay GW up to 25 million pounds ($41 million) for exclusive rights to market the drug in Britain, under the brand name Sativex. GW, which cultivates some 40,000 marijuana plants a year at a secret location in the English countryside, will also receive a significant share of sales. The cannabis-based drug Sativex is sprayed into the mouth rather than smoked and is expected to be launched in the UK later this year, initially as a pain relief treatment for mult…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
NSW Med use trial to be introduced... 1 2
by Guest bacchus- 10 replies
today bob carr unveiled plans to introduce a med. marijuana scheme for chromic pain sufferers, cancer & h.i.v patients etc.... the legislation will be introduced in nsw in september and users will need to be registered and people with a drug offence conviction, those on parole, minors and pregnant women will not be able to participate.....the scheme is to run over a 4yr period so a small victory for med users, and before all you pessimists jump on this and complain that it should be legal for all (we know that anyway), spare a thought for med users and be happy for them...... check out article : Carr's Plan cheers bacchus
Last reply by Cronic_la_jar_jar, -
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BBC Online Houses made from cannabis are far stronger and cheaper than conventional buildings, says South African innovator Andre du Plessis. He sees this as the solution to the housing problem in South Africa, where millions of people live in shanty towns. Since he started advocating the "dope houses", some South Africans have been joking that if one caught fire, people would run towards the burning building, rather than away. But Mr du Plessis told the BBC Network Africa programme that if one of the houses did catch fire, it would not give off any "class C or D noxious fumes". So he says people would have no reason to steal lumps out of the houses to smoke. …
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g'day; i heard on news today that a guy at Two Wells, north of Adelaide was busted with 1000kg of dry cannabis, packed into 200 boxes. street value estimated at 10million$. apparently neighbours could smell the cannabis, so they phoned cops. anyone with more accurate info?
Last reply by Gruntus, -
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What do people get if caught in SA ?? like fines outdoor ... for 1 for 2 etc ? like from experiences ??
Last reply by Gruntus, -
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click here for the webcam LIVE from the hemp bar, main street nimbin: Tune in from 4:20pm today (Saturday) for live shots of the beautiful & colourful million marijuana march. wish i was there!
Last reply by generic_hippie, -
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From : Help End Marijuana Prohibition <> Subject : Whats happening in SA , what we are planning to do about it, and what you can do to help. Date : Tue, 6 May 2003 01:58:41 +0930 High ! This email explains whats happening in SA , what we are planning to do about it, and what you can do to help. HEMP SA has been been on the backfoot ever since the SA Drug Summit and the subsequent changes in SA's CEN laws. (To find out what happened at the Summit and since, check out the newly updated link from our homepage at ) On the 1st of February 2003 the SA Labour Government with the support of the Liberal Op…
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Newshawk: Niall Young Pubdate: Thu, 01 May 2003 Source: West Australian (Australia) Copyright: 2003 West Australian Newspapers Limited Contact: Website: http :P/ Details: http :P/ Author: Jason Meotti LOSING SIGHT OF THE REAL KILLER THE concerted campaign being run by the Liberal Party and anti-drug groups opposing the Government's cannabis law reform legislation has reached a crescendo. We now have conservative independents jumping on the bandwagon and the National Party abandoning its own policy platform to avoid the "soft-on-drugs" tag. The mainstream media, who only a short time ago were supportiv…
Last reply by charbono, -
no comment
Last reply by Kimba, -
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Toronto Star May. 10, 2003. 10:28 AM Ottawa backs off pot law plans Possession to stay criminal offence Changes come after U.S. outcry TONDA MACCHARLES OTTAWA BUREAU OTTAWA— The federal government has backed off plans to make pot possession a mere ticketing offence, the Star has learned. Instead, sources say the Liberal government will keep simple possession of marijuana on the books as a criminal offence under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The new plan came days after U.S. officials warned that any easing of Canada's marijuana laws could lead to a crackdown at border crossings. The government will provide "alternative" civil penalties — fines, …
Last reply by Buzzz, -
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- 825 views,...,947688,00.html Cannabis 'could kill 30,000 a year' James Meikle, health correspondent Friday May 2, 2003 The Guardian Thirty thousand Britons a year might eventually die from cannabis smoking, doctors claimed last night. They called for a battle against the drug to mirror that belatedly waged against tobacco, saying that it too could soon pose a major public health hazard. Their warning, made in an editorial in the British Medical Journal, is the most high-profile attempt yet to alert authorities to public health difficulties that might result from an apparently more liberal attitude to the drug. The authors,…
Last reply by budsta, -
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Apr. 30, 2003. 08:49 AM Chrétien ready to ease pot possession law Applause greets promise to youth 'We're not legalizing it' ANDREW CHUNG OTTAWA BUREAU OTTAWA — Calling his government "activist" and "not afraid to take on controversial issues," Prime Minister Jean Chrétien cast a nod at youth last night and vowed that marijuana would soon be decriminalized. It was the first public pronouncement from Chrétien that possessing small quantities of marijuana would be decriminalized in Canada. "We will soon introduce legislation to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana," he told a Liberal party fundraiser. Amid applause, he quipped, "Don't start to…
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
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THC Ministry Amsterdam You guys are the first to have the url from our new website. The Amsterdam Cannabis Ministry is located at what used to be the "T-boat coffeeshop"(closed since 1-4-2002), in the center of Amsterdam and will be open for public soon.
Last reply by Rokerijdude11, -
w.a. cannabis polls
by Guest IMPOSTORcharbonoNON-MEMBER- 3 replies
Newshawk: Niall Young Pubdate: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 Source: West Australian (Australia) Copyright: 2003 West Australian Newspapers Limited Contact: Website: http :D/ Details: http :P/ Author: Ben Harvey POLL SHOWS SPLIT ON NEW CANNABIS LAWS WA'S proposed cannabis laws have divided the community and look set to be a defining issue at the next State election. The latest Westpoll indicates less than half the community endorses the move to decriminalise the use and cultivation of small amounts of the drug. Under the laws, which passed through the Legislative Assembly this month, recreational users caught with…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- Admin
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Last reply by Oz, -