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From : Help End Marijuana Prohibition <hempSA@va.com.au>


Subject :

Whats happening in SA , what we are planning to do about it, and what you can do to help.


Date :

Tue, 6 May 2003 01:58:41 +0930




High !


This email explains whats happening in SA , what we are planning to do

about it, and what you can do to help.


HEMP SA has been been on the backfoot ever since the SA Drug Summit and

the subsequent changes in SA's CEN laws.


(To find out what happened at the Summit and since, check out the newly

updated link from our homepage at www.hemp.on.net )


On the 1st of February 2003 the SA Labour Government with the support of

the Liberal Opposition and the Family First Party passed a bill

criminalising the growing of cannabis indoors using hydroponics.


HEMP SA resisted the move and lobbied extensively against the bill, but

we lost :)


We need to get organised and begin again in our fight for common sense

drug law reform.


The Drug Summit has shown there is "strong support" for positive reforms

- the challenge is to get organised and act together for change.


We need to get active and recommence lobbying politicians, the media and

the general community about the need for, and rationale behind, an end

to the prohibition of Cannabis.


In WA decriminalisation of two outdoor plants and up to 30gms has

passed in the Lower House but is facing a torrent of reactionary criticism from

prohibitionists and "concerned parents".


In SA we are at a crossroads in drug policy. We want to start heading

back in the right direction and are looking to restart lobbying on the

themes of revising the number of plants allowed outdoors (back to three at

least), setting a wattage limit as a means of defining "personal" indoor

cultivation limits, expunging past pot convictions, easing the paraphenalia laws and initiating medical marijuana and industrial hemp



We can't do it without you!


We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at the Conservation Council, 120 Wakefield St, in the City at 7.30pm. The next meetings are Tuesday May 6th and Tuesday June 3rd.


We need your active help to make this happen!


Many people have promised donations of money or time but very few have

followed through.


Please note we have no facility for accepting donations online :)

but can accept cheques or money orders addressed to

HEMP SA inc ,

PO Box 1019,

Kent Town, 5071,

Please do not send us cash through the mail.


We understand that for many people $25 membership is financially

difficult, but we are an all volunteer orgainsation who rely on our members to

support our campaigning.


Up until now we have always done well fundraising at events like the Big

Day Out, but unanticipated circumstances (like the banning of stickers

(our mainfundraising tool and a huge public liability insurance

premium) saw us barely cover the costs of our phone bill for the year!


If we do not immediatly raise several hundred dollars we face the

prospect of losing our phone line!


Most importantly we need PEOPLE LIKE YOU to come along and get active!




Sticker and flyer distribution, fundraising, secretarial skills, web design

and maintenance, graphic design, newsletter writing, production and

distribution, lobbying, letter writing, grass roots campaigning and a

whole lot more!


If you have some time to spare and some skills to share we need to hear

from you!


We look forward to hearing from you or seeing you at a meeting soon.


In the mean time please check out the latest news on our site,

especially the edited transcripts of the important points from the Drug Summit.



Jamnes Danenberg

HEMP Co-convenor

On behalf of the HEMP SA inc Executive



HEMP SA Inc - Help End Marijuana Prohibition South Australia

PO Box 1019 Kent Town South Australia 5071 AUSTRALIA


Website: http :D/www.hemp.on.net

Check out our on-line news service - HempSA-News!

To subscribe to HempSA-News

send an e-mail to:hempsa-news-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Or go to: http :)/groups.yahoo.com/group/hempsa-news

To unsubscribe to HempSA-News

send e-mailto:hempsa-news-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com


Edited by charbono
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Guest Field_of_Light

Is there a frontperson for this group that is going to appeal to a wider demographic? Ie someone that doesnt have dreads and isnt carrying a pipe anywhere that will actually get taken seriously? I dont beleive you can succeed when the conservative image of pro mj is drugged out hippies...it just reinforces their own paranoid views.....


Just my two cents

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Welcome, Budsta and Gruntis! You will definitely enjoy Tuesday's meeting. Bring your inspiration and good vibes! :P


Field_of_light > You don't have to be part of the system to change it.

Pro-hemp supporters come from all walks of life. Even politicians, teachers, doctors and little old ladies.


not everyone fits the 'stoned hippy' stereotype. Those that can and yet still know their stuff and command respect deserve it.

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Guest Field_of_Light

Yes Charbono I know that............


But think......outside the square


who makes the decisions regarding the mj laws in South oz?....politicians....what better way to appeal to a wider range of politicians than to have someone who knows their stuff that they will bother listening to...if your going to rock up and not want to be taken seriously then keep avoiding my question.......


You can effect a lot of chnge by pretending to be decent members of society...lets face it most mj users are....but if u want a political platform them you need to appeal to the people making the laws


I went to the big day out and saw the hemp sa stand......and yeh it was a warm day....and an informal occasion....but damn it as friendly and helpful as the poeple were I couldnt help but think their platform might be bettered with some strong frontperson that didnt have that quintesential pot smoker looka bout them


politicians need to know mj smokers are upstanding mem=bers of the community too

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