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g'day; try this one with munchies..... INGREDIENTS: 1 egg yolk-beaten 1/4 cup water 2/3 cup honey 4 tablespoons dope butter 1/3 cup brown sugar ( add 2gm of dried/ powdered buds if desired, instead of dope butter). METHOD: combine all ingredients together. place in a double saucepan and cook over hot water until thickened, stirring frequently.beat well before using.serve hot or cold over ice cream. makes 1 1/3 cups sauce
Last reply by sols, -
- 0 replies
g'day;here is lolly recipe INGREDIENTS: 2oz dope butter 2 tablespoons honey 1 cup brown sugar 1 large can of condensed milk METHOD: melt butter, add sugar and allow to dissolve. add honey and milk and keep on low heat till boiling point is reached. boil for 15-20 minutes ( or until a ball is formed when dropped into cold water),stirring all the time. pour into greased tin and when almost cold, mark into squares. when cold, cut into squares.
Last reply by sols, -
- 0 replies
g'day HONEY BUTTER BUBBLES...... INGREDIENTS: 4 oz dope butter 4 tablespoons honey 3/4 cup sugar 2/3 cup grated cooking chocolate 1/2 cup coconut 5 cups of crisp rice cereal METHOD: grease two oblong trays with butter. place dope butter,honey and sugar in a saucepan.dissolve slowly, and boil for 3 minutes without the chocolate,coconut and rice cereal in a bowl.pour honey butter mix over the cereal, and stir until well mixed. press this mixture into the two trays. when firm cut into squares. makes 48 squares.
Last reply by sols, -
- 0 replies
g'day; APRICOT HONEY COOKIES INGREDIENTS: 4oz dope butter 3 tablespoons honey 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 egg 2 cups self-raising flour 1 tablespoon cocoa 1 cup chopped dried apricots METHOD: cream butter with honey and sugar until light and fluffy. beat in egg. sift together the flour and cocoa. fold into mixture.lastly add the chopped apricots. make mixture binto balls. place on greased oven tray and bake in a moderate oven for approx. 12-15 minutes. when cool ice with chocolate icing and decorate with cherry. makes 40 cookies.
Last reply by sols, -
- 8 replies
Quick & Easy Now when your stoned the last thing you wanna do is use your brain even though im a chief by trade when im stoned the last think i wanna do is cook complicated meals . even thought those reciepies on the msg board sound fucking awsome try some of these options Craked Pepper Tamato soup & Pasta Swirls -------------------------------------------------------- All thats needed is a tin of everyday tamato soup ,some water for the pasta swirls, milk and a creamed crack pepper deceration All you need to do is : Boil your soup and pasta swirls. add milk to the soup for a extra creamy taste , then get pepper corns and crush them in sour cream …
Last reply by Ferre, -
What is it in chocolate that makes it addictive ? Chocolate contains small amounts of phenyl-ethanolamine (PEA), anandamide, and theobromine. Theobromine is related to caffeine and has a similar effect. PEA can induce a relaxed - pleasure mode in the consumer. Anandamide is related to chemicals present in cannabis. We have yet to discover which of the many substances in chocolate make people become CHOCOHOLICS.
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
- 3 replies
Urban try this for size First off whoever created macornie and cheese is a god damm legend the all out stoners meal. what would be even kooler man is if u made a canna recipie for macaroni cheese . May The Canna be with you cronic la jar jar
- 1 reply
I got this from a uk420 board, hope you like it. Red Curry Paste. Ingredients. 4 plump cloves of garlic. 6 deseeded red chillies. 2 lemon grass stalks. 1 red onion. 1.1" piece of root ginger rind from 1 lime. 1 tsp ground coriander seeds. 1 tsp ground black pepper. 1 tsp salt. 1/2 tsp ground cummin. 1 tbsp fish sauce. 6 fresh corander stalks. 1 tbsp freshly ground bud.(or 1 tsp good hash). Method. Zap the lot in a food processer into a paste and bung into the fridge. Other ingredients. 500g (1lb 2oz) chicken breast, cubed. 2 tbsp veg oil. 1 tbsp fres ground bud (or 1 tsp good hash) 1 clove garlic,crushed. 1 quantity of Thai red curry paste (see above). 2 tbsp fish sau…