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- 3 replies
g'day;good healthy meal starter, you need...... 1 medium tomato, 1/2 teaspoon onion flakes, 1gm chopped buds, 1/2 teaspoon basil, sprinkle cayenne pepper. parsley to garnish. cut off top of tomato, carefully remove tomato pulp without breaking skin, set aside. combine onion flakes, tomato pulp, chopped buds , salt and pepper to taste. place all back into tomato case, replace the top of tomato, and bake in oven at 180C until cooked. ( approx 10 minutes ). you could also add cheese on top if diet allows. note: these stuffed tomatoes will pack a lot of punch, do not ingest more than 1 with dose given above.
- 5 replies
1. get bread 2. spread butter on outside of bread 3. put slice of cheese in the middle 4. thow in t/s maker 5. check on them fairly regularly 6. rip em out when golden brown 7. eat while hot works for me every time :-) butter goes on outer surfaces of bread =========== <---bread ------------------ <---cheese =========== <---bread too easy
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 5 replies
I start each morning with a banana smoothie any ideas on how to add the extra punch i am looking for? Would just adding canna butter do it?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 0 replies
when im high i love a cheesy omlette with mushrooms and spring onions in! scrambled egg is lovely too..... so, you lot like that stuff
Last reply by only_toking, -
- 2 replies
if you got a bakers delight near you do yourself a favour and pick up one of these chillie cheese twists. $4 stoner feast. I picked one up the other night for munchies and it was hot out of the oven, and I don't think I ever tasted anything better.
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General Information: White Cluster's post on cannabis strains Grow Diaries: Pipeman's first grow Nimers first hydro setup! Luke Skywalker's Cabinet of Force Mr. Putard's First Indoor Grow
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 2 replies
Cloning is commonly used because it saves the time and space involved in growing from seed and weeding out males every crop. Once you have a plant you know is a good female you clone it and keep the clone in perpetual veg. as a mother plant taking clones from it to grow out and flower as necessary. Clones can be taken in flower, but are best taken when your plant is in veg. Its also a good idea to wait until your plant is at least a foot tall before you try to clone from it. To clone you need a branch with a grow tip at least 10cm long. Neatly cut the branch with a sharp knife or scissors trying not to damage the stem. Your clones are then placed in a moist mediu…
Last reply by nouseforaname, -
- 1 reply
ok, picture this, bacon carbonara with chips mixed into it, i shit you not, chips, god i had this once when some friends were over after school, we cooked it up and fuck it was great, munch on......
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Depending on your grow setup and the characteristics of your plants there are different methods you can employ to best take advantage of your grow space and maximise yields. Very broadly speaking regular growing involves one plant per square foot. An alternate method often used in small grow boxes is SCROG (Screen of Green) which involves a mesh screen like chicken wire about a foot above your pots and your plants are gently bent and grown to fill out the screen maximising light to more bud sites and creating an even canopy of buds, rather than one main bud and smaller lower buds like you get in regular growing. This method is used in growboxes to get around low he…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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Growing in soil is slower than growing in a hydro system, but some say buds grown in organic soil mixes taste better than hydro buds. Growing in soil involves little more than a decent sized pot with drainage holes and a saucer, say 300mm, filling with your potting mix of choice and watering as required. MJ plants like an airy, well draining soil. For this reason perlite or something similar is often added to potting mix to make it "lighter". Generally plants in soil require watering every 2-3 days. A rough guide is to wait till the top inch of soil drys out before watering again. When watering give them water until it starts to come out the drain holes. If wat…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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The objective with harvesting is to do it when your plant is at its peak potency. You can harvest by colour of the hairs on the buds or the colour of the trichomes. If going by colour of hairs harvest when 70% of hairs are brown. Colour of trichomes is a more accurate method of determining harvest time. Trichomes are the resin stalks that look like tiny mushrooms. You will need a 30x magnifying glass or better to see trichomes. Trichomes will be clear, then milky, then amber. As they just start to turn amber the plant is at its peak potency. Here is a pic of some trichomes under a cheap $40 microscope. Trichome pic Generally buds harvested earlier will give a…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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To make seed is easy, you just pollinate your best female with your best male. However the seeds you make will not necessarily produce the same quality of plants as your originals. It may be better, it may be worse, just pot luck, so to speak. Do not confuse making seed with breeding. Breeding a strain requires multiple generations and selecting parents from a large number of plants from each generation. Making seed for the home grower is only good if you want to give seeds to mates or have some spare if your clones/mothers die for some reason. But really, just cloning from your best female and keeping as a mother plant is the best and easiest way to go for the home…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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Once your plants start flowering, within a couple of weeks they will start to show sex. Female plants will produce buds with white hairs while male plants will produce pollen sacks or balls. Most of us just want to grow MJ to smoke good bud, so therefore kill all male plants as soon as they are identified. A male plant can very quickly pollinate your female plants, greatly reducing the quantity and quality of your buds. Another trait to look out for is hermies. A plant can appear to be female making nice bud then out of nowhere start to produce pollen sacks, thus making it part male and part female or IOW a hermie. Hermies should be killed along with the males, as t…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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The general stages of growth in the life cycle of an MJ plant are germinating seeds, seedlings, vegetative growth, and finally flowering. You can also clone MJ plants rather than grow from seed all the time which saves time and space. Cloning is not complicated, and involves little more than cutting off a branch and placing it in a moist medium for it to grow roots and bingo, you’ve cloned an MJ plant. Generally speaking there are two types of MJ plant, sativas and indicas. Sativas are mostly associated with outdoor growing because they take much longer to finish and are tall, stretchy plants that are difficult to grow indoors. Indicas or Indica/Sativa hybrids are…
Last reply by pipeman, -
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The idea behind this topic is to try to outline roughly what is involved in growing MJ and trying to get across that it is a relatively simple task that anyone can do if they so choose. Indoor Growing The main reason people grow indoors is because they have more control over their growing conditions and can grow and harvest all year round. Also as long as you keep your grow well hidden and your mouth shut, you don’t have to worry about cops or rippers. Indoor growing can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. Anyone can grow, you don’t need to know about plants or gardening. The basic requirements for an indoor grow are medium (soil, perlite, clay b…
Last reply by pipeman,