Off-Beat News
Strange and unusual off-beat news collected by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
757 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, I am a smart and well-read person, but in order to get a lot of knowledge and reading, I donated the time in which everyone learns to meet girls and increase their sexuality. But now that I have a good job and a good education, I want to find a wonderful beautiful girl who will understand me. Where can you do this on the Internet now?
Last reply by louise, -
- 3 replies
Hi crew ,Did anyone see the news on Tv about most vape liquids. They really are very bad for you,I am not a Doctor so don't hit me with any crap about what I am about to say here in this post. In the USA there are quite a few peoples in hospitals with big health probs from vaping shit vape liquids. I am sorry that I can't remember where I read this info on bad vape liquids,it may have been on this site ???. I have never used any of these vape liquids an never will. If anyone has any more info on these bad vape liquids please go ahead an post on this thread as it may save some poor bugger from a very painful death. Your eyes will pop out when you read up on wh…
Last reply by Phantomas, -
- 7 replies
Hi crew ,Just a few line on {LYRICA}. About 20 yr ago one of my doctor put me on the wonder drug Lyrica,He told me that it was the new wonder drug that would not fuck me up or have any bad side effects. Well that was one big load of bullshit. After taking this Lyrica for about 1 week I told my doctor I was having bad side effects from it,Oh no that is not true he told me. =depression,/zoned right out /could not feel any pain. I told him they seemed to have a bad effect on my nerves system an that I had squashed a few of my fingers with a large rock while mouveing it.My hand was inside a pair of gloves an that I did not notice that I had squashed 2 of my large fing…
Last reply by louise, -
- 3 replies
100 points of id required for social media accounts here in Aus. Good idea or rubbish?
Last reply by cardrona, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by eloisavalencia, -
- 1 reply
Women found unconscious cautioned for lockdown breach after eating cannabis cookies ( lol
Last reply by Anoma, -
- 0 replies
Ladies and gentleman, You wouldnt believe it, but finally there is a Hydro shop opening in the southern Adelaide Hills. A Hydro store in Littlehampton, Brand new, run by a young fella, who has worked in a shop up north for 5ish years, served me many a time - made me a regular... Shops gonna be called The Hydro Institute. Anyone know of any goss?, keen to check it out.
Last reply by adlprop666, -
- 13 replies
"Dozens of packets of mystery seeds from Asia have arrived at Australian addresses, prompting fears of a biosecurity breach that could wreak havoc on the environment and farm industries. Authorities do not know who sent the seeds, or even what varieties the seeds are." Ignoring for a moment that the ABCs national rural reporter has ended the sentence with a verb designed to link words in a meaningful manner, these seeds look kind of familiar.
Last reply by Kid 420, -
- 420 Crew
- 49 replies
Yo guys, After a few years of trial and error - good and bad stories, i think its time we hold the shops accountable! After service and product offering reviews. People's good and bad experiences. Basically hydro stores don't have a strong presence on notable review platforms, so its hard to tell which shop is good or bad. Lets hear your experiences
Last reply by adlprop666, -
Well, it was bound to happen. There has been a world widespread glut on seeds. Like the toilet paper fiasco, there has been massive hoarding of seeds. A few major international banks have SOLD OUT of most strains. Places like Seedsman have sold out of all the popular breeders- there's hardly anything left. I also received replies from a few Aus banks that they are totally sold out of everything. Hang on, this ride is getting bumpy. Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by UpInTheHills, -
Last week they were reporting 50 odd confirmed cases. Today there are over 11000. Over 200 now dead. Moving pretty quickly. Eek. Australia 2 last week.........7 currently????? Brought some masks for justin case. ......thinking global stocks may dry up? Getting family to wash hands regularly and improve hygiene regardless.
Last reply by seedsmanspain, -
- 2 replies
New hope for emphysema patients: 15-minute heated water vapour blast could help repair damaged lungs A quick blast of steam could give thousands of Britons battling breathlessness Over a period of days, scarred tissue shrinks, freeing up space in the lungs The new procedure aims to help people suffering with severe emphysema
Last reply by magurbanhere, -
- 1 reply
I hope all our friends are safe from the fire. Maybe some of you have a story to share. Peace out
Last reply by Sugar, -
Spider Bikie 1 2
by Clementine- 15 replies
- 1.7k views I reckon all convicted pedophiles should do time in a corrective center. Including those that knowingly and falsely accuse others of heinous crimes their not responsible for. Nothing more depraved then a pedophile, including those knowingly and falsely accusing others of such crimes. Scums.
Last reply by ghostrifles01, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Last reply by kloud9, -