Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Just been reading this Is this another "let's look at it" but not really let the general public know our views.
- 0 replies
Hi all, like most have ordered seeds from overseas and some have been stopped by custom's. What is the most you can be charged with ? if anything Have got the letter twice at two different address's under different name's, But have never heard anymore. Thank you in advance
Last reply by farmer, -
- 5 replies
Hi! I´m a new member here and live in Oulu, Finland. Anyways, a few days ago I was offered a chance to go to Sydney to study for 9 months. Naturally the first thing what crossed my mind was the pot. So I have a few questions to you aussies, and I´ll be really grateful if somebody can give me the answers. First, are the drug laws in Sydney (southern Australia?) the same to foreigners than they are for local people? Second, what the laws are in practice? I know what they are theorically, but what do you get in real life if you get caught from use, posession or growing.. Third, what´s the public opinion about smoking? Can you smoke in public places, how elderly people …
Last reply by Nath, -
Making Bongs 1 2 3
by IndoSmoke- 20 replies
i was just thinkin about making a bong outta labratory glasses. is it possible to make a hole by using a blow torch and using glass glue to cover the loose bits?? anyone try this? I've got the pipe, cone thingy together with metal pipes but i'm still confused about making the hole. any have any ideas??
Last reply by Nath, -
- 2 replies
after a more in depth victorian law writeup rather than the very vague caught with possession of 50 grams or less = $150 fine and blah blah blah. anyone know any links?
Last reply by F420, -
- 6 replies
this is an interesting story i though id share with you all late last March myself, Psylence and another friend decided to go and have a quick bong in the gym changerooms at lunch. its the schools smoking spot, whether it be pot or ciggarettes (usually cigs), and students never get caught. in these changerooms there is one cubical, closed off from a urinal alongside it. you snap a load in the cubical, and if a teacher comes in, youre hidden, and hope they go away. so i took the first cone back, then psylence. when our other mate... let's call him Bob... went in to take his, a teacher walked in. now the bong was on the floor, and the place reeked of pot cos it was the…
Last reply by free choice, -
- 7 replies
Due to dismal dynamics of cannabis activism in Sydney, we are going to start to advertise for fresh blood to assist in future political activies. Coming up is the 1st anniversary of Bob Carr's statement in the Parliament on 20th May 2003 This is a perfect opportunity to give Bob some stick. So far we only have 2 protesters and myself. It would be nice if we could get some other patients or supporters could show up as well. If anyone out there can help, this is critical time. It's important to keep this issue fresh in the public's mind. It would also be a good chance to rubbish Bob's suggestion of importing a 'container' load of refined drug from Canada. Believe …
Last reply by free choice, -
- 2 replies
Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League Media Release 25th June 2004 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Trafficking A celebration of the ongoing human rights abuses faced by people who use illicit drugs Australian drug users have called on Federal politicians to investigate the serious abuses of human rights in country and in our region in the name of the “war on drugs”. Gary Meyerhoff, the Acting President of AIVL, the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League said that he hopes that Australia’s Drug Action Week and global activities planned for tomorrow will remind politicians of the fear, stigma, discrimination, loss of liberty and l…
Last reply by free choice, -
- 2 replies
A magistrate admitted today that drug prohibition is the real cause of drug related harm in the Northern Territory of Australia. Wallace made the comments while sentencing a young man to a 28 day mandatory sentence for possession of Cannabis, Amphetamines and Ecstasy. While delivering sentence in Court 2 at Darwin Magistrate’s Court this morning, Wallace told the court that he accepted that the defendant had suffered “No physiological or psychological harm from his drug use.” He said that the only harm suffered by the defendant was due to his encounter with the criminal justice system. Yesterday, defence lawyer Alan Woodcock told the court that “Taking large amou…
Last reply by free choice, -
- 1 reply
Human rights activists in Darwin are concerned for their safety and the safety of the public at this week's Network Against Prohibition (NAP) Community Smoke-In for Human Rights. Event organisers have vowed that the event will go ahead on Saturday despite the refusal of Darwin City Council to issue a permit. An appeal has been lodged with the Local Government Review Tribunal however it is not expected that the appeal will be heard before Saturday. The Community Smoke-Ins, held regularly in Darwin's Raintree Park, form part of the Darwin communities ongoing struggle against the Northern Territory Labor Government's 'drug house' legislation which allows police to place …
Last reply by free choice, -
- 0 replies
Members of the Darwin based drug user organisation the Network Against Prohibition have invited everyone who is opposed to the presence of US troops in the Northern Territory (NT) to attend the 18th Community Smoke-in for Human Rights at high noon tomorrow in Darwin’s Raintree Park. The Community Smoke-ins are regular protest events where members of the community openly smoke cannabis in defiance of the NT Government’s ‘drug house’ legislation and the war on drugs in general. Network Against Prohibition (NAP) spokesperson Gary Meyerhoff said that one of the reasons the network oppose drug prohibition is because it is used by the United States to dictate foreign polic…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 0 replies
If the public understood the true history, causes and effects of the war on drugs and the international regime of drug prohibition, they would recognise the prohibition itself as the greatest organised crime on earth. Respectful law enforcement has been diminished by police involvement in the war on drugs. A special kind of divide and rule has resulted which separates police from drug users. This divide has adverse consequences for the police recruiting program. The drug prohibition adds to the social isolation of police and frequently results in the corruption of police officers. The war on drugs is a declared war and those captured in it are entitled to the protec…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 2 replies
all over europe the lights are going on, non-paranoid people are enjoying a smoke of good shit. my question? do we have the cops to thank in large measure for this. and how does that make you feel? holland. amsterdam weekends, gave us all a taste. not really fair on the dutch though. a few people got rich, city got swamped. they liked the cash though too many people smoking to stop it without political fall-out now. i bet the tories in uk won't change the law if they get in; too many votes to lose! beat-cops have turned a blind-eye for years.chief-constables calling for decriminalisation for five years or more now. too expensive to police too many other more important…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Anti-Drug Warriors in Australia’s outback were quiet yesterday after the startling revelation that $1 billion worth of illicit drugs was consumed in the Northern Territory over the past year. The figures were leaked to the Northern Territory News by Police Commissioner Paul White. White told the Northern Territory News that illicit drugs valued at more than $20 million have been seized by police in the Northern Territory during the financial year ending 30th June 2004. The Darwin based drug user organisation the Network Against Prohibition (NAP) has estimated that Northern Territory Police intercept close to two percent of the illicit drugs destined for consumption …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 15 replies
i was wondering what would happen if i was busted... so i did a lil research forewarned is forearmed eh? ref: tasmania supreme court - sentence comments TASMANIA v RODRICK CLAIRE SHEPHEARD 12 May 2004 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE EVANS J Consistent with the jury's verdict, you are convicted of one count of cultivating a controlled plant for sale, one count of possessing a thing intended for use in the cultivation of a controlled plant for sale and one count of stealing electricity. In about August 2000, you moved to premises in which you set up an elaborate indoor system for the hydroponic cultivation of cannabis. When police raided the premises on …
Last reply by livebytheleaf,