Cannabis Law and Politics
Author: By ROBYN BLUMNER Date: 18 February 2009 Source: Green County Dailies;TM=5320.781
Last reply by Innocent criminal, -
- 0 replies
Ever wonder why, despite all the evidence to support the value of Cannabis and Cannabis derivatives to health and the welfare of the seriously ill, that our government still considers us stoners to be outlaws, and still criminalises the consumption of pot? Read this. I know it's wikipedia, but the external sources link to primary source documentation. This is similar to other international agreements that our successive parliaments have signed us up to without referendum. It makes for very interesting reading. Apologies if this is not the correct thread, but the Belladonna I'm curently smoking has my brain doing circus tricks! Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
Last reply by Teucer, -
- 4 replies
I found this interesting and while I new about it I didnt know the specific details of what happened. This should be widely known! If people knew the real story behind the demonizing of pot they would be outraged. Way back when, cannibis hemp was the new cash crop. It was being hailed by everyone as the miracle plant, including the AMA. It was so successful that it was going to replace wood as the main ingredient in paper. It was easily renewable and didn't require the vast amounts of water to produce paper like wood does. It also didn't pollute nearly as much. Lots of rich people had a huge stake in wood and paper, the Duponts, etc. Eventually, a banker and influential…
Last reply by boxerbill, -
- 1 reply
Author: Patrick Gower Date: 16 February 2009 Source: The New Zealand Herald Copyright: Copyright 2009, APN Holdings NZ Limited
Last reply by Teucer, -
- 420 Crew
- 81 replies
Hi guys, I've been thinking for a long time about the possibility of creating a new party with the single policy of legalising marijuana. No doubt many others have had this idea and other parties standing on the same platform already exist at a federal level. I'm not the most savvy person when it comes to the quagmire of modern electioneering and politicking in general but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Atleast half of Australians have smoked pot at some point and this would be a splendid way of educating people about the benefits of industrial hemp. Personally I'd like to see indepth research into the potential for hempseed oil as a biomass fuel for power plants…
Last reply by 67Special, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
TWO healthy children who had never been abused or neglected by their parents were forced into foster care last September after it was found the couple had smoked cannabis. The two children -- a girl, aged two, and her baby brother -- were removed from their home by police officers after two case workers from the NSW Department of Community Services had reported their concerns over the parents' drug use. But three months later, NSW Supreme Court judge George Palmer ordered that the children be returned to their parents, whom a psychologist had found to be "loving, sensitive and ... well able to provide for the safety, welfare and wellbeing of their infant children". …
Last reply by entheofarm, -
- 1 reply
- 770 views 10:31 AEST Mon Jan 19 2009 by Larine Statham Australia's only sitting Democrat says she is pleased the man she voted for will replace her when she retires. David Winderlich worked as Sandra Kanck's policy adviser for several years, before being elected to replace her in the legislative council of the South Australian Parliament in a party vote that took place last week. "He has an excellent understanding of parliament and knows all the laws that are up in the air at the moment and he'll be able to slip right into it," Ms Kanck said. Richard Way and Craig Bossie also contended the seat, but were defeated by the father of five. "All I know was tha…
Last reply by iamnotacop, -
Oh noes. When the libs were in power they put forth the idea a couple of times of making the internet more family friendly. Fair enough, I don't ant my kids getting hit with unwanted porn or other nasties. These ideas however were always opt-in, that is, that if you were concerned about that kind of thing you have it activated at a user level. This NEW plan involves blanket censorship at the ISP level..whether you want it or not. This includes 2 lists, a child-friendly one and one that also blocks 'illegal' sites including kiddie porn (fair enough) terrorist sites and DRUG SITES. It's bad enough that mj is illegal in the first place, making it illegal to even talk a…
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 1 reply
Author: Dorsett Bennett Date: 8 February 2009 Source: Copyright: © 2008
Last reply by Teucer, -
- 0 replies
Author: Dorsett Bennett Date: 3 February 2009 Source: Salem News Copyright: © 2008
Last reply by grace, -
- 0 replies
SOURCE: Email response from, The National Drugs and Poisons Scheduling Committee Regarding cannabis and cannabis products The National Drugs and Poisons Scheduling Committee (NDPSC) is responsible for the scheduling of drugs and poisons, at the Commonwealth Government level. The NDPSC is a statutory committee established under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 and is responsible for determining the classification or scheduling of medicines, as well as agricultural, veterinary and domestic chemicals in Australia. The NDPSC’s authority is described in the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989. However, while the work of the NDPSC is conducted under that Act, the NDPSC Secreta…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
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SOURCE: Professor Craker responds to Bush Administration’s Eleventh Hour Blow To Scientific Freedom On January 30, 2009, lawyers for Professor Lyle Craker filed a motion of reconsideration in response to the DEA’s final ruling, which was the Bush Adminstration's final blow to medical marijuana research. The Bush administration struck a parting shot to legitimate science on January 14th, as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) refused to end the government monopoly over the supply of marijuana available for Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-sanctioned research. DEA’s final ruling rejected the nearly 2-year-old recommendation of DEA Adminis…
Last reply by entheofarm, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
hey just wondering if anybody knows if you can bring a bong back from victoria on a airplane to queensland????
Last reply by nici, -
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Author: Nick Ralston Date: 5 February 2009 Source: Sydney Morning Herald Copyright: © 2009 AAP
Last reply by grace, -
Illegal cannabis 1 2
by Teucer- 14 replies
It occurs to me that if you make something illegal, only criminals are going to use it.
Last reply by Beans,