Cannabis Law and Politics
- 1 reply
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 11 replies
Ok for all you leet designers that wanna contribute in that way please post your designs for posters and fliers here diversity is good so smoke some weed and get those creative juices flowing and design away.
Last reply by dakratzman, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, at 5:30 tonight on the Hack section of triple j, they have the last segment of "crime week" where one of the questions they're asking is "what is illegal but shoudnt be?". Today is talking about "the victim" - if we could talk about the victims of prohibition that would be great. This would be a great opportunity to get the cannabis legalization discussion on the airwaves. We should get as many people as possible calling up if they feel elequoent enough to address the issue.
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 13 replies
Here is the list of name suggestions made by the cutoff date in the previous topic. It's a reasonably long list. I would ask that you read and consider each name before voting. The voting rules are: You can choose up to 3 names you like the MOST from the list and vote for them in order with your favourite first. If you put down more than 3 names I will only count the top 3 You can only vote once Your vote must be in by midnight SUNDAY to be counted You can't add new name suggestions to the list Please put your votes IN THIS TOPIC THREAD ONLY ACLRA Australian Cannabis Law Reform Association CLRAA Cannabis Law Reform Association Australia CAFE Ca…
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 420 Crew
- 39 replies
OK ... Now that things are back on track here, we need to get up and running. We need to choose a name for this organisation, so that a banner can be made for use at the NCPIC conference that is coming up in Sydney on 7-9 September 2009. (see here for info and contact person if you can be in Sydney then.... LMM's post for activists attending Sydney Here is a list of SOME previous suggestions. I have removed ACIC and NCIC from the list as I know they are under consideration by another group and I don't want to cause confusion with the public in general by having two groups with the same name. I also removed duplicate names, and nonsense ones. ACLRA Austral…
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 3 replies
greetnz Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit." — White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, at a Fresno, Calif., press conference If "legalization" is in neither Obama nor Kerlikowske's vocabularies (As was stated at the press conference)... Well There is currently a campaign to fill Kerlikowske's office with dictionaries and stacks of postcards too, with "legalization" defined for them or a cheeper option is the supplied email links here is the link let the dictonaries rain hahahahaha forward ever free cannabis free the people free the land
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 0 replies
Link to Just thinking... If there are members here who are also members of GetUp I'd like you to send them a suggestion on having a campaign to legalise cannabis, or at least a poll on their site to gauge public interest in the issue. This is the format of a poll I am running on facebook, and perhaps it might be suitable for people to copy and send to any site they feel might be suitable, such as survey sites, other forums, Human Rights groups, political party sites etc. Question: Should Cannabis be legalised in Australia? a ) Yes, unrestricted access b ) Yes, with Government restrictions c ) Yes, only under Doctor's prescription d ) Yes, if yo…
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 420 Crew
- 61 replies
Hi guys I want to start this as we really only have a month to organize something if no one else is interested ill still be there by myself if i have to so here it is. There is a conference by NCPIC Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris St., Ultimo, NSW 7 – 8 September 2009 NCPIC is pleased to announce that the Centre will be convening the first National Cannabis Conference in 2009. The plan is basically to go down there and spread awareness to whoever wants to hear it out side the convention we will let the media know and keep it peaceful all we are there to do is spread the correct information.
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
Activists wanted 1 2 3 4 5
by iamnotacop-
- 420 Crew
- 43 replies
OK, So I have been a member here for many years, and I have contributed to a number of activism type threads. I am no angel, and I freely admit to making many stupid comments on here. I have tried to get a few topics started in regards to activism, but often my own arrogance got in the way and they all got shut down. So time to start again. Basically what I am after is an indication of the users who are interested in activism. Who genuinely want to help change the laws? I am only interested in hearing from people who are actually willing to stand up for what they believe in. Trolls are not invited and will basically be ignored. I once mentioned "agent provocateurs" , go…
Last reply by jabez, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre The NCPIC mission is to reduce the use of cannabis in Australia by preventing uptake and providing the community with evidence-based information and interventions NCPIC is a Department of Health and Ageing initiative. sorry that sounds like bullshit to me! promoting this kind of crap Conclusion Although recent cannabis use among Australians appears to have declined steadily since 1998, cannabis remains the most commonly used illicit drug in Australia. Furthermore, at least in the context of emergency departments in two inner-city Sydney hospitals, cannabis use appears to be asso…
Last reply by jabez, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Iamnotacop brought up something in the Naming thread that I think deserves a bit more than just a mention in another topic. One thing that has always gotten in the way before with many groups in my mind is " the way things should be done" and what their actual goals are. Like it has with religion and many other beliefs it has caused separation between pro-cannabis groups or users trying to start a group. I think the solution thought up in the other thread of a single conglomerate group split into sub-sections is something that can work to solve what has been a potential issue in the past and it will also mean that more people will be able to slot themselves into hel…
Last reply by MadamePandora, -
- 3 replies
I just wanted to thank the site organisers and whoever else contributed to make this forum happen. It is very exciting, for me anyway. Lets all work together and make a positive difference.
Last reply by bloodshot_eyes, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys you dont even need to leave your home to start doing something. Start a blog use twitter, facebook, digg anything you can think of to spread and support you message and others relating to cannabis legalization. This is a good place to start use the "Share This" link to share and spread the word Do your part for cannabis law reform and spread the correct information and dont forget to link back to oz stoners
Last reply by CannabisMan, -
- 15 replies
Ok ive been thinking and reading through the Australian constitution and i was thinking. If ya cant beat em join em. They refer to god several times i noticed and religious freedom. Then it occurred to me the bible and transcripts from decades and centurys ago promote cannabis use based on the same god and the same jesus that the constitution is refering to. Then it occurred to me we can create own own denomination and be free to use our wonderful cannabis plant as god intended. some acts from the constitution and some demonination material for us so what ya think do we have a shot or what
Last reply by jabez, -
- 10 replies
Ok this is what I don't understand if bongs are illegal then why does everyone keep selling them like at off ur tree they are clearly selling bongs that look different to the bongs before they were made illegal but operate pretty much the same and they call them oil pourers i've seen them at afew tobacconists aswell... So how is this legal clearly its a bong yeah you might be able to use it for pouring oil but no one will use it for that purpose....
Last reply by jabez,