Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
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The Legalise Cannabis Party advocates for positive policy reform relating to cannabis for both health and personal users. Legalise Cannabis Parties have formed or are in the process of forming in every state and territory of Australia. We need to organise and campaign in every state for reform and common sense policy. Prohibition is enforced at the state level as are the laws governing policing and driving. Reduce harmThe criminalisation of cannabis use disproportionately harms young people and indigenous people, leads to massive levels of violence and corruption, and fails to curb youth access. Create jobs Legalising and regulating cannabis will bring one of the nation’s…
Last reply by cardrona, -
- 420 Crew
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To all Cannabis law reform supporters. There are Legalise Cannabis Western Australia Party candidates in all six upper house regions giving every WA voter the opportunity to support Cannabis law reform in the state election on 13 March. The LCWA Party also have candidates in 10 electorates. The state election campaign is in its last two weeks. Your donation would help with the last flurry of campaigning. Please donate what you can afford to support the Legalise Cannabis WA Party via their website. Donate Legalise Cannabis Western Australia Party Policy LCWA Party have one Policy. To legalise Cannabis for all its uses. LCWA don’t have other firm ‘policies’ because they…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
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What has changed in the year since cannabis possession was legalised in the ACT? - ABC News
Last reply by lipari9, -
- 420 Crew
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Cannabis users around the country cheer as the second branch of the Legalise Cannabis state Parties gains registration in Western Australia. The newly registered LCWA Party will be fielding candidates in the WA March election giving users a voice from the privacy of the ballot box. NSW and Victoria branches are under construction and Tasmania is in its early stages of formation as is South Australia. The Medical Cannabis Users Assoc of Australia Inc (MCUA) has been instrumental in helping to make this happen since being involved with the formation of the Qld branch – from inception thru to running candidates in just over 6 months – last year. Legalise Cannabis Qld Party a…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
Hi All I know this is a topic that pops up every now and then but I feel it's an important one to bring to others attention especially now with the ACT passing laws.
Last reply by 420bushboss, -
- 420 Crew
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Hi EveryoneThe Legalise Cannabis WA Party is up and running. It is the second of the states to come on board in what we hope to make nation wide Legalise Cannabis Parties. We had wonderful success in the Qld State election last month gaining 5% of the vote in some electorates and between 3-4% in most of the 23 electorates where we stood candidates. Not bad for a young party only registered one month before the election and at their first attempt! We hope to replicate this success in WA and HEMP have kindly offered to let their WA members know about the new Party and encourage you to join. It will not affect your membership to the HEMP Party as they are a federal and LCWA …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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A Joint Press Release from Legalise Cannabis Queensland (LCQ) and Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP): two political parties speaking on behalf of the many thousands of people who are daily impacted by the brutal, irrational and unjust war on Cannabis users. Legalise Cannabis Queensland: for compassion & common-sense.“Global attitudes to Cannabis use are changing fast as people recognise we have banned one of the Earths most useful plants. And one of the safest medicines in nature. No one has died from using pot in ten thousand years of use, it just cannot kill you.” So says Michael Balderstone president of the HEMP Party sitting alongside Deb Lynch, vice presiden…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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The Legalise Cannabis Qld Party believes that Cannabis law reform does not have to be complicated and the ‘Grape Theory’ forms the basis of the necessary reforms at state level. In Queensland, too much public money is being spent for too little return on failed drug policy. There are positive flow-on benefits of legalising Cannabis in many areas and sectors of the Queensland economy, environment and the community. The Grape TheoryTreat Cannabis like grapesgrow as many grapes as you want, no licencemake as many of those grapes as you want into wine, no licenceshare that wine with your friends and family, no licenceHOWEVER the moment you want to sell some of that wine you r…
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 420 Crew
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To all New South Wales members, It is difficult to register a political party for state elections in New South Wales because 750 “Declaration of Party Membership” paper forms are required by the NSW Electoral Commission. And there’s a new form, making the previous version redundant. Your details must match those on the electoral roll. You can check them via the NSW electoral commission website. There are links on the state-member page. Print out, check on, fill in, sign up, post off. Are you a state member yet? You could put a few friend’s paper forms in the same envelope to return to Nimbin. Do you know of any party members who live near yo…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I have started a Facebook Page designed to increase support for legalising cannabis in Australia. On this page I have been posting graphics that I have developed, with statistics and other information about legalisation. The idea is that as these graphics are seen and shared, more people will become informed about legalisation and start supporting it. The number of Likes on my page is now up to 820., however I am hoping to increasing this to over 1,000. After this milestone I hope to contact some companies to gain some financial donations to promote the page, and further spread the message. If anyone reading this would Like my page, I would really app…
Last reply by RobertsKane, -
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hey OSA, recent podcast by Friendly Aussie Buds had Finn Armstrong-Schmakeit who is running for parliament in QLD, aims to legalize cannabis and is said to be free from corporate funding, so sure does tick most boxes. Finn Armstrong-Schmakeit twitter
Last reply by kloud9, -
- 420 Crew
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Sitting beside the highway near Bega every third or fourth car toots their support but how many will vote for us on Saturday remains to be seen. It’s anonymous in the polling booth and plenty of people want a corflute of the big sativa leaf but very few want to put it on their fence! Such is the impact of the war on weed on everyday people who cannot afford to lose their job. By far their biggest anger is not even being made a criminal for using the herb but the outrageous unfairness of the saliva testing of drivers. It’s an automatic 3 month loss of licence now in NSW for anyone found with over 10 nanograms of THC in their saliva..that’s ten parts per billion! Smoking …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
The Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party will provide a protest vote for Cannabis law reform at the Eden-Monaro by-election on Saturday 4 July 2020 HEMP Party President and candidate Michael Balderstone, who turns 72 during the by-election campaign, has passionately continued his protest for justice since the HEMP Party began in 1992. If Michael wins he will move to Eden-Monaro and be closer to Canberra for work on Cannabis law reform. “You’re allowed to smoke there now.” Why can’t we all grow a couple of plants like in Canberra which is surrounded by this electorate? If we were allowed home-grown for personal use across Australia, we could save billions in health…
Last reply by cardrona, -
- 420 Crew
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I grew up in the country and was sent to boarding school at a young age which I found traumatic. After discovering Cannabis my migraines miraculously disappeared. When I moved to Nimbin 35 years ago I discovered it was a refugee camp from the war on drugs. As I learnt more about this war against a plant that is a fantastic safe medicine my fury knew no bounds at such injustice. I believe if we are allowed to grow our own supply it can save billions in health costs and help millions enjoy a higher quality of life. I would provide small, affordable licences for people to supply dispensaries so they can use their knowledge and talent and this would create thousands of jobs. …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, About a week ago the Sydney Morning Herald published a scare article against cannabis. The article was entitled "Motor vehicle crashes common factor in cannabis deaths". The whole article had the tone of cannabis is bad and causes car crashes. It's really disappointing that the media does this so regularly. Expected, yes, but still disappointing. Any thoughts on how we can get the full context of information like this in front of the same audience? We wrote a rebuttal article to the SMH one called, "Vehicle Crashes, Cannabis and Alcohol". It has a lot more context than what was originally written and brings the cannabis v alcohol and driving conversation…
Last reply by brick,