Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
No matter where he goes, Obama says YES to drugs, takes drugs, advocates drugs, and declares war on his drug's competition - with extreme prejudice! Just like the last druggie President before him, and the one before that, all the way back to Washington. It's time people realized, whether Australian, American or Brit etc. we have not had one non-recreational taking President or Prime Minister, and it's hard as hell to even find one non-recreational or medicinal psychoactive drug taking Politician.....the same druggies and junkies in denial who declare war on us, and some still sit back and take it without saying, 'How dare these fucking druggies - who are too gutless to c…
Last reply by PGHGreek420, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
For Immediate Release Year 12 student, Bridget O’Halloran of Clonard College, has won $2,000 for herself and $1,500 for her school, in a national poster competition aimed at raising awareness of the negative impact of cannabis use on young people’s sporting performance. O’Halloran’s poster, ‘Get your kicks on the field. Not on the sidelines’, outshone a large number of other entries received this year by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC). Entries came from schools across the country , with almost all jurisdictions being represented this year. The annual NCPIC Poster Competition aims to raise awareness amongst secondary school students about t…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
For Immediate Release Year 12 student, Bridget O’Halloran of Clonard College, has won $2,000 for herself and $1,500 for her school, in a national poster competition aimed at raising awareness of the negative impact of cannabis use on young people’s sporting performance. O’Halloran’s poster, ‘Get your kicks on the field. Not on the sidelines’, outshone a large number of other entries received this year by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC). Entries came from schools across the country , with almost all jurisdictions being represented this year. The annual NCPIC Poster Competition aims to raise awareness amongst secondary school students about t…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, I'm new to the site, i just wrote a little article of my affiliation with the plant and why its illegal. Cheers and i hope you find it interesting read! Cannabis Opened the Flood-Gates As I live in Australia, The the use of cannabis is prohibited and penalties are quite harsh, which is in line with most of the Westernized nations. As a school boy I remember heading into my personal health and education class and the subject for today was the use of drugs in particular cannabis. The teacher inserted a dusty videotape off from one of the shelves into the TV. I was horrified what I saw, stories of teenagers stuck in their…
Last reply by Tsigle, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
We the People. By the People. For the People.....has become, We - ken the people. By - pass the people. For - nicate the people! (see photo attached) photo gallery for more 'posters'
Last reply by Tsigle, -
- 2 replies
- 800 views QUESTION: Who hasn’t been to Bali and scored and consumed a shitload of G.O.D.’s drugs? (Government Ordained Drugs). Whether you scored them at the airport (under cheap Duty Free Drugs), or you scored them at the resort where you were staying, or you scored them off the many thousands of Bali’s so-called ‘legal’ recreational drug dealers (Note: Bali’s legal drug dealers and our legal drug dealers have a lot in common. They both invite legal druggies known as Police into their dealer to wipe out any drug dealing competition taking pla…
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
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Paranoia! Even the word strikes delusional fear in the hearts and minds of some individuals and collectives. So, what is Paranoia? - Logically speaking, Paranoia is a form of illogical fear and dread, stemming from ungrounded/ irrational/ illogical and unreasonable emotional states and mindsets. But, there are two sides to every coin when it comes to fear - the other side is logical, reasonable, rational and grounded fear. ‘Fear’ is defined as (from Goth. ‘ferja’ meaning ‘pursuer’ to O.E. ‘danger, fear’) an “emotion, state of mind, caused by a sense of impending danger, misfortune, pain etc; terror, dreadâ€. This emotion/state of mind can be caused…
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
- 6 replies
(Parody of 'Imagine' - John Lennon) IMAGINE no Prohibition, It’s easy if you try. No more living in fear, and trying to understand why. Imagine all of our people, living as one human race. Imagine Universal Tolerance. And respect being shown across the world. No one being suppressed and hated, and no more tolerance flags unfurled. Imagine all of our people living together in Peace. Yoo-ou-ou-ou, You may say I’m bloody dreamin’, but I know I’m not the only one. I hope some day you’ll join us, in just living free under the sun. Imagine no discrimination. I wonder if you can. No more biased and racist attitudes, being unleashed as a Master plan. Imagine all…
Last reply by NSTC, -
- 11 replies
So, a few weeks ago I signed up to this "Stop the war on drugs" petition I saw on twitter. Expected nothing to come of it. Then today, I checked my email (something I NEVER do) and found this: (I just hope it's true)
Last reply by New2Weed, -
- 2 replies
Ros Philips of Family Voice Australia is calling for a TV advertising campaign and specialised Cannabis rehab services to help Australians quit cannabis. "Right now we are seeing a very effective TV campaign encouraging tobacco smokers to quit. But there is nothing to encourage cannabis or marijuana smokers to do the same, despite mounting evidence of the damage it does to the physical and mental health". Nothing to encourage/ brutally force cannabis consumers to give up their choice? Really? What about No Tolerance Against Cannabis Campaigns, which consist of persecution, harrassment, slander, vilification, discrimination, false imprisonment, home invasions, …
Last reply by Tsigle, -
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Tagged with: Conservatives Federal Government Mandatory Minimums Marijuana Law Enforcement Marijuana Laws Stephen Harper Minister Stephen Harper is getting tougher on pot growers than he is on rapists of children. Under the Tories’ omnibus crime legislation tabled Tuesday, a person growing 201 pot plants in a rental unit would receive a longer mandatory sentence than someone who rapes a toddler or forces a five-year-old to have sex with an animal. Producing six to 200 pot plants nets an automatic six-month sentence, with an extra three months if it’s done in a rental or …
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, I just done a cannabis survey, it's just really sadden me that some of the facts they put on are really just FALSE !!!, I personally don't think they even go and research science and benefits that cannabis can bring, instead they just ask about all the bad things about cannabis and the new WA laws, overall everything are just over-exaggerated, especially the 5.7x times to cause cancer one. Australia is really falling behind. In other countries, they are pushing and working very hard to free the world. Take care everyone.
Last reply by vertexx, -
- 4 replies
Two employees of a private security firm called G4S have been fired after attaching an electronic monitor to a man’s prosthetic leg. The firm, which claims to be “the world’s leading international security solutions group,†places tens of thousands of ankle bracelet monitors on offenders each year on behalf of Brittan’s Ministry of Justice. However, 29-year-old Christopher Lowcock, who was to be monitored for a court-imposed curfew due to drug and weapon charges, fooled them. Lowcock got G4S employees to attach his electronic monitor to the ankle of his false leg. This, of course, allowed him to remove the limb, leave it behind, and break curfew without alerti…
Last reply by canadiangrass, -
- 4 replies
just to let anyone interested the cut of date for public submittions for the new amendments to the drug act to include more of the cannabinoids and a clause that makes anything acting in a similar effect as tectrahydrocannabanol illegal closes tomorrow 7 september 2011 see Invitation for public comment - ACMS and ACCS meetings, October 2011 my sugestions if anyone is interested is as follows. thanks for reading. To: The Medical Advisory Committee. Hello my name is Martin Stone and I would like to put forward my opinion on the forthcoming amendments to the Drug Act, I am concerned about the submi…
Last reply by greenseas, -
- 4 replies
When do you think the government will decriminalize marijuana in Australia? The government have recently made the drug laws more strict in WA read more here: :thumbdown:
Last reply by uncle chron,