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Paranoia! Even the word strikes delusional fear in the hearts and minds of some individuals and collectives.


So, what is Paranoia? - Logically speaking, Paranoia is a form of illogical fear and dread, stemming from ungrounded/ irrational/ illogical and unreasonable emotional states and mindsets. But, there are two sides to every coin when it comes to fear - the other side is logical, reasonable, rational and grounded fear.


‘Fear’ is defined as (from Goth. ‘ferja’ meaning ‘pursuer’ to O.E. ‘danger, fear’) an “emotion, state of mind, caused by a sense of impending danger, misfortune, pain etc; terror, dreadâ€.


This emotion/state of mind can be caused logically or illogically…..with true paranoia obviously being in the illogical category.


Paranoia in its original Greek meaning, means ‘madness’, defined as - “a chronic disease of the mind accompanied, especially, by delusions of greatness and persecution maniaâ€.


People get paranoid, that’s a simple fact of life. Some (if not all drugs) can contribute through toxicity and excess to their emotional/ illogical paranoia. Simple way to avoid this? Eat healthy and show respect to your drug of choice.


However, for a long time now, individuals and collective groups have been mis-labelling different social conditions as paranoia, but paranoia is defined as ‘madness, delusion and mania’ - emotional, illogical things.


As such, logic dictates that - to paraphrase the old joke - ‘It’s not paranoia if someone’s really chasing you!’


A simple example is this:


A refugee camp, filled with refugees from a 70 YEAR CIVIL AND WORLD WAR, who (thanks to the War and those who wage it), knows - beyond any shadow of reasonable doubt - that armies of soldiers have attacked every single refugee camp/ cultural centre in their area, and is now in their vicinity and could invade and violate their refuge, their sanctuary at any time……WOULD YOU CALL THEM PARANOID?


Or would you state, “They have a right (through logical evidence of them being violated) to not be classed as paranoid, but instead classed as victims who have a logical and reasonable understanding that, just like Cancer, one in 2 of them will be attacked sometime in their life for their choice of medicine, recreation, spiritual agent, culture etc. that someone else has decided to wage war on without logical reason to do so.


WHY WOULD YOU ATTACK A PEACEFUL REFUGEE/ ASYLUM CAMP? Why would you attack those who only seek peace, equality, justice and one fucking hell of a Fair Go For All/ Justice For All/ A fair Chance in Life? Only Warmongers, Dictators and Dominators would do this!


Selective Prohibitionists do exactly that! They Select, they Target and they Prohibit by any means necessary. They Select and then Dictate to the Powers that be, exactly which refugee/ asylum/ SANCTUARY encampments should (nay MUST) be attacked!


A statement is going around that states, “Every 27 seconds a cannabis user gets busted…and you wonder why we’re paranoidâ€. But, logic defines that paranoia is ‘delusion, madness and mania’. As such, logic also dictates that being constantly self aware/ on guard/ focused on protecting oneself, ones family and ones property from attack and violation is NOT being paranoid.


When you’re in the middle of war, if you lose focus of what’s really happening around you, then it increases the possibility of you ending up as just another casualty of the war.


Which brings me to a negative consequence of all War and violation - and that is, P.T.S.D.


I have split this up into 3 forms (considering the ongoing unrelenting nature of the issue):


Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder - the logical fear of knowing there is a damn good chance that someone will manifest traumatic stress on you.


Present-Traumatic Stress Disorder - going through/ being put through the trauma at that present time


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - reliving the traumatization, the violation etc. and with it being an ongoing, unrelenting thing, living with fear of not only reliving the traumatization/ violation, but also being put through it again, which……bring us back to ————Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder……..


…….and (usually combined with the stresses of having to be constantly focused on the War/ terrorization at hand) this can lead to (and it’s been proven to lead to) different forms of mental and psychological illness.


Yes, people, your Government is CAUSING mental and psychological illnesses to their citizens and others World Wide, including the three forms of P.T.S.D. mentioned as well as a (quote), “Chronic disease of the mind, featuring madness, distraction, delusion and maniaâ€.


So, it looks like the Governments and other vested interests are causing paranoia - but, we should never confuse logical fear and awareness of VIOLATION as paranoia.


For those who don’t know what ‘violate’ and ‘violation’ truly means, let’s see if any of this sounds familiar to what you’ve gone through, thanks to Selective Drug/ Cultural Prohibition War….


‘Violate’ -


1) to treat with violence, mishandle, abuse.


2) to desecrate, profane, treat with indignity that which is sacred. (This pertains distinctly to our sacred cannabis genus and its culture)


3) to infringe, break, disregard or act in contradiction to a promise, oath, treaty etc. (This pertains distinctly to a supposedly iron clad promise by our Countries’ Governments to provide us ‘a Fair Go For All’, ‘Justice for All’ and a ‘Fair Chance in Life for every Individual)


4) to touch, seize, possess wrongfully. (This pertains to the members of the cannabis genus that we grow, any property we possess - including our bodies and minds and the culture that it is founded on)


5) to possess by force, to rape - Note: the word ‘rape means to ‘seize and violate’. (This pertains to every single individual and collective, whether human or otherwise, who has been seized and violated.


As such, Violation is to commit the above acts/ have them committed on you, and Violators are the ones who commit them - in this instance, against Cannabis, its Culture and its Followers.


These Travesties of Justice that I have raised in this article, need to be Exposed for what they are and the issues need to be on everyone’s lips, until they are resolved.


Article by Australian Cannabis Activist Medcanpoet 14/10/11

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