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Cannabis Opened the Flood-Gates

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Hi there,

I'm new to the site, i just wrote a little article of my affiliation with the plant and why its illegal.


Cheers and i hope you find it interesting read!



Cannabis Opened the Flood-Gates

As I live in Australia, The the use of cannabis is prohibited and penalties are quite harsh, which is in line with most of the Westernized nations. As a school boy I remember heading into my personal health and education class and the subject for today was the use of drugs in particular cannabis. The teacher inserted a dusty videotape off from one of the shelves into the TV. I was horrified what I saw, stories of teenagers stuck in their rooms smoking pot, cartoons representing pot smokers as daggy, stupid and “failures†at life. “Pot makes you lose your motivation†and “pot makes you lose your memory†was plastered all along the presentation. From then on I knew smoking the green was worse than any drug and never questioned it, I even began to stereotype pot smokers as idiots.


At the time I had a good friend, he was someone I could relate to well as we shared similar common interests. He left the school life early in year 10 as I continued on; I thought it was a bad decision to not finish school as the chance of being someone “of worth in society†would be lesser. I soon found out that he smoked weed and I linked his dropping out to the plant. It was quite funny, whenever he would forget something I knew it was the weed and preached him to stop smoking. He then caved in and said “please show me the videos, research and statistics to motivate me to stopâ€. I was glad to hear him say, so I went researching and concluded that there has not been one death associated with the use of marijuana and there is no direct evidence for it to make you lose memory. With the added aid of the teachings of now my iconic role model Terrence McKenna, I took a complete 360 in my perception of drugs and deemed it safer than sugar, pharmaceuticals, caffeine and alcohol.


My first inhalation of the burning plant was the first stepping stone in my affiliation with psychoactive compounds. This new state of consciousness that I entered gave me heightened enjoyment and increased my emotive spectrum. If I lay on the bed I could feel this huge sense of pulsating energy going through my body, a feeling of complete euphoria as it allowed me to feel as it seemed the pumping interconnected system of my blood and energy waves. As I would close my eyes and intend to see pictures of my imagination, what was produced is beyond explanation. I could see shades of vibrant colours almost in the shape of balloons all connecting together to form moving entities, houses and other shapes, the world I was visioning was in theme of animated art. I’m telling you that this vision was beyond the limitations of the minds normal state of producing imagery, I now understand how abstract art envisioned by artists can be seen.


As I ate, my taste buds seemed to have senses heighted by 100x , it was complete euphoria to eat and drink. All my senses were filled with absolute appreciation for life, no longer did I feel life was a burden and a meaningless experience. The people around me, I could actually feel there sense of life, I felt a kind of new perception on how they viewed the world and gained major appreciation for them. No longer was I stuck in the mentality of competition, hate and aggression, it was the complete opposite and I became completely content with life just being, that is, no stress of meeting requirements of deadlines, work and study. No longer was the idea of making money and being a production machine in the corporate world a normality of life, but the very idea of just being content with ourselves and world around us was enough to have reason to be grateful for life.


And for these very reasons I believe this sacred plant is illegal, as it falls against all the ideologies of the corporate western world. Added to the fact its medicinal qualities would shut down a few money draining pharmaceutical companies.



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