Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
- 924 views LIBERALS MOVE ON MEDICAL CANNABIS MUCH APPRECIATED BY HEMP EMBASSY “We are very pleased to hear about MP Warren Entsch’s plans to make a move on medical Cannabis. It has become increasingly embarrassing for us at the HEMP Embassy in Nimbin telling people it’s all illegal and unless they can afford a trip to America they have to visit the blackmarket to get their medicine”, said HEMP President Michael Balderstone. “The horse has long bolted, the word is out there all over the internet especially. People are getting results from Cannabis they were not able to get from Pharmaceuticals. People dying f…
Last reply by Faith, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
- 1k views The Victorian Branch of Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party is making a late run in an attempt to get the issue of Cannabis law reform on the ballot paper for this year’s state election. ‘We just need a few more Victorians to join the HEMP Party so that we have the required 500+ members to register and I expect to lodge our application with the Electoral Commissioner by the end of the month.’ said Mr Ilias Bafas from HEMP Victoria. Its a Boom Industry & we need a New Industry in Victoria… I foresee the ‘Victoria’ we love our ‘Garden State’ becoming the largest Medical …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
- 1.4k views Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty. Ltd. Hi all, It is extremely disappointing that the NSW Police have chosen this path. As the Police have now decided to follow through and I have been charged with 1 of…
Last reply by Faith, -
- 0 replies
Awesome tee created to help support Tony Bower from Mullaway Medicinal Cannabis and help raise awareness within the community... as the title suggests it tackles the medicinal side of the debate and ties into the hippocratic oath that anyone in the health industry (in the past) had to abide by... why they no longer need to uphold such high standards within the health industry i beyond be... check it: It's a one off campaign that needs 420 to be sold/reserved for the tee to go into print and the tees are only $20... with $10 going to the Tony Bower legal fund... if you would like to buy one or more by all means that would be …
Last reply by HealthAdvocate, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Politics can be a risky subject, so I hope this doesn't turn into a shitstorm about who supports who, because that's not what it's about. And I have to declare openly that my political position is left wing, but again that's not what this is about. I see this mainly about the attitudes and ideological positions of the politicians involved rather than party politics. So it's starting to look like there's some good prospects for law changes in NSW for Medical Marijuana, we'll have to wait and see but at least there's some movement in the right direction. My question/concern is about what might happen after the next Federal election. Lets face it, between the media and…
Last reply by haze420mist, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
- 598 views The Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party acknowledges Australia’s embrace of the strongest possible anecdotal evidence of the benefits of Cannabis. It’s comforting for many supporters to see mainstream media and a handful of politicians reporting on the widespread use and community acceptance of Cannabis for medical purposes. The HEMP Party will continue to actively support and lobby on behalf of millions of Australian Cannabis consumers to lawfully use and grow Cannabis for nutrition, medicine and recreation. For many years HEMP has disseminated thousands of research papers on behalf of…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
Tuesday 17 June, 2014 – Coinciding with Drug Action Week 2014, a National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre survey has revealed that over 65 per cent of parents are foggy on the facts around cannabis use and its effects, despite believing they hold the primary responsibility for the drug education of their children. In a sample of over 1000 Australian parents of teenagers, almost 90 per cent have had a conversation with their child about drug use, even though the majority were themselves uncertain of the consequences of cannabis use. “The survey shows that most parents are being very proactive when it comes to informing their kids about drugs, and while this is i…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
Tuesday 17 June, 2014 – Coinciding with Drug Action Week 2014, a National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre survey has revealed that over 65 per cent of parents are foggy on the facts around cannabis use and its effects, despite believing they hold the primary responsibility for the drug education of their children. In a sample of over 1000 Australian parents of teenagers, almost 90 per cent have had a conversation with their child about drug use, even though the majority were themselves uncertain of the consequences of cannabis use. “The survey shows that most parents are being very proactive when it comes to informing their kids about drugs, and while this is i…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
Tuesday 17 June, 2014 – Coinciding with Drug Action Week 2014, a National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre survey has revealed that over 65 per cent of parents are foggy on the facts around cannabis use and its effects, despite believing they hold the primary responsibility for the drug education of their children. In a sample of over 1000 Australian parents of teenagers, almost 90 per cent have had a conversation with their child about drug use, even though the majority were themselves uncertain of the consequences of cannabis use. “The survey shows that most parents are being very proactive when it comes to informing their kids about drugs, and while this is i…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Thursday, 16 January 2014 – A successful, world-first study led by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) at UNSW has revealed a break-through for dependent cannabis users, employing a cannabis-based medication, Sativex (nabiximols), that has been shown to provide significant relief from withdrawal symptoms. “One in ten people who try cannabis go on to become dependent. As cannabis use increases around the world and more people seek treatment to help them quit, it is surprising there is no approved medication to alleviate symptoms of withdrawal. The success of this study offers considerable hope for those struggling to get through a cannabis with…
Last reply by ZEN2U, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
- 792 views In 2014, 128,000 Australian citizens will be deprived of a well-recognised medicine ‘scientifically proven’ to relive their pain. 128,000 is the number of cancer patients that the Cancer Council Australia has calculated to be affected by cancer in Australia by the end of this year (1). Australia was given the chance in 2013 to amend its current stance on medical Cannabis when a New South Wales Parliament Committee proposed amendment to allow terminally ill patients the right to up to 15grams of Cannabis for the purpose of pain relief (2). However, this proposal was ultimately rejected by the New …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
hey guys, started a petition directed at Prime Minister Julia Gillard & The honourable president and members of the Senate in the Parliament assembled asking them to Re-legalise & regulate Cannabis for personal, medical & industry use in Australia. We have been steadily gathering support & with the help of the Australian HEMP party's social presence & fan pages we are really gathering momentum. Any help in sharing the petition with others that support our cause would be greatly appreciated! Join the revolution, A few voices in the wilderness is not enough to legitimise anything. Pass the details of the petition on to everyone. SIGN T…
Last reply by Jason_ames, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
- 859 views Dear Senator-elect Dio Wang, thank you for your letter inviting the Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party to the Palmer Uni…
Last reply by lookinggoodguys, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
- 662 views There are a number ways of influencing parliaments in Australia to advance whatever your political agenda may be. You could try: bribing some politicians; demonstrating in the streets; constructing a lobby group; or registering a political party. Political parties differ from the other methods because, by definition and required by the electoral act, their aim is to actually elect a representative in to a parliament – the place where laws are made. There are three ways to make use of elections to further a party’s objectives: you can timidly direct your preferences to whichever parliamentary pa…
Last reply by ZEN2U, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, Just saw this article on this years Mardigrass - Getting pretty excited for this years event. Are many crew from the OzStoners community heading up? Would love to catch up for a little toke if anyones keen.
Last reply by wildsmoke,