Television Stalkers
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215 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
"MARIJUANA INC: INSIDE AMERICA'S POT INDUSTRY" will premiere on Thursday, January 22nd at 9PM/1AM ET. The show will repeat on Sunday, January 25th at 10PM ET. Date: 17 December 2009 Author: Steffanie Marchese Source: Copyright: 2009 CNBC
Last reply by grace, -
- 3 replies
Hey wasn't shore where to place this as it not a tv show on tv ?..But it is a internet tv show. All about the Nimbin Mardi Grass not shore what year?....But it shows more than what i saw when i was there heres the link
Last reply by PiGMaN, -
- 3 replies
- 945 views "It's called an informant plant. The Odessa narcotics unit illegally compelled an informant to plant drugs on Yolanda Madden. The informant testified in federal court he planted the drugs on her and he passed a polygraph confirming the same. Yolanda also passed a polygraph along with a hair follicle and urine test. Our broken criminal justice system ignored the evidence and railroaded her through court sentencing her to 8 years in prison. Her father hired KopBusters, a new reality show produced by NeverGetBusted, whereby Barry and Candi along with their detectives set up stings across America to catch crooked Kops. KopBusters rente…
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
When I saw TRG suited up I thought LAB! A couple of plants grown in a small indoor op, not any sign of dealing. wow If the police used intel instead of force they would have known nobody was home... The voice over guy tells us that 2 plants or less than 28grams is a lesser charge. (something like that) Got me thinking, if I had two plants I would never be able to flower them cause once they reach 14g thats my limit. My example maybe extreme but you get the point if you grow two plants you are going to have more than the specified gram weight Two plant limit is good, I don't think anybody needs to grow more than two plant (but it would be nice) but the weight lim…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Germ Warfare 26 October, 2008 Reporter: Peter Overton We've all heard the horror stories. Hospitals crawling with super bugs, patients in for routine surgery who die from dreadful infections. That's bad enough. But even tougher, more sophisticated, bacteria are at large in the community. They're everywhere and the really frightening thing is just how swiftly they can strike. One day you're quite healthy, the next you're fighting for your life. Age is no barrier. The old, the young, the very young. There's now solid research that suggests a quarter of all sudden infant deaths (SIDs) could be caused by these superbugs. And, in many cases, there's nothing we can do to st…
Last reply by Epikus, -
- 2 replies
Hey just saw something on tv, caught my eye because you dont normally hear it mentioned in mainstream media.. Some kind of new study is beginning into treatment and this woman said part of it has to do with cannabinoids and she explained them as being like your bodys own cannabis She kind of said it with a sheepish grin on her face.....stoner fer sher Anyhow, just thought I'd mention it...some of you google blackbelts might be able to provide linkage....
Last reply by torture, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
The title is self explanitary, from the adds it looks negative. Peace MongyMan
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 2 replies
Just got a glimpse of an ad that said what the title did.
Last reply by Thylacine, -
- Admin
- 10 replies
4th June after 7am Dr. John Darcy
Last reply by JimzHi, -
- 1 reply
Pot & Politics: Tommy Chong for President 16 September 2008 PR Cannazine Summertime is officially old news and the upcoming election is the spiciest political fixation in the federal arena since Bill Clinton occupied the oval office. All we can do now is look forward to the upcoming media frenzy surrounding the ballot box while glancing back to remember the sun-filled days that won
Last reply by Nooby, -
Training the cannabis plant
by Guest GUEST Jason Wilcox***- 2 replies
Training the cannabis plant
Last reply by brick, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Last night I was watching the Olympics on channel 7 and i saw an ad for drug testing. The basic gist of the ad was that on dec 1. this year every RBT will have a swab test for drugs. I'm assuming they're the same old swabs which identifies cannabis, ice, speed, ecstacy and cocaine. Has anyone else seen these ads? I tried Google and most of the Australian news sites but found nothing. pretty scary though, i live in Brisbane and there are only 2 drug vans but I have gone through about 3 or 4 breath tests just after smoking. eek I'd sure like to know a bit more about this.
Last reply by kiloppo, -
Okay I like watching SBS world news even though I dont know what they are saying. Dubai TV had a report from Amen about an internet cafe. (I understood Amen n internet as pronounced the same as english) Anyway this report filmed in an internet cafe wich had lots hookahs and was nearly "dutch ovened" Everyone just sitting round smoking hookahs so casual like. It was a sight of beauty. Look what we lose to progress, Now thats freedom Anyone know what they may have been smoking, weed opium tobacco or something else.
Last reply by razza, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
pretty much what the title says brisbane and maybe other editions of 7 news tonight Aug 20 has claims of a disturbing govt report on kids attitudes to drugs
Last reply by grace, -
The Force 1 2
by llama farmer-
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Its always a case by case basis but good news for those of us in WA. The show followed a police raid on a bloke who was growing 50 outdoor plants and the result was 12 months community service. The 50 plant crop had a "street value of $150,000"
Last reply by kiloppo, -