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60 Minutes

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Germ Warfare

26 October, 2008

Reporter: Peter Overton

We've all heard the horror stories. Hospitals crawling with super bugs, patients in for routine surgery who die from dreadful infections. That's bad enough. But even tougher, more sophisticated, bacteria are at large in the community.

They're everywhere and the really frightening thing is just how swiftly they can strike. One day you're quite healthy, the next you're fighting for your life.

Age is no barrier. The old, the young, the very young.

There's now solid research that suggests a quarter of all sudden infant deaths (SIDs) could be caused by these superbugs.

And, in many cases, there's nothing we can do to stop them.


So 60 Minutes, what about the latest research using cannabinoids B) . . . ;) not a single solitary mention of it!

Science Daily

Marijuana Ingredients Show Promise In Battling Superbugs

ScienceDaily (Sep. 8, 2008)

Edited by Dragonfan
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its obvious that the media is controlled by a few and any story that they don't agree with wont see the light of day B)

its also obvious that pharmacutical companies are only interested in cannabis if they can patent the extracted cannabiniods and then market the drugs for $500-10,000 per month. they do that with cancer and aids drugs which barely treat the symptoms, not even the problem, so dont think it will be any different for anyone else ;)

personally im off the opinion the only way such things will change is if like minded people grouped together and formed a cannabis research foundation or something to that effect. if they had a representative that could convince the government it was going to work with cannabis to show it can have some medicinal effects, but only if properly prepared by a pharmacutical company first and that we dont believe the harms associated with smoking cannabis should allow for legalization the foundation would not only get federal funding, it would get hyped as the nations latest attempt to understand cannabis better. now if that group could then find cannabis has medicinal value in any form, not just in pharmacutical extractions and that while there is some dangers associated with smoking cannabis, there are other methods of consumption and that most of the harm the drug causes comes from the enforcement of the laws that would shake things up considerably. The media being owned by the few might not publish the findings, but im sure there might be a few people that remember the initial mention of the foundation (anyone remember bob carr saying we were getting med pot in nsw?) and if not there are more than enough members here to spread the news ;)

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While it's a hidden topic, except when some sly branch of the police want's to divert attention away from their own internal scandals (watch 4 corners) by showing a bust of some kind, it's all gonna always stay the same......................................


People fear what they don't know.


so this beautiful plant

is no longer just a

scary news item on TV,



Whilever it's hidden, it & we are little more than a joke plus a sly way to increase police powers & funding.

When we refuse to submit and Overgrow the bastards, then we will win.

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