Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
while surfing the net today, i found a page that had pics and descriptions of most of the major nutrient problems us growers face...would be a crime not to share the link so have a look Click Here IMO ozstoners should make something like that thread or pin this topic as it will sure as hell help alot pf people on these forums :thumbsup
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 3 replies
Hi there...... Last October, i got some ducksfoot seeds............ I kept 4 seeds and gave 4 seeds to my friend............. His plants are doing well and are well over 6 ft but mine are very small, lucky if they are 3 ft............. I think it might have something to do with the soil ? This year for the 1st time i used different soil.................but its still a general potting mix soil.....i got the PH tested yesterday and its 7 which is neutral so im unsure what the problem could be any suggestions ? thanks JAS
Last reply by sLiM sHiFty, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
goddamn they are lil bastards have sprayed my ladies with "mavrik" chewing & sucking insect killer like 4 days ago and then yesterday...both times i pruned the leaf that had eggs under them just to make sure i make their population smaller every time :thumbdown feel like a bastard for trimming my babies but i didnt want to risk the eggs hatching anywhere near my ladies so i fed the leaf to the cat after rinsing the leaf off and b4 went mental trying to get the leaf from me so i figured as a treat for locking her outter the 1/2 the house (cuz she would eat my plants otherwise ) i would give it to her... i only have a small amount of this bug …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
okies i have read all over these forums, tried pretty much everything i can do/affrord and my babies are turning yellow and burning again :thumbdown with my last grow, the wardrobe was getting fairly warm, i didnt have panda film up and only the one 30cm fan near the using a 2nd hand 400watt hps that was strung up like 45cm away from the plants....was using soil for my medium... my current grow is in the same wardrobe, panda film is up, i have the 30cm fan near the plants and a 10cm fan blowing over the lamp and out of the using hydrococo for my medium and the hydro coco nutes that came with the medium in a pack.....i also put the light …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
Hey all, just wondering why my PH is rising so much everyday, from about 5.5 to 6.0-6.2 within 12hrs. I don't let it get higher than this, (it wants to) but i seem to be adding a lot of ph down to keep it under control. Did a flush and water change a few days ago. I could possibly be overwatering, timers 30min on/off because i've got some slight leaf curl on the higher leaves but this may be because of the PH. Any ideas? It's a hybrid aero/nft sytem with 2 seperate rezzys and both are rising. 1st week of flower. Thanks Grow Hard
Last reply by F420, -
- 1 reply
so i was watering my plants today and saw two little spiders on one of my plants. and then i saw about 4 on another plant. they are small and white spiders, and i was wondering what i could do to get rid of them? cheers!
Last reply by stealth planter, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
hey hows it going all please help me out. I am new to growing been wanting to do it for ages, had 9 9cm plants going last year and they died when i went on on a holiday. anyway i planted 6 seeds 2 weeks ago, 4 didnt go and 2 did and are looking good. I put them in warm water for 24 hours then planted. I wouldnt have a clue what soil but it had all earthworms and shit in it so i thought that must be good. Recently noticed that there are small brown spots on the leaves. what is this from and what should i do to fix it?? is it from lack of nutrients if yeah, what should i give it? These 2 are 2 wks old do they look good and preety healthy? i water everyday. all feedb…
Last reply by Tom, -
Hi Oz stoners,EC(Truncheon)System=Pots/Perlite run to waste Nutrients=Canna Vega + Flores Cannazym Rhizotonic PK 13-14 What should my EC be for..Recieved rooted clones,Early veg,Mid veg,Late veg,Early flower,mid flower,late flower?Peace THANKS
Last reply by F420, -
Last reply by F420, -
Hi, I have this problem with my leaves. The room is and has always been very well ventilated and by looking at them it doesnt seem to me to be any kind of mite or bug. Ive been having murders keeping the PH levels right and over the last week they have been subjected to high levels almost constant could be the cause ? Indoor hydroponics, White Rhino. I hope the pics can help, the green is really more green and the brown isnt so rusty colour on the leaf. Also the the leaf is curly upwards and very brittle and are starting to look like this as soon as the new leaf starts to grow.
Last reply by F420, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by UBENHADD, -
Grow charts
by F420- 2 replies
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Yeah, Big problem.. Plant indoors due to currently crappy weather.. Just last night i moved it into a 'cleaner' area, with slightly more light (no, not a damn HPS ballist and what not, sif im that rich.. 2 fluro.. (HEY ITS LIGHT!)) Anyway Went to bed after half a val, Come back to the real world the next morning, First thing i do.. Check the plant.. SUPRISE! My leafs are holy in towards the middle of the bigger leafs... Where/WHAT/WHERE! is that mofo eating my greens? .. Help. -J.
Last reply by alch, -
- 0 replies
my friends plants have leaves that are green like normal the half of some fingers will be white and dead theree is no yellowing that takes place between the white part and the green part i will have some pics later but does anyone know what this could be
Last reply by v8vega350, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hello , i have big browny/gold spots on leaves (older leaves) they started in the middle and have worked its way out. All moisture inside the brownyspots is gone and the leaves dry and snap. ANYideas whats going on?? The new growth is really light green and growing all deformed like shooting in every direction (even up ). PLUS THERES NO BUGS this is indoors hydro system under 600 watt.
Last reply by F420, -