Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 5 replies
Something is eating my plants. They're about hip height, but something has decided to tip them, more than once. I've tried dog shit and I always wee on it when I check them. A fence is impractical in this situation, even chicken wire. I've heard of old engine oil etc. any ideas!? Thanks.
Last reply by whitewidow33, -
- 1 reply
Heya all stumbled across a well maintained guide for outdoor light times for all of australia. http://members.iinet.net.au/~jacob/risesetaust.html it has a whole bunch of info eg. ATS starts Astronomical Twilight, NTS starts Nautical Twilight, CTS is Civil Twilight Start, SR is Sunrise, SS is Sunset, CTE is Civil Twilight End, NTE ends Nautical Twilight, ATE ends Astronomical Twilight M'day is midday (sun at highest point) Len is length of day (SR to SS) check it out should be very helpful for outdoor growers!
Last reply by KADWAT, -
- 12 replies
Hi all, had a handfull of bag seed so thought i'd try my first grow. the plants are 6-7 weeks old now but a couple of plants have brown patches on some of the leaves, the others are fine though, is this nutrient burn from using too much fertiliser? I used a weak dose of soluble all purpose plant food once every two weeks but 2 weeks ago started using it once every week, water once everyday at night and the plants have spent their entire life outdoors. Are they looking generally healthy? They are all on average only 10-11cm tall but quite bushy, should they be taller? when should I be putting them in the ground? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by RadiateLight, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Just wanting some opinions on the sex of these plants. All planted fathers day. 2 Bonza seeds, 4 Bag seed. Pretty sure A,B,C are female. They are really small though. The others are big and green. 4 bag seeds are from a crop of hermaphrodites grown 2 years ago. Full of seeds but big buds. Could the big ones be herm as well? Thanks everyone for your time.
Last reply by Train Wreck, -
- 1 reply
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this plant? Only new to growing!
Last reply by Train Wreck, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, Getting ready to start my second grow. Its been two years since the last grow, (ended up with enough to last two years), and relations with the neighbours have broken down. They are higher than us and can see straight into our backyard if they look over. Any tips for hiding a couple of plants without loosing too much light!
Last reply by Goonies, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hey guys, first time grower here i planted my seeds about a month ago, i know it's not the time to plant but the temperature here is about 70 F most days, sometimes even more. (and if it won't work - at least it was a practice run) BUT, the days are allready short. how, and when, can i get my plants to flower? i'v looked everywhere but didn't find anything about growing outdoors at this time of year thanks for the help!
Last reply by Train Wreck, -
- 1 reply
hey guys, this year will be my first grow ever! i live in Melbourne and the weather still hasnt seemed to pickup like i thought it would, but i germinated my seedlings about 3 weeks ago in jiffy pots and all three of them sprouted. i found my seeds in my buds so im not expecting any flash yields or wonders, i just wanna grasp the basics so i can eventually get nicer grows over the years. I have many questions and all answers are greatly appreciated! It seems my plants are growing rather slowly (ill have pics up soon) and also as if insects may have gotten to them? ive been putting them outside in the morning and back inside by late afternoon As i will be moving my grow…
Last reply by brick, -
- 15 replies
Has anyone had any success drying buds outdoors ? If mother nature permIts i may have a fair amount of bud to dry at harvest next year and dont really want to bring that sort of quantity around my place. I plan on drying and sealing up the goods in food vacume and storing out there until required . Possible ? Or am i asking for trouble with mould? Cheers guys looking forward to some ideas
Last reply by skeletor, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, I'm pretty new to this and have been reading up on a few things and searching through the site. Mostly finding guides on hydro set ups. I'm Perth based and want to start up a couple of plants outdoors. Looking at getting some beans from bonza. From what I understand, this time of year and my limited knowledge it may be best to use autos? (please correct me if I am wrong). I was thinking of trying a few different strains, but mainly white widow as I have heard it is quite hardy. Can anyone suggest, or point me in the direction of a good effective and cheap soil mix I can buy or make up? If anyone has any tutorials or can point me in the direction, I pretty …
Last reply by Train Wreck, -
- 7 replies
Hi All Looking forward to my second ever grow. I successfully grew a nice Trainwreck last summer in my back yard. Was an awesome feeling to finally smoke it! Have everyone on this forum to thank for the end result. This year I want to try Bubblefuck but they only come in regular seeds. As I don't have an indoor set up I am trying to think of a way to determine sex as early as possible. Do you think putting a bin or something over them to force flowering is a good idea? My only other plan is to try and get a couple of clones and force them to flower. I just don't want to end up with too many plants at one time. I'm a respectable family man Cheers
Last reply by RadiateLight, -
- 8 replies
so, while i wait for my seeds, i was going to do a bunnings run. - i live on a 5000 acer farm, so a trip to bunnings is around 1hr away so what to have most of the things, as its a bitch to go back and forth. i was planning on growing in large bags from bunnings and putting them in the ground, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4msTQxPnn4 ( give your ideas on this) but i would like help on: -What nutrients to buy -what soil, and what nutrients i should add to the soil. Thanks alot any help is appreciated
Last reply by Bongalot1, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hey guys. last season i did my first grow, which was out door. now i have over 5000 acres of land (huge farm/outback), so space was no issue. how ever being new to growing i just got random seeds off friends, which were apparently high yielding plants. i cared for them, and followed some online guides for feeding them and nutrients.. but after they were ready the yield was minimal, and my other friend who grew the same seeds got the same results. however it was strong solid bud, i just think i have the space for massive plants why not? So after that im doing my next grow now/ ASAP, but i would like to order some seeds this time, for optimal output. so i would like some …
Last reply by Wealth, -
- 23 replies
So guys this will be my 2nd plant ever I'll be planting, my last one didn't turn out so well. I have to hide the fact I'll be growing a plant due to living at home with parents, in their eyes marijuana is a drug and something that has a negative impact on a person. The last plant was mowed over due to it being in my backyard. I tried to hide it we'll but needed to keep in mind it had to be a sunny spot, it sprouted well and was looking good for a week or so and discoloured. This time I am planning on putting it into a little pot plant after germinating the seed and leave it in a sunny spot for a week or so, I'm assuming all I'll need to do is keep it watered and in s…
Last reply by StrainHunta, -
- 6 replies
What do you feed your plants? There's a truckload of gear for hydro, I can't find much on bush. With using it have you noticed a difference in smell, taste and yield? Is it organic? I was looking at uplift at bunnings organic liquid fertilizer. As I'm still learning myself, so Im after all your knowledge :-) Is there anything to stay away from? Do you go off fruit or veggie or flower additives/fertilizer?
Last reply by merl1n,