Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Here's a pic or two of the reason why outdoors growing is so much fun. I love nothing much more in the plant world that a huge bush. cheers rob
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hi all, Im new to this site, must say its pretty kickarse. My cat is a long time smoker but still a fairly new grower. Shes got some fat plants at the moment but the leaves are starting to yellow off as the buds get bigger. Is this normal? Cheers all Meow
- 7 replies
heres my last babie the other, 2 died so im germin some more, some really weird shit happened where some balls appeared i thought it was a male and was about to kill it but was to wrecked to do it so i left if for about 2 days came back and the balls where gone and new leaves where there any ideas? here a pic http://http//pictures.marijuana.com/gallery/data-stuff/dc82d632c9fcecb0778afbc7924494a6/tb_533_p6217.jpg
Mixing your own
by Guest Wilderbud- 2 replies
I found a good resource which describes how to make your own organic potting mix and the properties of each type of medium. I had to post the link before reading it because the link to the page claimed peat/compost is a great mix and I love these two mediums. Heres the link; http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/potmix.html One day Ill be able to say why I like peat and compost mix [with some blood and bone] but for now I just know it does some magic . I got the link [below] after reading about disease suppresant potting mix - thanks to Luke 'the Force' Skywalker for pointing this out to me as I never would have known why I like to mix peat in with things. http://att…
Germination 1 2
by jayds10- 15 replies
Could someone please tell me the best way for doing this would be? I can do it either indoors or out.
Last reply by erix4twenty, -
- 4 replies
hey, this is my first grow and i reckon i need to transfer one of my babies into a 1 gallon pot, just need advice as to wat soil i shoudl use, would potting mix be ok and i alo need to no if ozmacote would be an ok fert thanks
- 3 replies
Hey there, well I live in Arkansas and where I live there isnt to much good weed going around without going out of town. Which I dont really like doing. Well I do live in the city limits but around here where I live there is alot of land and woods. I know a couple places that I could do it, none of my friends know about them, which is going to be kept that way . But my question is, should I start it indoors or outdoors? This will be my first time and I just wanted to make sure I do everything right. Like what kind of soil I should buy, what time i should start it, im guessing when the temp. becomes 60F+. So probably around march maybe? Also how often should I check o…
- 2 replies
a friend told me that growing from hydro seeds,your plants wont grow very good buds till the third generation,does this mean that you hve to clone three times to get the best generation,(clone your mother plant then clone your clone).confused
Last reply by red13, -
- 4 replies
seems that we have the sun and the land here to grow some sneaky plants in the bush; to bad that we doen't have the water. so what i am wondering is has any 1 had any experience with installing some kind of irrigation in the bush. im thinking about a 500 litre res would be nice. something that can be hidden away a hopefully catch some water during the winter. Or topped up by a near by creek. i don't want to grow to close to a creek as i feel this is a place that peeps are likely to walk. a drip system could be attached to the water res and battary operated timer used to water the plants. i don't mind doing the work if i think that it will work. main thing i am worried abo…
Last reply by red13, -
- 5 replies
Hey ppl, I'm having trouble uploading the pics? whats going wrong it says they need to be in a different format and they are in jpeg and bitmap so yeah any help would be good!
- 12 replies
If a plant has no problem with natural water supply and no strong wind + mild temperture, is it possible for marijuana plant to grow outdoor without any attendents? what can a grower do to help the plant grow? perhaps time-release fertiliser?
Last reply by wade ounce, -
- 2 replies
Propagation of Cannabis 101 Cannabis has several vectors (things that spread the species). These include humans, gravity and creeks/rivers. For example, the human picks off the buds, which have some seeds in them, and takes them to a different place. They then chop up, smoke a few bowls, and dump the seeds where they have a choof. They also might take them hope and nuture them. Gravity propagates cannabis by allowing the seeds to fall; they get buried and sprout (if they're lucky) the next season. Cannabis, once it is established in an area, will tend to be spread almost entirely by watercourses. You can see the plant's adaptation quite easily by placing some fresh …
- 7 replies
Where to plant is a big decision, when I do grow out in the bush, I ask myself two main questions. 1. What is the rainfall for this area? And 2. What, is the day temperature and the night temperature. Sounds abit hard to workout. But not to worry, once you have found your site and have a ruff idea of its location say within a certain area on a map or you can use a GPS system to pin point its precise location. I use a GPS as I plant my babies all over the place and it helps to find the again. Contact the Bureau of Meteorology in your state, and ask them to send you a copy of the rainfall readings for the year in that area, and also ask them for the average mean tempera…
Last reply by red13, -
- 6 replies
yesterday i found the perfect prospective site.it's well camourflaged and doesn't appear to have had a human go through it for years.shit there's even a pair of wedgies living in a tree overlooking the area.it would be a sin not to grow there. anyway, i went back out there thismorning to see if i could find this spot again.upon finding it again i noticed a scub turkey in the area. will it fuck my plants? do you think it should be o.k or should i take the staffy up and end the problem before it starts. all advice would be appreciated. i'm definately not going to fence it off as it is on a neighbouring property. …
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
wallabies are eating the tops of my plants and the surrounding fan leaves. ive tried 'marking out my territory' etc.. but these animals don't seem to understand just wondering where i could pick a role of barbed wire up from? ill try any other methods that will maim/kill them, this is just pissing me off now
Last reply by Black_one, -