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Planting Soon . . .

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thanks for the good advice guys, i have decided on a 'redbeard x superskunk' is what i will be growing, there is a strain report on overgrow but its not very in depth, but this looks like it will be promising. Cant wait till i start, and even more so till i finish. If u have any tips would be great . . . photos when growing :D


-Rock n Liam

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My only tip is learn, learn, learn.... ;)


Oh and one more... be patient. Better to take your time and do it right than rush in a screw everything royally... of course there's a point where you just have to do it, but the more learning you can do, and thinking, and separating the seeds from the buds, as it were of knowledge, then the better IMHO.


Good luck mate, care to give us some details on the grow itself? Or am I forgetting another thread here? :D :)

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