General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 2 replies
Just a few pics of one of the plants, . They have had some stress lately so this one is doin great compaired to the rest. I have one thats sick also an woundering if it will live for much longer, it has become very pale green.The poor baby feel off the place i had it sitting.It root had some of the 400w on one side No more then 4 hrs im sure But enougf for it to might Just want to give up an die.
Last reply by first grow, -
- 2 replies
G'day everyone, I'm hoping this topic will be able to help people such as myself and anyone else who wants to grow some nice hoochie... Other topics posted such as pipemans story etc are very helpful but I hope this guide will be more straight to the point where everyone can have their input on the best way to grow weed without running into as many problems as possible... I guess I should kick it off by saying I've read a fuckload of info on growing and everything tells me something different, if some accomplished growers could have some more personal input rather than most of the guides i've read which have basically been in a "growing weed for dummies" kinda style…
I been putting off doing something about getting back on track with growing for ages. So I thought if I start a thread about it that might give me the motivation I need to get my shit together. This is a pic of my cloning tub. Most clones died, about 4-5 lived. They've been in there for I don't know how many weeks now. Some time ago after they rooted I changed the nute mix to 1/4 strength veg. The regular light bulb I had in there was just to keep temps up at night. I left this box alone and didn't go near it for over 3 weeks. Came back to it and whadaya know, the bastards are still alive, and one of them in particular went huge. I've bent it over a couple times…
Last reply by Black_one, -
- 6 replies
Hi all im growing very berry 3 fems on 12/12 for 5 and a half weeks they only have small buds on them about 1 cm. My setup is soil, hardly any nutes and 3 100w fluros I grow in a robe with no fans but they get most of the 12 hours light outside in full lunchtime sunlight. I have alot of other plants that could be taking up this space and a hydro setup im putting in, they have only recently started to really get into budding. So in the view that i have many better plants to veg and the budding plants are badly streached and not proforming to well. Should I cut my losses and try for a better crop next time? (They really are in a sorry state no brantching off just on…
Last reply by Black_one, -
how long can you keep cannabis seeds before they are unusable, do seeds have a used by date or can they be kept for years.?
Last reply by mush887, -
dose any one were to get these aquamiser in qld i have been looking around but cant seem to find them in qld and with an air stone in ya nutes should u have it running all the time as i have it set on the same timer as my watering system and comes on when my pump dose and goes off when the feed is finnished
Last reply by boulder, -
- 10 replies
I was at my local kmart the other day and I saw a bottle of Thrive concentrated tomato fert, now i was told by a fellow grower that good,But would like some second oppions.ill get the trace elements an that if needed,But the fact its not posions and is for vegitables makes me feel its pretty organic , I like to stick to non chemicals
Last reply by Green finger, -
by GandhjaMan- 11 replies
OMG I Flushed My plant cos i was told it was good for`em, Only to read afterwards that it should be done right befor Harvest, well,my skunk`s got a month left or so,have i just Killed my baby???
Last reply by pipeman, -
by GandhjaMan- 6 replies
My NL is in flowering stage of 6th week or so,and today i noticed kinda lightgrey soillumbs on top in the pot,is this Mould? and most important,how do i prevent it?
Last reply by GandhjaMan, -
- 2 replies
What conditions do pot plants need to grow? like the humidity, level of light...all the usual??? I know it probably varies with the breed of the plant but i have no idea what kind mine are so some general information would really help, i dont want my babies dieing before they have a chance to be smoked
Last reply by Tom, -
- 8 replies
hey people ,i was given a bottle of this stuff to use on my grow now because i dont know my strain im not sure when to use i have the info on the bottle if thats needed .i really just wanted to know how you found it's rsults wen using it.happy herb.
Last reply by GandhjaMan, -
- 7 replies
i was wondering if anyone has tried using bong water to water there mj and if its worked and made a difference?
Last reply by FUCKOFFWANKERS, -
First grow 1 2
by first grow- 12 replies
Hi I'm new to indoor growing and just planted 3 seeds they are 5 days old I have used a 50 50 perlite potting mix and will be growing them in a grow cupboard .I'm using a 400wat hps an 400wat power plant an a 120 wat fan.i have No idea on the strain but will keep you all posted an as soon as they are at a nice size pics will come, Not sure what eles to post thanks for any ideas for a fellow new grower. FG
Last reply by first grow, -
- 8 replies
My one plant is 54 days into flowering but is now producing seeds, should i harvest now or let it flower to full term and if so will the potency of the bud be reduced because of the seeds.Thanks as always people.
Last reply by WhiteSkunk, -
- 0 replies
Go and get yourself one of these kits if you want to make life easier.......... I was going to go into detail on it, but here's the website instead :: Aquamiser Mine cost me $39.95 from my local hydro store, here in W.A.
Last reply by Chev,