General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 8 replies
Hi OZ stoners & general visitors, I was scanning thru the FAQ at i found these very useful articles by train1 & highgrade. Those articles inspired me to GROW & STOP paying DEALERs for shitty little GRAMs, Quaters, Half Ounces etc. I'v decided to follow the same plans on train1 & highgrade's articles but scale it down so it's a TWO BUBBLER setup. My SETUP has to be quite, light-proof & supply me all year round. Im completly new to all this INDOOR GROWING & would appreciate if ANYONE could help me with a few QUESTIONs I'v read on OVERGROW that MH bulbs are better for VEGETATION growth and HPS bulbs are good for FLOWERING. Is th…
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 10 replies
Joy. After 18 weeks and close to two thousand dollars investment I did it. I luckily considering the problems I encountered pulled close to nine ounces after drying. See? You kids grow one plant in the garage and take photo's of rubbish. I would love to photo the leaves on my latest SOG as they are the biggest I have ever seen. Like 20 centimenters long and 4 centimeter wide each of the five fingers. It has trippled (more even) over the last two weeks on Coco Canna and Canna Zym and Bio-Bugs with Evolution Solution's Leaf Feed. It frustrates me to see photo's of leafy heads (all of thirty grams! Wow not) almost mature male flowers (how could you leave it that long? Males…
- 0 replies
Sorry WC Can a mod please delete this
Last reply by Mr Nice Guy, -
keeping outdoor plants small
by Guest- 0 replies
hello everyone,what are some of the ways to keep a plant as short as possible?i was thinking cutting the tops/pinching/tieing down but dont really know how this is all done,anyone that can give directions it would help me alot,does this decrease yield as i think it would?but it does make the plant bushy so what do youse all know?good luck to everyone
- 4 replies
Hey all, A mate of mine had two 5 foot sativa females we were growing at his place ( different plants to my plant in the grow thread ), but he has since moved house so they are totally in my care. I transplanted them straight into the ground with some of their original soil, as they were grown totally natural from seed. And 12 hours later all leaves and supple branches are drooping towards the ground. Since i discovered this, ive topped their holes up with good potting soil, stamped it down nice and hard and gave them a pretty big water. My question is that i think the drooping must be transplant shock, from what i described can anyone verify this ? Ive never had to…
Last reply by 200sx, -
Webster's Dictionary Definition of Hydroponics: Adj. Hydroponics - the growing of plants in nutrient solutions with or without an inert medium to provide mechanical support. If hydroponics by definition uses an inert (inorganic) media can Coco peat (organic) be counted as a type of soil in a run to waste system? If so how would the law see it if you are in front of a magistrate charged with cultivation of your paltry 1 or 2 plants in states like WA? Is this a possible loophole or has the government covered this angle already?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 3 replies
G'day folks I've been growing in a Hypergrow chamber (see Hypergrow) Been using the pumice they supplied but want to change it to something else - perlite maybe? What do you reckon? I want something easy to work with and not needing too much ongoing maintenance. I've reused the pumice once but it's a pain to clean for reuse. Perlite could be just replaced after each grow? Pros/cons of perlite? Alternatives to it? Ï'm using PowerGro nutes if this makes any difference. So it's a pretty basic setup but is going ok cos I don't have much time to fuss over it. Thanks for your advice
Last reply by ozigrl, -
- 4 replies
Here is my first plant and girl ( i hope:) ) She has been going a couple of months now, and was starting to show indifferent primordia, but im fairly sure these are now calyx's, as two thin hairs are starting to emerge from the preflowers, please glance at my pic and post some opinions on sex thanks guys, keep on growin
Last reply by WhiteSkunk, -
water crystals
by Guest- 1 reply
what a really good website for growers,the best i think,hope you pros can help?and hello and good luck to everyone,what are the best ways to use water cyrstals in pots?if plants are in hot dry temps,how long could they go with out water?still want good healthy=4 days youse think?if give good water before the next,do water cyrstals affect weed as ive heard it make weed taste like plastic,love organics,maybe covering the top of the pots with panda plastic/bark to keep moisture in,what do youse think?p.s big pots
Last reply by WhiteSkunk, -
- 2 replies
hello everyone,where can i buy bat fertilizer?does it come in liquid or pellet form?what else to add with bat fertilizer when flowering if any,when to start adding?thanks everyone
Last reply by WhiteSkunk, -
- 2 replies
hey all just wondering if anyone here from s.a can help me get re astablished after a recent theft......looking for 4 good clones,anyone? me pls WS p.s, many thnx
Last reply by WhiteSkunk, -
Blackouts? 1 2
by Maynard- 12 replies
Hey all, I was just watching the news and heard about the possibility of blackouts throughout Perth. What do people with hydro setups with lights and pumps and stuff do when they lose power? Those poor bastards..... Dunno why I mentioned that.... Maynard
Last reply by SweetJane, -
- 22 replies
The instructions say to use it once about four weeks before harvest, but I have read that some use it continiously until flush after about 3 weeks into flower. also, I'm much more concerned with quality than yield and some say while bud additives add to yield they detract from potency. comments from anyone who has used PK13-14 appreciated...
Last reply by fossil, -
- 1 reply
:: For great outdoor growth rates, I've always had great success with this. When the plants are established out the back, take a bucket of kitchen compost and make a pile near the plant(s), like a mini compost heap. Cover with straw or lawn clippings. The plants receive extra local CO2 from the decomposition, exrta nutrient and some acididity, which they love. Happy growing!
Last reply by Tom, -
- 7 replies
heres my DWC i built the other day all products were from bunnings cost $14
Last reply by Gazza2001au,