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help please...anyone

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Hey WS..... We don't condone the trading of drugs or clones on these boards, so please don't ask members for such items. ;) It places you, me, and every other grower on these boards in potential risk if you do so. ;)


However, if you look in the seedbanks and strain lists you'll see a list pinned of clone banks which can supply you with your needs. MJOZ, SPC and Planetskunk, (I think the last one is doing clones now, not too sure, you'd be best contacting them.) are Australian companies with clones of great strains available for growing in Oz.


But don't take this too harshly, I sympathise with your loss and I hope you get your grow up and running again soon, better than ever.


I would appreciate it if you would edit your post to reflect the policy of the site. ;)

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