General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 1 reply
- 920 views I hope this helps someone
Last reply by expansion, -
where did everyone but there seeds from? im not looking to spend a whole lot of money...but i want a good site that i can trust and has a good reputation...any info would be great
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone, For the last 12 months a product claiming to increase yeilds by a minimun of 35%, while shortening the flowering cycle by up to 14 days has come to light.It's also claimed that it significantly rejuvenate any marginal seed or clones.Reports have had growers jumping yeilds from 7.5p to 12p in a 6 flowering cycle.The only bad report about it has been that you may get bud rot, due to the size and density of the buds.Resin production also increases to produce a frosted coated lumps of bud across the whole plant.My question is has anyone else used it, and if so, how did you go?
Carbon Filter,how Much To Make One?
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello everyone just wondering how much it does cost to make a carbon filter and best ways to do so and how effective are they?Thanks everyone and goodluck later
Sideways? 1 2
by mtheartist- 11 replies
well its my first time growing, not even shure if its ganna work n there is police in my house hehe well check out this pic can someone tell me if its sick or something or normal? its like growing sideways or laying down or maby it will fix its-self...hummm...u tell me if u can.
Last reply by mtheartist, -
- 8 replies
Sup guys Hi my crop of Purple #1 this year wasnt a very satasfying crop this year as i heart i heard Purple #1 was a good tree for large build yields . I was wondering maybe it was a direct result of the shit i was putting on the plants . I am currently using 2 products and Cow and Chicken manue . I put both types of manue in the soil as i was planting the seed's . then when the plants reached knee hight and started to get some folage poured instructed amount of Charlie Carp witch is a fish oil based fertlizer on the base of the plants and thourgly waterd into the soil . Then a few weeks latter before budding i used a product called Org…
Last reply by wade ounce, -
Ozone Generaters
by Guest- 9 replies
Hello everyone,Has anyone used before how effective are they in concealing the smell?And do they hurt the plants in any way?As a friend said they were good better than the charcoal filters later
- 10 replies
Well I got some seeds and started germinating them about last Tuesday using wet tissue paper inside two plates. Anyway its almost been a week (I probably left them there for too long..) but now some are approx 10cm in length, and the seed bit has broken off. I spose I should plant them now but Im unsure what to do. Living in canberra i think i will have to grow indoors due to the extreme weather. So now should I go and buy pots? Do you have 1 pot for each plant? how big should the pots be? I have a room which has a skylight so I thought i could just grow them in there, dont really want the bother of getting lights and making a box and all that stuff. I have take…
- 7 replies
hey fellas, I mentioned in my Gday thread about the BLISS ive worked on for years,Hopefully ill be able to share some pics soon,waiting for the 10 i planted to show there heads through the soil,I use a very simple garden setup,a 250 watt HPS,hand full of pots,a nice soil mix and fans to remove heat.Big project has started on redoing a new cabinet,have all the frame work up ready for the external and internal wall.Dimensions are 1000 high 1000 wide 600 deep (all in MM) My mates building me a air cooled shade which will reduce the heat drematicly<(spelling) I crossed the BLISS last year over a mango,and got a nice result ill upload the pics soon. The cross was ok,produce…
Last reply by gunjaponic, -
- 2 replies
I have realized Chocolate Chunk has very small yeilds, I read it in some strain forum! Google/ typed strain chocolate chunk and up it came! That being said, i'm moving on to a new stain! Feel Free To tell me what you love and why? I want BIG yeilds! Cheers!
Last reply by italian_gardener, -
- 9 replies
Just thought I'd share a funny pic i took after harvesting Got some nice outdoor buds ready to dry. Cheers for everyones help in giving my children a better up bringing this summer !! [tear rolls down my cheek] thanks again and happy harvest Negus
Last reply by Rottweilerpunk, -
Gunjaponics 2nd grow 1 2 3 4 5
by gunjaponic-
- 420 Crew
- 44 replies
HI there, I've started out on my second grow, and and would like to ask a few questions. Here's the first I've germinated in Rockwool, they are now 7 days old. They have popped and opened their little round leaves, and the two little `true' leaves in the centre. How long should I wait untill I put them into the Flood & Drain setup under the HID ?
Last reply by gunjaponic, -
- 3 replies
Hello. Does the smell of a plant determin how strong the buds will be >? I have 2 plants . both are flowering, but one started flowering a good month before the other. The one that started flowering 1st has nice big flowers, and a mild sweet smell. It also overall looks like a nicer plant than the other. the second plant that started flowering only a month ago has much smaller and sparser buds, but the smell coming from the plant is so much stronger than the smell of my other plant. why is this , and does it mean the buds of the smelly plant will be better than the buds off my mucher nicer looking and chunkier and more advvanced plant ? thanks jas
Last reply by F420, -
- 100 replies
Hello there everyone in Oz Stonerville... Thought I might do an update on the growroom, let you know what I've been up to vis a vis revegging and show you the seedlings I've been sprouting..... Now, as you may or may not know, I'm awaiting an order of bubblegum seeds, the Serious Seeds one. These were ordered through Heavens Stairway UK, and should be here in a month or so.... Well, hopefully a heck of a lot quicker than that, but that's the timeframe I'm giving myself. So, in the meantime, I thought I'd get some new motherplants growing from some stock I've been holding onto for just such an occasion. I didn't germ many, but the pics will show that these are for th…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 6 replies
any information or personal experiance on any of the following products would be unreal to aid my lasted research. 1. ultra sonic fog generator - dry nutrient delivery for roots and leaves 2. ultra sonic noise generator - vibrational wave to open pores of leaves to uptake nutrient faster. 3. quantum field generator- to increase the vibrational frequency of the nutrient to increase faster uptake. 4. Infared CO2 meter - Australian "green air" product that measures exact PPM of co2 in the air. thanks in advance. JF
Last reply by Luke Skywalker,