General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 6 replies
i had a rather nasty experience last night, i sampled my second strain of plants, unknown indica strain, really really sticky, fairly strong smoke, but i felt nauseous & dizzy on it and had to go lie down for 15 mins till it wore off a little bit, then i went to sleep anyway. I have never ever had that happen to me before, only bad effects ive had is low blood sugar making me a bit dizzy or headaches when i used to smoke tobacco with it, but not feeling like i wanna throw up. So yeah maybe i had too much in one puff or something but i also remembered that i had used Pyrethrum spray on the plants about 6 weeks ago and thought maybe there was still some…
Last reply by dirty, -
by TYO84- 1 reply
today i felt like experimenting- i took- a pot with a diameter of 2.5 feet, and about 7 inches deep, IN the middle- i put a 8 inch diameter 1 foot deep can I made it so, that the can was water proff, becasue i filled the Big pot all the way up with water. Then i took the pot that my plant is in and placed it inside the 8 inch can. The i put 4 wooden strips, 1 inch wide and 2 and half feet long, and placed then around then Big pot, Then i put PLastic wrap around the woodin strips- to further in close the big pot., then i put 2mm holes all around that bitch, to insure air flow. The top of the of the GreenHouse is about 2 feet above the top of the plant- plant is…
Last reply by TYO84, -
- 0 replies
ok u know who u are so i wont embaress anyone by mentioning names, but i just had to send someone a pm telling them that i quite easily obtained their name, address & phone number from a link to their home page thru this site, it was not a direct pasted link but one that could be found quite easily. So please people be a bit more security concious and use your head! you never know who is reading or probing! I found it thru sheer accident so imagine if someone was actually trying heh. i know i posted this in the wrong forum but i notice hardly any posts in the security section and figured more people would read it in here, you have been warned! :angry:
Last reply by KerMit, -
When To Plant 1 2
by budhead- 10 replies
hey i live in northeastern us like around PA (pennsylvania) when should i plant my seeds? should i plant them after the last frost? theres also little flowers growing in this area now? but there is more snow expected...some people say wait till the 1st week of june but i think that might be a little late because i dont know when it will finish up...what should i do?
- 2 replies
I just moved a plant which was growing outside to an indoor setup. It had to travel for approx 30mins in the car and now it's looking pretty sad. Had to repot it too. At the moment it's all wilted and dried out. Just wondering if you think I should give it some hydro light or just leave it alone in the dark with plenty of water?
- 7 replies
hideyho fuckers, I have had my little dudes growing indoors underlights ( 18/6) for about a month now. Prior to that they grew from seeds outdoors for about 3 weeks. They are about 40cm tall and bushy and thick as all fuck. when should I start to reduce the light cycle to 12/12?. my grow room is 1100 x 1100 and about 1800 tall. I figure the absolute max height the plants could grow to without burning would be approx 1200. thanks dudes take it easy
Last reply by dirty, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Does flood&drain give bigger yields as opposed to recirc systems because it doses fresh nutrient every time, whereas recirc recycles progressively more contaminated solution thus not giving the plants optimal conditions?
Last reply by risingsun, -
- 2 replies
should i order seeds from heavens stair way? and if so which site? thanks and any storys about experience would be great
Last reply by F420, -
- 4 replies
I had a few problemes with my plants, the leaves on one started to like Burn off. I havent feed it any nuts yet, PLant is 4 weeks old, and is in a 6 inch pot, water almost eveyday (lightly) But i left a spary bottle, with water in it, on my roof for about 2 days. Then i watered the plant, with the spray bottle. 2 days later, i saw the burning, could this be cause from algea build up in the water, because i left the water out in the sun for a couple of days. also what is a good water ph, i tested the water, and it was around 7.5 to 8, I think thats kinda high, so i tested my tap water and it came back around 6.5 to 7. so i am gussing it was algea bulid up I use 14 14 14 …
- 8 replies
is there any way to grow a plant outside out of season?
Last reply by BlazinMarty, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, Iv been thinking about growing outdoors when summer starts and was wondering if i could transplant to a remote location in september and let it grow in vegetation mode till march ? will this work or are the hours too short in september ? ~ peace
Last reply by wade ounce, -
- 2 replies
if a male plant produces seeds, will the seeds produce female, or just male.. i really dont know,,
Last reply by FUKN_BISH, -
- 0 replies
Hey SogMan are you still there? You haven't sent me any pictures for a long time, last time I posted them lots of members wanted more and some info but I haven't heard from you in ages.
Last reply by Tom, -
anyone know any seed banks that are based in usa i would rather not order from overseas?
Last reply by Medicalman, -
- 6 replies
OK. This is only my second grow, but this plant didn't show sex like the others. usually the girls get their two little hairs, and the boys get little balls on the end of a stick. This plant waited to show sex longer than the other plants, than this appeared on top. If its a boy, I better pluck it now. Let me know please.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker,