General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I've recently read that hermaphrodite mj plants which breed with themselves will give me feminised seed. Can someone please give me the facts on the subject? I have four plants in and two are hermaphrodites. I'm wondering what seed I'll get off the two hermaphrodites and what about the other two?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 5 replies
Hey just a noob question, ive done a search but cant find my answer so ima ask you guys. I just want to know if male plants flower or look like they start to bud or anything if they were switched to 12/12, or do they grow nothing but leaf? Ive got 2 plants (bagseed) that have been under 12/12 for 3 weeks now (seperate from eachother,so no risk of polination or anything) and even tho im sure they were both females and showing growth of bud, a mate reckons 1 is male, but i though if it WAS male it wouldnt have started flowering in the first place , am i wrong? I was seeing pistals during growth (or was i?!) so i was pretty sure they were both females, then seeing bud…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 12 replies
i have searched high and low for a good price on one of these meters , i am sick and tired of the bloody dropper test kit the cheapest i have found this in OZ is 135.00 i can get one from the USA , including postage for $115.00 OZ , but obviously warranty is then out of the question . has any one seen this cheaper than $135.00 , i think the rrp is $148.00 Thanks in advance Lucian
Last reply by F420, -
bonsai 1 2
by dragonlady- 13 replies
hi all, have an outdoor plant ready to harvest and as I have nothing else to continue with, want to regenerate it and then bonsai it and turn it into a mother. Know how to regen but is bonsai just clipping smaller??? Any ideas welcome. thanks
Last reply by pro_libertate, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
I just brought some dutch master hot coco. Basically how do i prepare this before putting a plant in it? does it have to sit for a few days to grow some bio? do i use biobugs type of thing? what to use to prevent root rot in coco. What ph do I use for the initial flushing(it says to run water through it until it runs clears, which I have already done. how about nutes? normal hydro nutes? can I use this in a wick setup where its in a pot which is in a container with 1 inch of water.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 2 replies
Hi guy,s i hope u dont mind someone from the uk being in your room, any way my m8 gave me some fert 2day it wasnt boxed it was just in a white bag with 15-30-15 N-P-K will this be ok to use or to i need to find something with more nitrogen like 20-20-20 N-P-K thanx all advice welcome. skunk-mad
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 3 replies
is it necessarily bad to run an air pump on low 24/7 in my reservoir??? thanks
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 7 replies
I feed a three part solution to my e/f system, but the problem is when i go to change the water in my reservoir and change out the nutrients, the new ones i put in never fully dissolve (even after vigourisly mixing for 5 min!). So what I did was dissolve the nutrients in VERY HOT WATER, and then mixed it into the reservoir. Does the slightly lower than boiling water alter the chemical balance in the solution??? FEEDBACK APPRECIATED
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 3 replies
i have just put newly germinted seeds into soil and i give them 24 hrs of light everyday.when they appear from the soil should i change the amt. of light to 18/6 or what and when should i start givn my plants ferts they are like 2 days old?
Last reply by Jesus.T.Parker, -
- 1 reply
the wick system do i actually touch the wick to the root and how wouldi clean the water bc i read in the marijuana growing guid ethat it said you had to clean the water after a few days so how would i empty all the water out or how would i create a pump system to clean the water every few days?or do i not need a pump system?
Last reply by strictly home-grown, -
- 0 replies
i have tried to post some pics but it says the attatchments to large how do i make them smaller can someone tell me what to do?
Last reply by mr.shakey, -
- 3 replies
i was given a bottle of this and i am a little unsure about the dilution rates........ on the bottle it says Hydroponics: dilute 2 ml in 10lt of water and use as required for the type of system you have. now i have a recycling system should i be using 12ml per 60 ltr???? any help would be great!
Last reply by green cell, -
- 12 replies
I was chating to my local hydro shop bloke, and he sugested using a couple of cups of sugar mixed with warm water to make a liquid to add to the plant a couple of days b4 harvest, to sweeten up the taste, anyone tried this? sounds a bit dodgy to me.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 7 replies
i am a first time grower and i was wondering what kind of lights i need to buy and what the whole setup of growing should be like...ive read many articles and what not on growing but i cant understand any of it possible to grow about 5 plants in my bedroom? how many lights should i use for 5 plants and where could i find the stands to hold the lights? how often should i water my plant? could anyone please help me it would be greatly appreciated...oh one more thing could i use seeds that i get from the sacks that i buy from my dealer bc i have a bag of about 100 seeds thati have collected from the sacks that i smoke...they are tiger striped so they are all planta…
Last reply by Hash_MaN, -
Need some links to info about kelp so I can study up on it I help a lot of home hydro gardners out in my spare time any help will do. every thing I try to call up is for hygean things. :bow to any help you can give. Thanks
Last reply by UBENHADD,