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Adelaide 1 plant law?

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Chev Id settle for moving interstate....this place sux..high power costs..high taxes..nazi political parties and NOONE to stop em..why do you think the Liberals cant get back in power? Because the Labor Govt is more right wing than they are...




Now before yall start bitching..hes the "Premiere" of South Australia

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Now I dont agree with the present cannabis laws in SA. One plant outdoors forces you to go female seeds or buying a cut from somewhere. Not good options if you ask me.


To be honest though the ten plant rule for indoor growers was being exploited by organised crime.


If they had of changed the law to a wet weight rule 300 grams wet would be under 100 grams dry. It might have worked.


Outdoors should be able to grow at least two to ensure one good female.

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Latest little load of shit is that they are trying to make parents accountable for their teenagers drug use and put the parents in councilling for 15 months...the idea being the kids are only doing it because the parents fucked em up


Also that Adelaide high school students will face random drug testing...do I need to say anything further?


Also that parents will face losing their children if caught growing mj and being deemed unfit parents...I know one SOuth Aussie slut judge that will send me to jail and take my kids from me if she ever sees my face in court...because SHE CAN...irrespective of what the law says


Yep Sa aint the place to be


All because some cunt MP Anne Bressingtons? daughter died from drugs...so we all have to pay coz shes feeling guilty


Yes Im angry

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All this talk about moving is very grand but (unless you're ready to leave the country for Holland) anywhere you go will land you in much the same situation as you'd find here in Adelaide (with expected regional variations including death, asset seizure, imprisonment, fines, criminal records, loss of employment etc..).


Smoking cannabis is a political act as much as anything - an act of revolution perhaps. We change politics by putting the best light on cannabis that we can, whenever we can. Everyone I know knows I smoke and support cannabis. They also know I'm a good daddy and a good taxpayer. Lately they've been given gifts of my latest grow for their personal use. Spread the good word, come out of the closet !


Moving is just running away..

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