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I have smoked marijuana for a few years because of increasing back pain and have decided its all an illusion so I have quit. I have allowed myself to be intimidated into thinking nothing is wrong with - pain should be felt and marijuana is too good at hiding chronic pain. Ive never felt comfortable using marijuana for pain relief because it clouds my thoughts.


I decided a long time ago that Id rather die of a heart attack than any wasting disease so Im going to get hooked up with some designer drugs that should shorten my lifespan in a more positive way.


Legalize it but criticize it! :P

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have you considered other herbal or plant alternatives wilderbud there are quite a few options available without havign to go off and take harsh chemicals , most of those chemicals are allot more adictive and to be honest allot of the good stuff for pain is sythisised plant extracts ( primaraly poppies ) which are the source oif coddine, morphine and within th elast few years there was a third one found that you can get from mutating the plant



btw don't take this as me not 100% respecting what your doign and the conclusion you have come tobecause you know what you need to make your life better , all I can say is do what is best for you all around adn how ever you end up dealing with it good luck with it

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Mates if the pain is bad enough then you wouldnt be worried about MJ making your thoughts cloudy. :scratchin


You could try something like ginko for improving the mind and memory. :reallyexcited:


I as you know also smoke for pain. sure it makes me feel lazy and dull somedays, but it certainly better than taking the mind fucking drugs that your doctor will give you mate.


I have scoliosis quite bad in my back but I refuse to let it beat me.

I also have FM and it affects my back and neck muscles, its horrible pain mate and so I feel what your saying.

i couldnt live without MJ in my life now, as the meds really screwed me up.


But honestly those medications will stuff you mind even more than a few cones of MJ ever would.


I reakon the best thing to do is to have a break from MJ and then start up again usuing lower doses and dont use it for recreation at all mate.



Whatever you do I hope its the right move for you and take care of yourself mate.



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Hey wilderbud there would be a few rehab placers around u could go to but imo u dont need to, what i have found is that when u are comeing off mj the worst part is u cant sleep other than that it isent that a big of a deal and that only last about a week well that is how it worked for me when i have been somkeing for a wile and have to stop for what ever reasion, but take it from some one that has been hooked on harder shit u are better off with mj than anything eals because comeing off other shit is hell when it gets hold of you, i know this as i have been through it, it can be 2 weeks of full on pain like u have never felt befor getting off the harder shit...
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perscription drugs are also far easier to become dependant on whilst quiting something else if you look at rehab clinics you find that over quarter of the people are there addicted to perscription medication, pain killers in particular l do to the fact that so much of it is derived or sythisies from opiates and or other adictive seditives.

In my mind if you don't like the drowsyness of mj your definatly not gonna like what high levels of pain killers are goign to do to your head or your body , not to mention that as OZmade has said when your comming off of them you will become very ill, it is not as bad as somehting like a heroin adict going through cold turkey but it is still far worse than what mj will lead to the day you give up

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I have smoked marijuana for a few years because of increasing back pain and have decided its all an illusion so I have quit. I have allowed myself to be intimidated into thinking nothing is wrong with - pain should be felt and marijuana is too good at hiding chronic pain. Ive never felt comfortable using marijuana for pain relief because it clouds my thoughts.


I decided a long time ago that Id rather die of a heart attack than any wasting disease so Im going to get hooked up with some designer drugs that should shorten my lifespan in a more positive way.


Legalize it but criticize it! wink.gif


pain an illusion? if only that were the case :P sure weed can hide your pain, thats what drugs do :P IMO pain should be felt to, its a reminder that your still alive :smoke


now as for mj clouding your thoughts, ever considered using a different strain? i know for a fact that a sativa will treat pain seriously different to an indica as well as the clouded feeling u get from smoking either type....personally i think u have hit the indicas a bit too hard and need some enlightening from some pure sativa strain like haze or kali mist....


also, i have found that smoking joints instead of bongs is alot better for medicinal use...your body feels the effects but leaves the body nice and clear...joint a day will keep the Dr away :P no way does a joint hit u like a bong and its more of a soothing rather than intense high...perfect for medicinal....


I decided a long time ago that Id rather die of a heart attack than any wasting disease so Im going to get hooked up with some designer drugs that should shorten my lifespan in a more positive way.


dont take this the wrong way but if u truely wanted to be dead, u would have walked upto a cliff and jumped off, not bitched about how mj is treating u badly.....now if you want to fuck your life up further by going out and taking designer drugs, go ahead, who has the right to stop you? but i can assure u, the depressed state your in now will be absolutely nothing compared to what it'll be like when your coming down off them....IMO the cliff would be the better option if your wanting to be dead. sure u see it coming but its quick, effecient and if your lucky the waves will clean you up :P overdose on pills, enjoy being barely concious while your organs slowly shut down...which is worse :scratchin


like chev said, she'd be smokin her ass off if she were in your position, i feel the same way....its better than the meds they want u on, its better than the pills you want to be on and its got over 6000 years of safe use backing it up.... :thumbsup just change the gear your using and things should start to pickup for you once again :(

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If the pain's bad enough, you wouldn't worry how mj can cloud the mind. I'm a FM, PTSD, IBM suffer plus more. I don't use a pain scale 1 to 10 since I can hit a 49 on a 1 to 50 scale. I take 10 Pills a day ( my doc just added some) not including mj, or all the tums I take. After I take my mj, I only need two pills for the rest for the day and I take them at night. All of my pills are addictive, mj is the only medicine I take that isn't. On some of my early pills, I went suicidal. The only thing that stopped me was my young kids. These were the days before medical mj for me. Let's face it I was a bitch, mad at everything and in server pain in the body. The mind was stuck in a thick fog from all thoughs damn pills. it didn't take much to set off my temper. I have the explosive type with black-outs. I found out later, my 1st doc gave me 2 pills that you cannot cross. In worse case, They would of killed me. For me, mj gave back to me control of my pain. I can live a more normal life again. If you want to read how mj has helped others go to www.oregongreenfree.com The withdraws from the pills is far worse then mj.

Have you tried eating mj or turn it into a tea? it takes longer to feel it, but its more of a body high. or you could try a lighter strain-sorry not area.

But if quitting mj is what floats your boat, do it who's going to stop you.

peace :smoke

Edited by loves420
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