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ACT legalises personal cannabis use, becoming first Australian jurisdi

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Jonh Laws this morning made a mockery of a poor bloke who uses cannabis for some diseease and is on new start

He wouldn't listen to reason and talked over the poor bloke

Until till people like this get on board an educate themselves instead of going home and drinking a bottle of 30yr old scotch (know this for a fact as I've done work for him) nothing will change



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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I don't, it was that station.because I listen to the sports show in the arvo

When I got In car this that was the call on at the time so I thought I'd listen

Just to see what his reaction was

If some one can't call a radio station without being ridiculed because of his current situation

Called a dole buldger and drug addict using government money to buy weed that it prescribed by a doctor!!!!!!!!!

Because he said the price limited what he could get legally so he had to buy black market weed then he was called a criminal

This is fucking ridiculous

Black lives matter

But so do everyone else regardless of their colour situation etc

It should be 6.50 for a script of weed with a simple visit to your local doctor

No fucking consultation fee

160 fucking dollars for a phone call then 120 for 5 lousy grams

So no NSW ain't going legal without 1 hell of a fight

And cunts like John Laws ain't going to help



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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if you read it correctly there was no implications of the black market and the legalisation of weed

It was simply a real life situation of what it's like even if you have access to medical marijuana

Atm the price limited the amount of ppl who have access to the amounts they need

So they turn to their local dealer to top up their supply of MEDS

Unless you grow your own if you have access to medical marijuana more than likely you will look to top up ?)


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It should be 6.50 for a script of weed with a simple visit to your local doctor

No fucking consultation fee

160 fucking dollars for a phone call then 120 for 5 lousy grams

So no NSW ain't going legal without 1 hell of a fight

And *#%@^ like John Laws ain't going to help



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

There is so much wrong with the legal status of weed at the moment on this over governed little island, the above is just the tip of the iceberg.

The bottom feeds the top and the circle self propagates.

The ironic part is, we as citizens and taxpayers resource these criminals (AKA, politicians, police, prisons) !

Elected officials to serve the public my fucking arse! They're legalised terrorists fulfilling they're own little agendas preying on the flock mentality which sadly, is the majority of legal age Aussies.


Give us a referendum at the least for legalisation!

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Sorry to the other op ,I didn't realise when you see BLM I thought you meant black market

The reason I said that is that I object to the slogan


Should be ALM

This price of medical marijuana is discrimination

They say the price of any human being is priceless


They price the drugs ,whether it be medical marijuana or pharma drugs , out of the hands of the ppl who really need it

What's the difference, being killed in the street or allowed to suffer in pain and exile simply because of your status in society and not being able to afford drugs that will improve ,prolong or even cure completely your condition

I could rant on but I suppose it's a bit of topic

No money no help


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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