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The pro's and con's of COCCO

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Chiller for your res. I don't run 24/7 flood n drain or NFT. My NFT is a recirculation gravel system. It takes a while for a full tray to drain and the medium remains moist for a while.


Irrigation: say hour on hour off, or 30 minutes x 5 per 24 hour clock. Breaking up the irrigation. I don't like my roots being moist 24/7. Aeroponics is fine but you need experience.


My go to basic is flood n drain.


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Chiller for your res. I don't run 24/7 flood n drain or NFT. My NFT is a recirculation gravel system. It takes a while for a full tray to drain and the medium remains moist for a while.


Irrigation: say hour on hour off, or 30 minutes x 5 per 24 hour clock. Breaking up the irrigation. I don't like my roots being moist 24/7. Aeroponics is fine but you need experience.


My go to basic is flood n drain.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Flood and drain is really easy, especially when you run higher plant numbers.
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Keep it on topic you blokes, no NFT talk here, unless ya jamming some coco in somewhere 


Areoponic's is piss easy, so are most ways of growing, except for dirt, need a dirt expert for that

either that or put some dolomite lime in, instead of 2 handfuls of something that is not dolomite lime, but looks like in a half light/half dark half pissed and fully stoned state

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I find your logic floored in many ways. 


(Yeah so do I)


Also it doesn’t help others just staying negative statements like that.

People are here to get help and advise.


(Got a good bit of advice for newbies "read a gardening book")


You may have had no success in any other form of hydroponic besides airoponics. 


(Haven't I, are ya sure)


But doesn’t mean others are the same as you. fuck i hope not, one of me is enough

It’s great you have success in airoponics, however 95% of people couldn’t master it, let alone get a plant to the end without 10000 dramas and issues. As it’s the hardest form of hydroponic out there. Which you never have state.


(Areoponics is piss easy)


The honest truth is if you rank from system from east to hard it’s gos , this is the minimum you need to do and still get a result , Also the lower you go down the list the more expensive each system is.


Store bought soil - water and forget,                                               (Never used)

Hydro store soil - eg canna terra water with there nutes,               (Never used)

Super soil - build the right soil mix, let it cook for 6 - 12 month,      (Sometimes)

Coco Run to Waste - make nutes mix, flush once every 10 days,   (Why flush when you run to waste?)

Coco Recirculating - have nutes rez, maintain ec, ph, temp, feed on timers, flush ever 10 days,    (Same as recirculating with anything else)

Flood and Drain - have nutes rez, maintain ec, ph, temp, feed more often so medium don’t dry out, wash system out ever 7 days, test run off for salt build up,  (Nah never done flood and drain, or have I ?)

DWC - same as Flood and Drain, with the added job of maintaining 24/7 air ration of water and not letting water temps go above 22, (No its not)

NFT - it’s same as DWC plus the added fun of Flood and Drain system but maintaining water flow 24/7,   (No its not, is a good way to grow tho)

Aquponics - same as DWC and NFT or some people treat it like Flood and Drain, with the added fun of having to grow fish to provide the food.  (Mmm fish and chips)

Airoponics - it is like DWC and NFT but instead of water flowing over roots like NFT you are misting the roots with high pressure emitter, as the water partials have to be a certain size for the plant to uptake the nuts, to large they will not be able to take in nutes. Also you have to maintain a air temp around the roots no higher then 22 on top of all that.  


(Thanks i been doing it all wrong)


People may say you can get let water temps get bit hight, is some systems you can. But the lower in the list you go, the more damage and issues you will have over 22. This is why, as water gets hotter, the less dissolved oxygen in the water. At 26 water temps will start burning fine white root hairs which can lead to root rot and other issues. At 30 you are just boiling your roots and there is so little DO in the water the plants can’t breath or take food up.


(Good advice)





I don’t have time but I can added more info on each system.


(Thanks that would be good), 


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

there ya go, comments in brackets 

Edited by pedro de pacas
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When i 1st got into indoors i used perlite coco was just starting to used by some of the members, i tried it and did nothing but fuk up so i ditched for a few more years.


Now i grow in 100% coco and will b using it again, it like any medium it can give u issues, i find it an easy medium to use and when on song it produces well, i was getting 250 grams a plant in a 14lt pot hand watered once a day with 1200mls and all i would get is a few mls run off, i found not keeping it to wet or dry and it hums along, yes i have had gnats with coco in past and medium was to dry or wet.


Not all coco is the same, canna coco has been ph buffered and had calmag added so its soak and plant, the 5kg blocks some have been ph buffered some havent, then the cheap small blocks u get from bunnings that take a lil work gettin it ready by washing and soaking in ph adjusted water over a few 2-3 days.


I have read here coco needs calmag i have never used it my self and never had an issue.


I am of the kiss method of growing, keep it simple stupid a&b nutes and pk when time is rite, the more that is added the more that can build up in the medium and that is when u can start to have issues...

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Ok thanks ozzy [emoji108] [emoji106] that’s sounds like even I could that [emoji23] and Micmac, you have a cartel of nutrients you’ve showed us, it looked like you had a hydro store in there [emoji23] [emoji23] or you do the same as Ozzie ? Please explain Micmac, it will be the only way I’ll even try coco grow, if I can understand it more [emoji108] [emoji106]



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