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sloppy, lazy, basic first time growing

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hi yall!

wanted to post an update on this grow!


so first up i've been having some leaves going off colours at the bottom, i haven't been too worried because they're the bottom leaves and i figured early on that it might be frost but also later realised it might be a nutrient deficiency.

before repotting


a week or so ago i finally re-potted into this awesome darth vader pot. this will most likely be where it spends the rest of its life, unless you all highly recommend i do otherwise. when re-potting the soil i already had it in was fairly solid, dry dirt so i plonked it into darth vaders head and filled it in with potting mix. I also put some dynamic lifter in and gave it a big water. the pot has plenty of drainage holes as well as some rocks at the bottom.

new pot


here is an up close photo, i have a feeling its going to be a boy, i think i can see some ball sacks but i'm not sure, what do you reckon or is it still too early?

new close up


its now been around 4 months, its been pretty much getting at least 6-8 hours of direct light a day except for those cloudy days, its been watered lightly at least once or twice a week.

it's been an absolute joy watching it grow, i think its such a cool looking plant.

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