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Light burn from cfl?

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I refuse to use town water the amount of chlorine among other crap that goes into is scary, my hubby was testing the pool water so i asked him to check the town water and our tap water had the same amount of chlorine levels as our pool, that was a few years back now and haven't drank that crap water since,i think another member mentioned once that if you pre fill a few buckets of tap water and leave it in the sun for a couple of days a lot of the chlorine evaporates thus making it much better for you plants but i havent personally tried this and tested the water but it sounds like a good option for those that dont have rainwater tanks,,,GQ


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That's actually crazy, I know I feel gross after swallowing a few mouthfuls of pool water so I don't blame you for not touching it.

I remember someone saying that they have replaced chlorine with chloramine in a lot of places because it doesn't evaporate so readily so leaving water out for a few days might not cut it anymore

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Yeah you could be right buds,the only other thing i can think of to counter act that is to maybe use boiled water or filter it some how but that would only be viable for a small grow,or maybe get heap of buckets and collect rain water and store in a dark place ready for use, i guess im lucky in the sense i have a large water tank that keeps me going but yeah tap water is yyyyyucky stuff for people and plants


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Yeas gq, I keep 2 res 1 let sit for about 3 days to let chlorine out so I always got 1 ready to go

If it rains I dump it on the lawn and collect as much as I can get (150 litres)

When I've emptied 1 n it doesn't rain I know it's been sitting for a while with small fish tank filter going in all tubs to keep mozzies out n water always moving n making bubble



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

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