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Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Growing Medium: Small rock wool cubes in clay pellets.
Growing Style: RDWC ( Recirculating Deep Water Culture )
Watering/Feeding Frequency: never now as roots are down in the water but i do flush them with PH rite water. i also have just gave them a feed through the tops with go Green. go green is The professor`s deficiency additive.
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): 1.6 EC i was using advanced Technology 2 part ionic mixture as they told me when using there product i wont have no deficiency`s and i did`nt now i do since the change in nutrient`s, Talked myself back into using ozi magic as my results last grow were CLOSE to AMAZING and they still had 2 weeks to go at least! so i`m at the stage of using there Bud Swell at the moment, It makes the stems nice and thick and also produces bigger buds i reckon, all in all it makes the plant nice,strong and healthy, but its got me thinking this may have caused this issue as i only just changed to ozi magic Bud Swell 2 days ago and the problem started today(Morning) from what i could tell! last grow when using Bud Swell i loved it and had 0 issues, apart from fucking  ROOT ROT!!! :( so i`m not sure what to think or do at this point in time.... nothing else has changed the past few days that i`m aware of apart from going from GT Ionic to OzI Magc - Bud Swell also again i`m using Great White with my nutrients and have done since the start of this grow for the roots etc, I would also like to add i was first using The professors full range including go roots that contains fulvic acids that can make the roots a little brown? we stopped using professors as we were using a underground filter in our RDWC system and it was taking all the good shit outa the nutrients, after we changed filters that solved the problem. gotta admit it did not turn them brown, if it did it just happen and i`m not using it now! but i have now stopped using that since 3 days ago. 2 days ago my roots were white as!!! I was really happy with them, BUT now just then i lifted the lids up to check the roots out and i was a little shocked to find my nice long white roots had turned to a little off brown color that i am certainly not fucking happy with.   what to do?
PH Levels: 6 to 6.2
Temperature/Humidity Levels: It is still getting up to 30 degree`s in my 2x2x2 meter tent when lights are on, mainly around 25 i try to keep the room at, down to 10 at the lowest at the moment when lights are out, iv just added a gas heater to try up the temps when lights are out. also hoping it will add a lot of C02 for the plants to suck in, Does any use a outdoor gas heater in there grow shed etc for heating and co2? never heard of this being done before and yes i know all the risks etc but whats the difference to say a cO2 burner for example? nothing really....ill post a pic of my heater for everyone to look at to see what use think about the idea? photo`s below

;Humidity is all over the place at the moment but i have a dehumidifier rocking up tomorrow so that will solve that issue i`m hoping. well $300 should fix a lot of issues ey? lol fucking $$$ doesn't last when ya grow thats for sure.
Air Flow/Fans etc.: 2 x 150mm cert in-line fans.
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): HIPAR Ceramic Metal Halide 315w for each plant, 3 315 CMH in total, i do have a 4th one but not in use at the moment (4th 315 is a nanolux) as 1 clone started growing then just stopped and looked real fucked up for 2 weeks after we tried everything to resolve her issues, 3 days ago we decided to pull here up as she was hurting our eyes more then anything and to be honest i`m not sure what to put that down to but now iv had a good look at the roots etc i`m more convinced its root rot!  i hate that word!!!
Total Wattage: 945 WATT  for 3 lights and about 1000 WATT for other hardware. So 1945+ approx.
Growth Stage: Vegging, was planning on only vegging for 1 more week but now since this issue i don`t have a clue! hurts me a lot actually as iv been put well behind with my grows at the moment. need to start improving shit more obviously! i thought i had done so but not enough! duh!!!!
Plants Age: Started from a 2 week old clone and i have had them for 4 weeks now so they are 6 weeks old max.
Cannabis Strain:  Critical Mass, Lemon Haze and Raspberry Kush are affected. My Raspberry Kush looks sexy! Mme, On closer inspection just then i noticed the Raspberry Kush looks like it may now start being affected also, I might add this is my largest plant as u will soon see ;)the leafs are starting to curl in and out and twisted and shit! :( also the roots are browning up on her as well

I had a case of root rot in my last crop...anyway i got through that and replaced my system and cleaned and cleaned, Iv since setup a new RDWC system and i`m only just currently starting to have a problem, i`m noticing my growth may have slowed down, also noticed today a few rust spots on a Critical Mass that is 4 weeks old from a small clone still vegging. 6 weeks old in total. After a close inspection of my girls all 3 have the same color roots now. 2 days ago they were WHITE! cant believe this. I have worried all along i might get root rot again so i went all out with this system and crop i brought a chiller thats keeping my rez at 19-20 Degree`s. and i used H2O2 for a week when i first got the clones as a preventive. Now using Great White along with Bud Swell from ozi magic, all seemed well when they got going but suddenly all 3 all looking a little off at the moment.

2 days ago the roots on all of them looked white as white can be and very healthy......

also i nearly forgot to mention today before the lights came on i foliar spray`d them all under the leaf`s with go green. hoping that helps? now im convinced it may very well be root rot no deficiency solution will fix it damn.

I have taken photo`s of all 3 plants for you guys to investigate...i need a %100 solution asap, hoping its NOT root rot. could be a deficiency of some sort? AGAIN after closer inspection just then i am putting it down to root rot and this is why i have taken these pictures. I forced myself to take these pictures, i`m way to paranoid for photo`s of my grow to be on here but i have no choice as i need some good solid advice and help to see us through and to still produce a large amount of green to smoke.

Here are photo`s off all affected plants: AND yes of course all exif date, GPS, location (personal info) etc has been removed. I have spent most of the night and morning doing this, taking photos and typing this out, removing exif data and uploading them, its been a huge job for someone like me but it WAS a task i had to begin asap as i know what happen`s if u don't treat your plants with respect. so here we go!!! happy peeking :=)


Also just one more thing iv included photo`s of some of my setup, I FULLY welcome EVERYONE`S opinions and ideas to improve my grow room! cheers

in the photo`s with the full tent setup i have the nanolux 315 cmh up high and off at the moment as i am only growing 3 plants.....i suspect the first one took a beating off this problem i`m having now, i think it just caught the Blue Dream clone before the others? it just stopped growing, twisted leaves rusty spots etc.... healthy white root system but it done nothing for 2-3 weeks.......!!! pulled it up waste of time as i couldn't fix her at that moment in time i didn't have the time to deal with her!






















































































































So what does everyone think about my situation? how does everything look and sound? whats the diagnosis?







Cheers Medical Grower



















































Edited by medicalgrower
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Got the dream setup there by the looks of it.


I have never used a dwc system so take what i say with a grain of salt.


My first thoughts when i saw the plants was:


1- high res temps, but your meter says 20C which may be a bit high, I thought 16-20 was the go with dwc??? Someone please correct me if i am wrong


2- airflow, but with 2 x 150 mm fans it should be ok in that size tent, although, as I understand it those can fans work better with the filter before the fan??


3- finally, I reckon there is about a 2-3 day delay between doing something and it showing an effect on the plant, so if you started with a new product 2 days ago, it could well be the budswell, particularly as it is an organic product....

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Got the dream setup there by the looks of it.

I have never used a dwc system so take what i say with a grain of salt.

My first thoughts when i saw the plants was:

1- high res temps, but your meter says 20C which may be a bit high, I thought 16-20 was the go with dwc??? Someone please correct me if i am wrong

2- airflow, but with 2 x 150 mm fans it should be ok in that size tent, although, as I understand it those can fans work better with the filter before the fan??

3- finally, I reckon there is about a 2-3 day delay between doing something and it showing an effect on the plant, so if you started with a new product 2 days ago, it could well be the budswell, particularly as it is an organic product....

Hi mate, haha thank you yeah i have put a lot of cash and time into this system so far! Every cent Iv had has gone into this project. I love my weed.

yeah I have been advised by you guys here to run my rez at 20!

Iv also thought about having a carbon filter on both sides of the can fans...

Yeah I reckon that's very close to being true about the delay you could very well be rite!

I spent nearly 12 hours off and on yesterday doing this post making it as detailed as possible. Can others please shout out some helpful advise etc?


Thanks for your say Ford ;)

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hi,  ive never grown using a dwc so maybe wrong, but I reckon your temperature differential could be your problem, hot when lights are on 30 degrees and cold when lights are off, 10 degrees. Ive seen these symptoms before in rock wool flock. Your photo's show clawing.

So in my opinion you need to get an oil heater for nighttime and a thermostat, dont let the temperature drop below 17- 18 degrees at night,   the gas heater your talking about is only any good when your lights are on, as they dont use co2 in the dark period, so all you will do is increase humidity as the burning of lpg produces co2 and water.

so fix night time temperature

and reduce feeding strength say down to 1.2 at the most until no clawing is seen.  Also if you put them into flower while clawing like this the buds wont grow, especially the top bud.  Some strains are more susceptible than others to this.

hope this helps  

Edited by hermananian
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hi,  ive never grown using a dwc so maybe wrong, but I reckon your temperature differential could be your problem, hot when lights are on 30 degrees and cold when lights are off, 10 degrees. Ive seen these symptoms before in rock wool flock. Your photo's show clawing.

So in my opinion you need to get an oil heater for nighttime and a thermostat, dont let the temperature drop below 17- 18 degrees at night,   the gas heater your talking about is only any good when your lights are on, as they dont use co2 in the dark period, so all you will do is increase humidity as the burning of lpg produces co2 and water.

so fix night time temperature

and reduce feeding strength say down to 1.2 at the most until no clawing is seen.  Also if you put them into flower while clawing like this the buds wont grow, especially the top bud.  Some strains are more susceptible than others to this.

hope this helps  


Hey mate!


okay i see your point and it may well be very valid. i will fix this issue. thanks :)

ok i will fix my ec as well and with the clawing do the leafs recover from it?

one more Q, How about my roots? whats your opinion on them? do they look healthy to you? just they have gone a little off white in the past few days when the clawing started. does clawing do this at all?


That is a killer setup man looks like u have splashed out quiet a lot of dough, i would be very tempted to remove the DWC and go 400-500mm coco pots and be done with the root rot


haha cheers mate ;) yes I have indeed splashed the cash for this setup! expecting and wanting a great outcome!


i have thought about the coco method to say good bye to root rot but i cannot convince my growing mate this is the way for us to go!

I`v thought about growing in pots with just clay balls with a top watering system, no roots would be in water. is growing in just clay balls a option?


cheers mate.

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hi, if this were my grow I would get some canna rhizotonic will fix the roots up a treat. I use it in the first few weeks and it makes the roots bright white, its also good for sick plants. 

Seriously think about coco as Gazz has advised you to, heaps less to go wrong, use the kiss method. 

Yes they will recover if you keep these temperatures under control, read the link it will explain better than I can . Dont put them to flower until they show signs of recovery or yeild will suffer.

hope this helps 




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H2o2... The dissolved Oxygen is to low and get your temps down a bit ,You want the res at 18 if you can no lower than 16 and no higher than 22 at the end of the day.. I use a modifeid RDWC ( shallower system with misters added) system .. And make sure your air is on 24/7 and put your air pump in a cool area ..You don't mention the size of your air pump You need lots and lots of air the more the better.. The more bubbles the better ,the finer the bubbles even better.. I use 2000 lph per pot like this... The trick to healthy DWC is  dissolved oxygen ,high temps lower this dramatically small air pumps and cheap stones dont work.. Quality ring stones and high output air pumps.. Worth every cent. 


 My other hobby is Marine reef aquariums ..

PS are you using untreated tank water ,if so the chances are that also causing issues..

Edited by Traviss
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H2o2... The dissolved Oxygen is to low and get your temps down a bit ,You want the res at 18 if you can no lower than 16 and no higher than 22 at the end of the day.. I use a modifeid RDWC ( shallower system with misters added) system .. And make sure your air is on 24/7 and put your air pump in a cool area ..You don't mention the size of your air pump You need lots and lots of air the more the better.. The more bubbles the better ,the finer the bubbles even better.. I use 2000 lph per pot like this... The trick to healthy DWC is  dissolved oxygen ,high temps lower this dramatically small air pumps and cheap stones dont work.. Quality ring stones and high output air pumps.. Worth every cent. 


 My other hobby is Marine reef aquariums ..

PS are you using untreated tank water ,if so the chances are that also causing issues..

Hi mate, my air pump is a aquaone pond outdoor air pump sitting outside my tent as seen in the a pic above... it's a 10 outlet high volume air pump. I'm only running 4 large round airstones off it. It's pretty powerful.


Not using rain water no more mate think u were the one that told me my problem may have came from the rain water a few months ago...


Also using a 4500lph return water pump,to pump,water back to my Rez.

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