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Medicinal marijuana sale approved by Federal Government

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 But when Harry Anslinger, commonly known as 'the father of the war on weed', declared war in the 1930's it was not a war on hemp, hemp was needed to make ropes and sails for shipping. Farmers were ordered to grow it for the war effort. It was a war against those nasty Mexican's and their drug Marijuana. It was a racist law, as many were back then. Here's two of Anslinger's infamous statements:


"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the U.S., and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others."


"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."


Although most of the racist language from Anslinger's original mission statement was removed, the general context remained the same. This altered document was presented to the United Nations. At the time there were individual agreements made between individual nations but nothing comprehensive. In 1961 the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs was established and the Australian Federal Government are signatories to this convention. In the U.S. it is not the Federal Government who have altered the laws but individual states within the U.S. that have varied individual laws to allow canna and in general terms (very general terms) that is what is happening here. The Australian Federal Govt have 'relaxed' some regulations around canna, and now it's up to the states to put legislation in place. In years gone by South Australia 'had' some of the most relaxed canna laws but due to the other states blaming SA for the supply of canna via their police ministers the SA laws have been strengthened. Now its illegal to even posses grow lights in SA, so progression on canna law has actually gone backwards. Hopefully this will again change, but it seems each state is waiting for the others to act, so in the mean time everyone is talking about it, but no one is acting on it IMO





A real piece of work that Arselinger dude, read a bit about him a while ago, it would appear his type are well and truly still in the game.


The states playing games with each other is really irritating me, i mean, how many trials for childhood epilepsy do we need on the east coast, i've ranted about this before and there is no clear winner at this stage of the monorail.


I'm still a big believer in the people power thing but no idea how to get it done, meh, what do i care no change here, would be nice to have DVA  pay for the concentrates though :) 

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Because Australia does not have a health industry, it has a disease industry. There's much, much, much money to be made by pharmaceutical companies and governments by keeping people sick and in pain.


They're not going to throw all that loot away for some inexpensive, naturally occurring, unprocessed, chemical free plant that actually works.

Unfortunately, I think you are correct


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Great program on JJJ regards Medical Cannabis a few minutes ago...reveals 21 of the 23 authorised Doctors are basically in Sydney or Newcastle, and are pediatric neurologists.

Yet Greg Hunt talks to the mother of a boy with brain tumour gettin stuffed around, making false promises on national radio.

Waffles about less than 100 doctors....quite a bit less...




Also, one of the specialists involved in the trials comments that only a few of the 40 odd epileptic kids are getting benefit from the trial product...hmmmm

CBD pure only wasnt it?

Edited by devodude
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I can't wait!! ... and neither can my family and mates!


Yeah I'm going out on a limb and grow my own outdoor organic meds for me and my family and mates.


I registered with the office of drug control since last year and they sent me emails when it would be all up and running.


It would cost me about $15,000 to $20,000 in permits and licences EVERY YEAR!


It is so prohibitive to meet their requirements. I (and every other rich bastard) would need to be a fit and proper person, no bankruptcy, no drug crimes, (including your staff) you would need to secure the place with cctv, 2 types of fences/gates/boundaries etc, organise disposal of the dope excess, deal with various other types of licences with the TGA!!


My poor old step dad asked me if I was going into business with this and I said, Yes I intend to but the cost is prohibitive, too much paperwork, requirements, rules etc... I will just grow my own and within time it will be ok (just look at usa and they are getting much better and relaxed with their laws.)

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Great program on JJJ regards Medical Cannabis a few minutes ago...reveals 21 of the 23 authorised Doctors are basically in Sydney or Newcastle, and are pediatric neurologists.

Yet Greg Hunt talks to the mother of a boy with brain tumour gettin stuffed around, making false promises on national radio.

Waffles about less than 100 doctors....quite a bit less...




Also, one of the specialists involved in the trials comments that only a few of the 40 odd epileptic kids are getting benefit from the trial product...hmmmm

CBD pure only wasnt it?


well one would wonder eh. Seems perhaps a combination of the thc and cbd and all in between are useful for a myriad of illnesses, aches and pains

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"...well one would wonder eh. Seems perhaps a combination of the thc and cbd and all in between are useful for a myriad of illnesses, aches and pains..."


And this is exactly the problem. Big pharma wants to patent their concoctions. Whole plant therapies cannot be patented because they are natural. So the beneficial interactions between the differing cannabinoids is not explored by big pharma(nor the govt) as this may reduce the use of more profitable medications for the drug companies and their shareholders. I have been doing some research into the use of canna for pain management and it seems that it has been shown that the use of canna in combination with opiates has the effect of reducing the dosages and frequency of the opiates to manage the pain (a fact that I have been saying for years). This goes to prove it's all about the mighty $$$$ and has sweet fuck all to do with patient care and pain management. We can all thank our elected Federal Government for protecting their mates in big business for this.

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