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Recirculating Toxins?


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Hey Fellas, I'm a long time stoner, first time grower and have been doing extensive research before starting a setup. Anyway I read in a book that when feeding a plant not only are the roots absorbing nutrients and such, they are also dispelling certain toxins, which in a rec system are then being fed back to the plants? Is it worth worrying about or is the author being a tad perdantic?



If weed is wrong god is a criminal.
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Hey Fellas, I'm a long time stoner, first time grower and have been doing extensive research before starting a setup. Anyway I read in a book that when feeding a plant not only are the roots absorbing nutrients and such, they are also dispelling certain toxins, which in a rec system are then being fed back to the plants? Is it worth worrying about or is the author being a tad perdantic?


Hey gidday,


Yea from what I have read this is true.

It doesnt effect most people though because the water and nutrient mix is drained, everything flushed with water and then refilled with fresh stuff. Whenever the water is topped up, it is only Ph adjusted water and contains NO nutrients.


You can grow in a system where you top up with nutes,m and dont flush between. Its just not as good, and the toxins are just one of the reasons. another is that it unbalances the nutrients.


IMO dont be worried about it, and dump, flush and refill every 2 weeks.

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Yeah, they key to recirculating systems is replacing your tank at least every 14 days with fresh nutes, if not every 7 days (as I used to) and making sure you top up with ph corrected water. It's not a major issue as ferengi pointed out, just dump, flush and refill lol With the flushing, I'd only do it every 3 weeks or so, and only for like, 15 mins.
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have been doing extensive research before starting a setup.


That is a very wise move my friend, and should be the first and foremost on every one’s thing to do, before starting or designing and new system, smart move pro’s to ya bro.


Anyway I read in a book that when feeding a plant not only are the roots absorbing nutrients and such, they are also dispelling certain toxins,


I’m not sure that I understand your question about toxins, are you referring to the roots releasing gas’s in the nutrient solution, or are you referring to the buildup of nutrients in the system to the point of toxicity?


which in a rec system are then being fed back to the plants? Is it worth worrying about or is the author being a tad perdantic?


I will say this, I have been Growing in a 36 Recirculating DWC Bio-Bucket System for almost two years now, and I never flush my system or do res-change-outs, I thank it’s got to do with something in how you design your system to begin with, anyways I have never had toxic buildup in my system and I am in week three of flowering.

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I will say this, I have been Growing in a 36 Recirculating DWC Bio-Bucket System for almost two years now, and I never flush my system or do res-change-outs, I thank it’s got to do with something in how you design your system to begin with, anyways I have never had toxic buildup in my system and I am in week three of flowering.



Yes- you can do this but its NOT a good thing to do, or is it recommended to do.

What your doing is adding nutes to an unbalanced nutrient mix. Your also not removing the toxins that the plants put in to the water as a byproduct.


Try a grow where you DO flush and drain everything, I bet you will be amazed by the difference in both growing of the plant and the yeild produced.


One of my mates used to do it the way that you do, but I got up him and made him do a grow using the dump and flush method. He almost doubled is yeild and the buds were alot better quality.

Since trying my way he wont do it his old way again, welll its not actually MY way it was what I learnt when I done a hydroponics course.


Alot of people claim that they can get the same results as using all those additives by just flushing and using fresh nutes.


It would be good for you to at least try out.

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Yes- you can do this but its NOT a good thing to do, or is it recommended to do.


Yes I would agree, in most of the hydroponic setups that I have seen it probably would be a good idea to flush, I mint no harm, and was only trying to offer my growing experience in the recirculating bio-bucket system, I do not clam to be an expert in hydroponics nor have I taking any hydro courses,. I only know what works, in the bio-system.


What your doing is adding nutes to an unbalanced nutrient mix. Your also not removing the toxins that the plants put in to the water as a byproduct.


Well I’m not a chemist, and I don’t know what constitutes an unbalanced mix, do you have a way of measuring or testing your nutrient solution? Btw I personally I do not believe in the myth of an unbalanced mix in the nutrient solution, unless you did it your self!! There are commercial green house grower that use up to 2000 gallons of nutrient solutions in there reservoir, and they can not afford to flush every week or so, there is no need for all the waste, there has been grows done by professionals, how have used there solution over three grows and have do great, and although I have not personally seen there’s, I have seen my and have found it to be true.


One of my mates used to do it the way that you do, but I got up him and made him do a grow using the dump and flush method. He almost doubled is yield and the buds were alot better quality. Since trying my way he wont do it his old way again,


Well I can’t speak for your mate, I can only say what I have experienced for my self, and am sure that if your mate was using the bio-buckets and they were designed right, he would have had no problems.


Alot of people claim that they can get the same results as using all those additives by just flushing and using fresh nutes.


I would never clam anything that I could not backup or prove, as for unbalanced mix, and nutrient toxicity go, like I said if your system is designed to utilize Beneficial Bacterium such as the bio-buckets are they may not be having these problems to begin with.


It would be good for you to at least try out.


I will not get into to the yield of the bio-buckets, but I will say this, they have never given me a resin to change, believe me if the yield was not good I would be the first to say what’s wrong!! You have ask me to try it your way, have you ever tried the bio-buckets?

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Well I’m not a chemist, and I don’t know what constitutes an unbalanced mix, do you have a way of measuring or testing your nutrient solution? Btw I personally I do not believe in the myth of an unbalanced mix in the nutrient solution, unless you did it your self!! There are commercial green house grower that use up to 2000 gallons of nutrient solutions in there reservoir, and they can not afford to flush every week or so, there is no need for all the waste, there has been grows done by professionals, how have used there solution over three grows and have do great, and although I have not personally seen there’s, I have seen my and have found it to be true.


The reason the nutrient mix becomes unbalanced is a/ The plant uses what is wants and needs to grow., It doesnt say Oh I consumed 1/4 of the nitrogen so I better eat my Potassium.

It takes uneven amounts of the fertisilers from the mix and leaves an unbalanced mix.

B/ not so much in a bucket but most other systems will start to get a buildup of nutrient in the medium. Flushing cleans the medium.


Commercial growers dont grow marijuana, they are growing chives and lettuce and shit in the BIG setups they have nutrient monitoring equipment that is conneceted to containers of the nutrient. Their expensive equipment reads the nutrient and only puts in the required amounts of the certain chemical.

Most home growers can only read the total amount of dissolved salts, but cannot read what has been used out of the mix.

You can buy cheaper things that do similar things to what the commercial guys uses. I think they are called commanders.


es I would agree, in most of the hydroponic setups that I have seen it probably would be a good idea to flush, I mint no harm, and was only trying to offer my growing experience in the recirculating bio-bucket system, I do not clam to be an expert in hydroponics nor have I taking any hydro courses,. I only know what works, in the bio-system.


cool, and we appreciate your input mate, Im no expert in hydroponics either which is obvious lol. but I did a few courses so that I knew what I was doing.

Hey if your way works for you, then STICK to it mate. in my experiance there is no right way to do anything.


Well I can’t speak for your mate, I can only say what I have experienced for my self, and am sure that if your mate was using the bio-buckets and they were designed right, he would have had no problems.

In his case it was a flood and drain setup, not the buckets. SO yea could have been different in them.


I would never clam anything that I could not backup or prove, as for unbalanced mix, and nutrient toxicity go, like I said if your system is designed to utilize Beneficial Bacterium such as the bio-buckets are they may not be having these problems to begin with.
I will not get into to the yield of the bio-buckets, but I will say this, they have never given me a resin to change, believe me if the yield was not good I would be the first to say what’s wrong!! You have ask me to try it your way, have you ever tried the bio-buckets?


I grew bio-buckets and had nothing but problems with them, its not to say that your way wont grow buds and good ones at that. But you WILL get a better quality and quantity flushing. Thats why most long time users of buckets use a control tank.


Hey Im sure your happy with your setup, Im just saying what happens and that you could improve on your system by simply using a control bucket so that you can flush all the old crap out and provide good clean water and a clean balanced mix for the plants.

If you just grow and smoke then cool, But im a fussy cunt with the plants. I believe that if im taking the risk of growing my own meds that I might as well do everthing to the best for the plants.


Hey have ya got some pics mate??


I might copy how you do things and give your methods a try. As I still have the buckets and everything for them and I have enough room in the grow room to put one.

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Dude that’s cool and all, but it steal does not change the fact that the bio-buckets work, I don’t know who taught you to grow in the bio-buckets or if it was a personal effort, but I will say this; as far as I know there are 16 elements that are to be “essential” for plant growth and reproduction, and I thank that when we say nutrient deficiency it is not necessarily the say thing as toxicity, but I’ll not get into all of that.


Yes I have lots of photo’s and documentation of my Recirculating DWC Bio-Bucket System, and would be glad to share what I have learned over the past two years that I have grown in the bio-buckets, but at the present I am finishing up a grow thread and documentation of the bio-buckets over at OG, here is a link if you would like to take a look.



I saw in a post some where over on OG, that a grower said that OZ-STONERS was the place to be, I have been lurking around here for some time now, and I saw that there was more then a passing interest in a recirculating system. So I thought I would jump in and give my two cents worth about growing in a recirculating system did not mine to disrupt the flow of karma, sorry about that.


Well dude it’s like this, we could play ring around the rosy with this nutrient toxicity subject, but I’ve always found it to be the best to put your money were your mouth is. So when I get some free time I may post a quick start to finish bio-bucket thread, until then just check the link out.

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Hey awesome mate,

Im not trying to argue because Like I said "do what works for you".

I reakon your would do even better thats all. Im just aware of the way the res builds up crap in it and it is always best to dump, flush and refill.


But im going to give your buckets another go, They work for so many others that they must be a pretty good system once its alll setup well.

I heard that buckets have a awesome growth rate??


I like my system but that doesnt mean that its the right system for anyone else,.

Its all a learning curve hey?


at the end of the day it doesnt matter how its grown as long as it is grown lol.


I cant wait to see the thread here, but im gonna head over to OG and check it out.


Thanks for your discussion thread here, Its been educational.

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Hey just reading through your thread at OG and I have noticed a few little problems.


this pic is a classic toxin buildup.






how far away are your lights?? that pic looks stretched.




After reading the thread it all makes more sense to me now,


You do flush your system and add fresh water not nutes, thats what I assume the float valve is for??


Man you have done a brilliant job and also educated this old fool once again, Your system is awesome. But some of the pics are showing nutrient problems.


Also I now know why my bio-bucket didnt work, I used clayballs and didnt give them anything to live in.

How do you get your roots to grow through the net pots? I cant see any sort of a top feeder.


Also You dont use Air in your buckets but rely on breaking the water surface via waterfall method.

One of the great bucket growers Whit cluster, once told me that You HAD to have an airstone, but I see you dont and its working alright for you.


The other thing I cant get my head around, is that you dont use grow to grow with, you said you only used the veg formula once at first and then dont use it again, and you fill up with Bloom and grow using bloom. Have you noticed any nitrogen problems??

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