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Help! Can anyone diagnose my sick baby

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She looks a little hungry. I wouldn't worry to much. Just watch your watering. Also don't trust a label that sez premium - especially Bunnings. Try making your own mixes - it's not hard really...for example: garden soil, perlite, clay balls, straw, some left over fish from dinner, some cheap potting mix(the kind where you can see the chips - not fine stuff); just remember the water or feed has to be absorbed by the medium but also run out - but not to fast. Just to help you out think of it this way - I use a 60/40 mix made up of 60% clay balls and 40% coco - the 60/40 I have to feed at least 3 times a day during warm weather; I can see the water/feed escape when I feed/water and it's always moist inside but not 'WET' as in soaking wet! Once you work out your ratio, or mix and understand the importance of it you'll never look back - only forward to better ratios and better combinations. As stated above by ryanme1234 - "mj hates wet feet"
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She looks a little hungry. I wouldn't worry to much. Just watch your watering. Also don't trust a label that sez premium - especially Bunnings. Try making your own mixes - it's not hard really...for example: garden soil, perlite, clay balls, straw, some left over fish from dinner

 I agree crap soil make your own, you only get out what you put in ))

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That barky sheight is robbing your nitrogen hence the deficiency as explained in your other thread asking the same question. Just add more N and get to cooking up your own soil like the others in the knows have said.


It will be piss easy once you've worked out a good home made mix. Dont give up on soil either it will be worth it in the end.


All the best.

Edited by T.WilyRR.
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What are your thoughts on defoliation?

The fan leaves are even bigger now and some of the newer leaves below are getting zero light and are looking less than lively.

I've read a bit, but advice on how much to take off would be great

Thanks heaps team

Train the plant and then tuck and fold the leaves as needed.  They are solar panels for the plant and their removal denies energy, stresses the plant and makes the plant put energy towards repairs instead of new growth or maturing.  Obviously you should remove some leaves if there are environmental reasons like reduced air flow that risk your harvest but otherwise you should leave the plant as intact as possible.

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