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Study: Strokes affecting more younger people

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Man there are a few *#%@^ on this forum, i guess its why only a handful of people post here.

A little harsh, :doh:  but has a point. Fair enough .It is a lot easier to ridicule people and try to bring them down, rather than confute or prove someone’s/their own claims. Google works fine. It is not like some of them don’t have the time either.


Rubbish the poster/reply, (this will include your post and likely this), pat each other on the back by liking each other’s post.

(Nepotism, amongst some of the 420 crew. See it in a lot of topics. They can see who likes and dislikes their posts)


A lot of people, including 420 members have a lot of very helpful knowledge to share, and do so. I also see a lot of helpful information overlooked in favour of promoting some witty or smartarse reply.

A few have too much unproductive time on their hands.


This is my opinion (as most of you use as an escape clause) and is not focused on this particular thread or any member, but a general observation, Sorry if this gets up the nose of some .If it does, than maybe I am talking about you..... :greedy:

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Exactly, Train Wreck.


I posted my thoughts in a polite conversational tone, and was blindsided by people telling me that I spout crap, that I should post studies to prove everything I say as if it's a court of law, and had people put words in my mouth saying I said I was an expert, when I didn't.


As a result, I don't feel particularly welcome here, and don't feel like talking about these sorts of issues any more, since the reaction of regulars seems to be a bit hostile.


If anyone is interested in looking up what I said, this is what you do:


In terms of diet, and its impact on human health, look up Dr Gersen, or the Gersen therapy. Dr Gersen is one of the best doctors to walk the face of the Earth, whose theory (proven by his ability to heal everything from tuberculosis to cancer with diet alone, whose therapy is still available in clinics for almost a century) is that ones diet is in fact their external pre-matabolism.


In terms of electromagnetic radiation affecting human cells, again the evidence is overwhelming. If you're interested, you can look up what is happening with people who are electrosensitive, who have begun to build their own private, low or no electronic communities. If you're super lazy and want an easy documentary to watch on it, I would suggest something like "Beings of Frequency". It is also important to know that the Amish routinely pull electrical wires out of homes that they buy (to sell as scrap) which infers that standing copper cables act as antennas. You could also look up any of the prominent writers on dirty electricity, who use AM radios or custom equipment to detect the source.


In terms of vaccines, again the research is everywhere, with several doctors and health professionals having stakes their reputations going against the grain of accepted thinking. The amish feature heavily in those by dint of being the perfect placebo group, due to population size and geographic proximity. You might look at the work of people such as Dr Laibow in South America in regards to this.


In terms of organic food vs GMO food and long term health effects, again the evidence is abundant, though the presently relevent study is the one done about 9 months ago, that showed rats developing massive tumours just after the cessation of the usual GMO testing timeframe. You might also draw your own conclusions by viewing the testimony of several doctors (of genetics) who worked for large GMO companies, who themselves refuse GMO. Many of those companies have, on premesis, their own organic only cafeterias, which is telling in itself. If the workers at GMO companies don't eat GMO, it tells you something that you don't need a study to show.


In terms of monoculture being a source of disease, I would suggest looking up farmers who are implemeting permaculture farms, where they create closed loop ecosystem based farms so as to constantly cycle nutrients, and eliminate the need for pesticides and fertilizers. You might also look at the soil degradation impact reports that have come out, whereby soil depletion has been identified as a major problem.


 If someone came to this forum, asked about a particular growing style/strain, got an answer, and then said "I think you're full of it, you're spouting crap, you think you're an expert, show me a study to back up what you're saying", chances are some forum member is going ot tell that person to get lost in not terribly polite terms - perhaps even some of the members who are saying the same thing to me.


So, like I said, you've been pointed in the right direction. Go there or no, it is no longer my business. I believe everyone should take personal responsibility for their health. If people are willing to research for 2 months before planting a cannabis plant, then they can spend 5 minutes on google having a read about what is making them sick. Half the problems we have in our society are due to people asking other people to do their thinking for them. I wont contribute to that. Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.


Also I don't think it too much to ask for people to speak nicely to people who have spoken nicely to them.

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Is this an Amish or Cannabis website? I couldnt give a hoot if Dr Gersen is one of the best Doctors on the planet, 'Dr Grinspoon' will hold sway over that fella anyday!

Not out to bag ya MGC, but can we talk Canna for a spell?


It has everything to do with cannabis. Besides, I was sticking to the topic of the thread. It seems pretty unreasonable to come into a thread started by someone else and tell one of the thread participants (me) that I shouldn't be talking about the thread topic. If you don't want to talk about the topic, just skip the thread - what's the big deal?


Cannabis for human consumption has a huge affect on people's health, including things like strokes, and all the stuff that Gerson etc were talking about.


The studies show clearly that cannabinoids are nutrients as much as they are drugs, and the drug effect itself is pharmacologically relevent to stroke.


The evidence is all over the place - people who smoke cannabis have lungs as healthy as people who don't smoke at all, and much better than people who smoke tobacco. On top of that, people in big cities full of smog who smoke cannabis have better lungs than peopel who don't smoke at all, emaning that the cannabinoids are protecting the lung in some way.


The title of the thread is strokes. Strokes happen because blood pressures, and blood vessels, dont function properly, and are clogged up somehow (usually a blood clot). Well, if cannabinoids help repair arteries (which they do) and affect blood vessels through dilatation (which again, they do), and improve oxygen supply to the brain (which as an extension of the mechanism of action, they do) then it suggests that a good way to reduce the chance of stroke is to ingest a cannabinoid supplement (or just smoke it).


Personally, my interest in cannabis is medicinal and nutritional. If people want to use it to affect their consciousness, then of course good luck to them, it's their business anyway, plus there is evidence to suggest that people who explore their consciousness with cannabis have better lives than without it - but for me, I want to have this thing available for patient use, especially prophylactically.

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Does 32 count as young?


I had a stroke during a party at a hippy commune ten years ago.

It was a freezing cold night and I was wearing a T shirt and shorts and had taken a vast collection of drugs(Speed, Ecstacy, acid and much pot) a short while later I heard a whistling noise inside my head very similar to a balloon being let down and at the same moment my vision went totally white.(It cleared after a few seconds).

For the next few months I had a very slight slur to my words and had the shakes all the time, I put it down to the drugs but years later I was watching enough rope (Andrew denton) and he interviewd the Aussie tennis coach...John Newcomb? and he described the exact same thing I'd been through.

While that's probably not relevant to the current thread I thought i'd share it as a cautionary tale.


Peace hippies.

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