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Study: Strokes affecting more younger people

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If you look at things holistically, you start seeing that lots of things are wrong with how humans live today, that makes them unhealthy.


It starts with vaccines, that cause all sorts of harms/brain changes, that has been shown to damage people permanently - and everyone is vaccinated.


Then there's the food - we grow food in monoculture (ie only one crop per field instead of all mixed up) using artificial chemicals made from oil, instead of the natural worms and that sort of thing. Not to mention the food is mostly GMO, which has been shown to kill rats fairly quick (in the recent long term study that came out). Our meat is full of antibiotics, stuff from the store is preserved with chemicals that destroy life (instead of being dried out or salted like it used to be).


Our environment is filthy, what with smog and burned soot from cars being breathed in everyday, particles of rubber and plastic leeching stuff into us.


Then theres all the magnetic fields coming off our electronics, that have been shown to affect particles and processes in our bodies negatively, that are in every home.


This might sound crazy, but look at the Amish (those guys in funny hats in the USA) - they reject technology and still plow with horses etc. Their disease rates are 80% lower than everyone else.


Our environment, food, and lifestyles are bad for us, end of story imo.

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We adapt to our environment.

All this promoting of health and physical well being you see in the media isn't simply promoting a new business direction for some to make money, but a subliminal warning from the powers that be.

You see, those in power know that the way we live is killing us. Everyday the planet, our true home, is being sucked dry of its life in order to sustain our way of life. We are creatures of comfort, living in our commercialised existence where nothing lasts forever, continuously wanting and obtaining until eventually we die, only to be replaced by another.

Yes, there are those that would like to change this, but money is power, money is the key to life in this world, if those in power see something is killing us, if it isn't viable to stop it, as in the example of fossil fuels, then they make things like pharmaceutical drugs, to help us fight the adverse affects using fossil fuels cause to the human body.

Gonna stop now, before I give myself a stroke!

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If you look at things holistically, you start seeing that lots of things are wrong with how humans live today, that makes them unhealthy.


It starts with vaccines, that cause all sorts of harms/brain changes, that has been shown to damage people permanently - and everyone is vaccinated.


Then there's the food - we grow food in monoculture (ie only one crop per field instead of all mixed up) using artificial chemicals made from oil, instead of the natural worms and that sort of thing. Not to mention the food is mostly GMO, which has been shown to kill rats fairly quick (in the recent long term study that came out). Our meat is full of antibiotics, stuff from the store is preserved with chemicals that destroy life (instead of being dried out or salted like it used to be).


Our environment is filthy, what with smog and burned soot from cars being breathed in everyday, particles of rubber and plastic leeching stuff into us.


Then theres all the magnetic fields coming off our electronics, that have been shown to affect particles and processes in our bodies negatively, that are in every home.


This might sound crazy, but look at the Amish (those guys in funny hats in the USA) - they reject technology and still plow with horses etc. Their disease rates are 80% lower than everyone else.


Our environment, food, and lifestyles are bad for us, end of story imo.


Man do you know how to blow halfarsed bullshit.  Some really big assumptions in there but I canne be fagged correcting any more crap so I 'll leave you with this---\\


Amish men and women live no longer than their margarine guzzling, modern living, counterparts.

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Man do you know how to blow halfarsed bullshit.  Some really big assumptions in there but I canne be fagged correcting any more crap so I 'll leave you with this---\\


Amish men and women live no longer than their margarine guzzling, modern living, counterparts.


I think you should take a look at their rates of illness, and double check your study. There is a huge difference, particularly with the neurological disorders.


I'll go toe to toe with anyone in regards to this issue, so please, go ahead and "correct" me.

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I think you should take a look at their rates of illness, and double check your study. There is a huge difference, particularly with the neurological disorders.


I'll go toe to toe with anyone in regards to this issue, so please, go ahead and "correct" me.


Not looking to one up you or compare epeens or anything like that, just wondering since you're so educated on the subject would you be able to show us the numbers on your claims?


Naycha :peace:

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Yes, I could. The problem is whether you would accept them or not.


The reality of med studies is that they are biased. Everyone on this forum has seen it with cannabis studies ie there is plenty of money to prove that cannabis is bad, but not a single grant to show that it is good. The same thing happens thoughtout medicine, because the main problem is that these days, science is purchased. Scientists make studies to back up what the guy paying for it wants them to back up.


Theres a Stanford scientist by the name of Ionnides I think it was, who did a study )that has not been disproven) showing that at least 50% of all medical studies are completely wrong, or outright falsified. That is a hell of a statement from a stanford doctor who still has his job.


So from the beginning, you have to take that on board.


In regards to the vaccine issue, there have been several doctors and scientists who couldn't get a grant, and ended up writing a book about the issue. In particular, there was an american doctor whose practice was half Amish, half regular, who said flat out "the rates of autism in the Amish are virtually zero, while that in the regular community is one in 18"


In the end, a discussion about the finer details is going to take 3 months, with us arguing back and forth about study methodology and the rest of the critical analysis you do when interpreting medical studies, and even then, the data is so lopsided that all we are going to get out of it is our own personal gut feeling, and thats that.


It is very difficult to prove things outright, when industrial interests have spent billions in order to create exactly this situation.

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