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Breaking Bad S6 part 2

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"If you don't like him don't watch the show, liars."



Do we have to like Walt to get something out of the show?


I respect the basis of his initial decisions, but he has gone from a guy making what he can from a bad situation into a controlling egomaniac...every mistake he's made has

been on account of his ever inflated ego - he has become overtaken by his actions. 

Yes, he's still trying in a way to make things right for his family, but it seems there's less and less of a line between the things he will do to accomplish this. 

He didn't intend to be evil, or a "bad guy", but his experiences in the events of the show have stained him as such.

Liking Walt isn't the only way one can/should enjoy or watch the show. 



It's like saying "yep, that darth vader guy sucks...fuck Empire"...said, nobody ever.

He crosses the line between hero/anti hero/villain, it is what it is. 

He's not THE villain of the show, but he's no longer a really "nice" guy. 


That said, I still have some small hope that his character goes out with some honour. 

I have a feeling that what we've seen so far of the "future" scenes...will likely be Walt making a last ditch effort to get Jesse out of the shit. 

I know he seems very angry and bitter towards him in the last episode, but I'd say at least part of that was the incredibly stressful situation he'd just been exposed to. 

Jesse did what he did to hurt Walt, he reciprocated. 

I think that Walt will have come to a point in his life where he'll realise Jesse is being held on account of hearing about "his" product being available, and checking things

out. Family gone or in hiding/WitSec, Walt evidently on his way out, I think he'll realise that after all this, it's the last "good" thing he can actually do, is free a victim of the

events he's brought about.


Either that, or someone's got his family...though that seems a bit too overdone for my liking... 


I too agree that the phonecall last ep was very deliberately worded to get Skylar in the clear. 


I'm actually going to wait until it's over to watch the last 2 episodes, back to back....I started this show with a marathon of what I'd missed in season 1-3, and I've never felt 

like I've got as much as it from that, so it'll be my last chance marathon, and I think the last 2 eps will be suitably epic. Pizza night for sure. 

Edited by SydVaper81
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good on you if you can wait it out to watch the last two episodes back to back but in 15.5 hours when the next episode gets released on the internet I'm gonna act like the fiend I am for the show and watch it immediately lol


Think you may be right about walt going back for jesse.  that never even entered my train of thought but makes sense considering everything he knows that he has lost.

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i fucking hope walt goes back and shoots pinkman in the fucking head for being a rat-dog-snitch-bitch....... bang bang.....


My vote is for Walt.  Hands Down.


I know all of you feel the same way about Walt too. i know you guys think he is a nice person. but you probably have some softcock reading your posts over your shoulder that says.....

......." no you arent supposed to like Walt because i dont want you to " in a fully gay voice


so from now on if you say you dont like Walt in this thread we all know you love Walt and that you are gay for him....OK !



until episode s05e15 is on the torrent sites..... i'll see all of you, breaking bad fans, later

Edited by Johnsy
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