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What Am I Doing Wrong?

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So you are saying that I should leave it at these times? I'm just worried that the roots will dry up in that two hours that they are not getting fed when the lights are ON.


When should I start adding some nutes to my tank? I was thinking 1/8 to 1/4 strength whne I need to start feeding nutes.


Right now I have the lights set to 4 ft above the plants.

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yes, leave it at those times.


marijuana is a plant that loves a wet/dry cycle so it wont hurt them at all.


Nutes depends on many things, if its a clone then you can start giving 1/4 strength nutes from day one.

If its seed grown then wait for the feeder leafs to be gone then start at 1/8th strength.


Also DONT cut the leafs or remove them leave the thing alone, by taking away any leaf matter you are taking away its energy. if the leaf is in the way just turn it on its side.


Tip or Fimm the plant when its 8 inches tall, is the only time you remove any plant matter.

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I have set up to feed my girls for 15 min every 2 hours when the lights are ON and twice for 5 min when the lights are OFF. Do you think this is too much or too little as I am using Hydroton expanded clay pellets?

I'm sorry, but I don't think your feeding time is right.


MJ plants don't like to have " wet feet " at night, so don't feed your girls at night. During day it's the best to give a clone max. 6 minutes water, but you must divide it over the day (when the lights are on). If you give to much water and to often, the plant will get lazy and won't make (much)new roots. If you give less water, the girls are going to look for water and then they will produce new roots.



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Yeah, I'd avoid watering at night as well, unless you've got an obvious lack of moisture problem during those periods, which most growers will not have.


I found an hourly 15minute watering every 2 hours in veg, and every hour in flowering, from a small pump out of 6mm outlets on each plant gave good results in expanded clay. But the environment is going to determine this a lot as well. If it's hot, and dry, they'll want more water.


Your humidity is obviously going to cause you problems in the night cycle if it's at 70 + percent at day time... so yeah, I wouldn't water during the night cycle. Make sure you feed as soon as the lights go on tho, as they'll need water as soon as they start doing what they do best.


Good luck mate, I'm sure you'll get the hang of growing in no time, it's just a matter of giving them what they want in response to your growing environment. As you're the creator of said environment, (indoor growing makes you mother nature) you can also assist by changing the environment itself.... Which is something outdoor growing doesn't have much chance to do. :P

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