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just a heads-up, thread tags aren't for your name, they are for at least a few words to describe the purpose of your thread so those words can be used to bring up this thread when someone searches for "clones", yellowing leaves" etc.


Also, pics would be better, otherwise give us more details as to what you've been doing to them.


How old are the clones?

Have they rooted yet?

Have you checked the pH?

Are you giving them nutes yet?


Anything else we should know, otherwise we just assume you've done everything perfect and this is the Xmas miracle of the yellowing, but healthy clones (healthy clones don't yellow, ya see)




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Listen, PLEASE don't believe everything written here and elswhere about clones and cloning.

Having been a grower for decades (!!) and tried every combination of hints..and having just about a complete laboratory of various cloning utensils etc (sigh)...I have had maybe 8 repeat 8..successful clones in maybe 20 years

That would be in over 20 years of really really trying.Just think about it: If clones were so easy and so common then we all would very rarely or maybe never have to buy seeds at all !

And that just aint happening.Cannabis is possibly the hardest most difficult plant on earth to clone .

So don't be discouraged in your attempts. Just don't expect many results. :(

Seeds are 1000 times more reliable and always will be. That's why folks buy them.

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Listen, PLEASE don't believe everything written here and elswhere about clones and cloning.

Having been a grower for decades (!!) and tried every combination of hints..and having just about a complete laboratory of various cloning utensils etc (sigh)...I have had maybe 8 repeat 8..successful clones in maybe 20 years

That would be in over 20 years of really really trying.Just think about it: If clones were so easy and so common then we all would very rarely or maybe never have to buy seeds at all !

And that just aint happening.Cannabis is possibly the hardest most difficult plant on earth to clone .

So don't be discouraged in your attempts. Just don't expect many results. :(

Seeds are 1000 times more reliable and always will be. That's why folks buy them.


Cannabis is not a hard plant to strike cuttings from (clone). All it takes is the right conditions.


There can be phenotypes that are hard to clone but generally this is not the case.


If you are having no success try a bubble cloner. They are the simplest way to go if you are struggling.


Naycha :peace:

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I get 100% strike rate. My utensils?


Rockwool cubes, $1 each.


Broccoli box, found out the back of your local fruit and veg store. Free


Strip of glad wrap to cover the box... Maybe $0.01


20 ml of humic acid... I dunno.


8 litres of water, ph 5.


So for $10... and one cent... You have 10 great clones. I don't even use lights for them, the box just sits under the light in my kitchen until they show roots, at which time they get moved under a decent light setup./

Edited by captain.charisma
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Yellow leaves are usually from letting the clones go to long before feeding. If the stem is woody throw it away and start again.


As for being hard to clone, I have a cloning mat set at 25 degrees, I use the small rockwool squares and keep them in the plastic tray most of them come in. I soak the rookwool, put on the plastic cover with vent holes closed, spray the clones and the inside of the cover and leave then alone with a fluorescent tube sitting on top set to 18 hours a day. (never have to use water on them again)

After about three days I open up the vents. From day seven to ten roots appear. When the roots arrive I then take out the clones and place them in the media I am using at the time. I feed them at half strength for the first week then go full strength.


I also have been doing this for decades and never have a problem, success rate is in the high 90%. It's often 100%.


I cut the tip from the plant using a stanley knife, dip the cutting into clonex then place it into the rockwool cube, that's it, nothing fancy, no sterile equipment, water is straight from the tap.


The biggest hassle is mold so I pull out any leaves that go yellowish or look a bit suss. Mold only happens during summer, a small fan flowing fresh air arount the container prevents that but I don't need to use that as I check every couple of days. I see a lot of people cut off the tips of the leaves, this is something else I don't bother doing.


I also do it the hard way, The day I turn my plants down to 12/12 I take cuttings but not from the choice tips on the plant but from the bottom of the plant where they are small from not receiving much light.

I also take clones close to harvest and still have a good success rate, probably around 60% with those ones.


The main thing I think is temperature of the rookwool and don't over water them.

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