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Could legalising marijuana save the US economy?

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are you a certified nut-case or is it just a full moon when you start talking rubbish? :protest

if you want to call bullshit on me then get your facts correct, cause your quoted statement above, demonstrates your utter and complete ignorance and lack of knowledge of current US affairs

what you know about the US economy and the wars the US is presently embroiled in could be written on the back of a postage stamp ind00!


the US Govt makes zero profit from the Afghanistan or the Iraqi war


*41 US states and the District of Columbia are projecting budget shortfalls for FY2012 totaling $102.9 Billion. This amount could be wiped out entirely by the amount spent on the war in Afghanistan this year ($122 Billion in FY2011).


*To date, $459.8 Billion dollars has been allocated for the war in Afghanistan, this includes all of the funding that has been requested by the President and appropriated by Congress for the war through the end of the current financial year to September 30, 2011


*To date, $807.4 billion has been allocated for the war in Iraq, including $10.1 billion in financial year 2012.


figures provided by; National Priorities Project. (NPP) is a research organization that analyzes and clarifies federal data so that people can understand how their tax dollars are spent.





And that does not include all the wasted/lost money going to contractors supposedly rebuilding Iraq. Contractors who are filling their coffers with tax payers money and spending miniscule amounts to complete the contracts. Maggots getting kick backs in the Pentagon with just the stroke of a pen.

Add onto that all the PTSD cases that emerge from these wars, all the death, all the physical injuries. And it aint over yet! Now we have Syria and heaven help us if the Israeli's decide to go completely gung ho in the Middle East.

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this is a very complex topic...in my take on things.. cannabis was outlawed for one reason

1. dupont invented nylon, and hemp was direct competion..oil is used to make nylon,

dupont was head of the dept governing alcohol and drugs back in the 60's...oil companys paid big money..to criminalize cannabis/hemp.or (marijuana) as they called it to trick people in to thinking it was something to be afraid of, they told massive lies to the public about the effects of cannabis, to create fear..and a anti cannabis movement. hence 'reefer madness'.


as we know there is a big different between hemp and cannabis, (mainly being the thc content) well the government used lies to trick the public into voting against cannabis(marijuana)as a drug.. at the same time making hemp illegal to grow or sell, thus making nylon what it is today.


2. cannabis as a medicine, because cannabis is a plant, it cant be patented...so if the big companies were to spend money to develop a drug out of it and spend a lot of money on R&D they would not be able to get the money back because patients could just grow their own medicine, so it becomes uneconomically viable.


and because of that the huge pharmaceutical companies make sure cannabis is outlawed, to keep us sick and buying medicines from them, earning them and shareholders big money and i'm talking billions if not trillions..


cannabis is not a drug, its a medicine..its defenatly not dangerous to the health of humans, but to the bank balances of a few key players. prohibition is to keep the billionaries , billionaries.. and keep the public sick and scared..


cancer kills more and more everyday, anti cancer drugs ,make the big companies big profits..


see money is the root of all evil... basically its pay or die...


why not use a plant to save lives, because no one can make money doing it.. unless its regulated taxed and decriminalized.


i think decriminizing, and regulating,and taxing cannabis would be the best thing the world could do at this point.


take the profits from the criminals and give it back to the tax paying public..


vape for life ..peace


in the US its a bigger cash crop than corn and soy put together, over 6 billion us dollars spent each year on cannabis.

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2. cannabis as a medicine, because cannabis is a plant, it cant be patented...so if the big companies were to spend money to develop a drug out of it and spend a lot of money on R&D they would not be able to get the money back because patients could just grow their own medicine, so it becomes uneconomically viable.


Sorry Sir but you are WRONG - http://www.uspto.gov...s/pac/plant/#1- plants can be patented as can the meds that can be derived from them


off the top of my head


Digoxin, from a plant

Belladonna ditto





cannabis is a drug






Noun: A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, in particular.






edit for crappy font

Edited by Matanuska Thunder
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Yup, The US makes a ton of money from

1. Pharmaceuticals

2. The entertainment industry.


So if they were serious about MJ for profit they would legislate to corner the market, the take a patent out on the medicinal benificial components.

3. Then they need a test case to dertermin if their will be a 'voter' backlash.

4. Determining the market viablity an agressive corporate take over of the market ensuring a safe enviroment for their product, QUOTE "Savitex will dominate" ..someone!


So they discover in 1975 that the shit can KILL cancer - they realise their mistake and by 2003 they have a world wide patent on all cannabanoids. Then they release Savitex, and Sweden respond by legalising MJ, a ppl can grow thier own. Sweeden arent stupid.

Several other non USA loving countries are adding Canna tourism to their profit margin.


We have been serving USA for years while they profit from war. Now they try to turn this plant into just another commodity... Well, im sick of thier self centred USA-oriented view of the world and its resources. They need to earn their own way with thier own stuff. Time for them to back the the fuck off.


Your Allies

Edited by iTiC
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