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Why do police jump on weed dealers in my area but leave the evil powde

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It seams fairly common practus in my area that the police in my area do not tend to go as hard on powder dealers

yet they are trying to put my mate away for a long wile for seeling a little weed. We were discussing this the other

day over a lot of hottys and 1 or 2 coldys and figered the junkers seam to get let off lightly is it becouse if they get

court do they do a deal with the pigs and rat out the pot dealers that way they are not upsetting there (the junkys)

own drug supply and the pore pot smokers loose out. It makes you think?

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Small time pot dealers seem to have always an easy target for cops. The war on drugs keeps cops in a job, as long as constable plod gets his quota for the month.

If he doesn't make his monthly quota he'll just pay a visit to few pot dealers that he knows are an easy bust.

I remember thinking the same thing 20 years ago, and coun't understand why the pot dealers were being singled out.

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Small time pot dealers are mostly smokers and generally reasonable passive people. They'll sit there without causing too much fuss to the cops whilst getting raided and usually handle it all pretty sweet....and the cops know this

Whereas junkie dealers be it ice,gas,pills whatever are quite often offtap, unstable pieces of shit more than willing to use violence to try and avoid getting busted or losing their stash and the cops know this too


If you were a cop earning a shitty wage with a family at home who would you rather bust? A hippy or a psyco?



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There be few resons that "pot dealers" get raided, 1st of all, how does 1 know who is and isnt a dealer?, maybe its the 37 cars stopping out the front every day/??....of the dozens and dozens of teenagers walking in and out all day??....wisen up and do ya shit smartly.

Maybe cos theres too many uneducated boneheads who dunno thier rights and laws and generally plead guilty to almost any charge thrown at em....and as for junkies and thier filthy ways usually get a whole lotta pitty from you honour and get signed into rehab to only sign themselves out the next day.

Problem isnt the police, with exception, lol, its the law itself....the system...

By throwing poor ol' placid pete into jail and hes gunna come out in 18 months time with mental issues and alot worse than when he went in....and for his crime of trying to survive in a unsustainable society, he gets to repay the community by being phsyically and mentally abused and comes out with a vendetta type attitude, or a freaking nutjob.....now how has his experience helped the community? how has they system in place help any parties involved here??....what beneits if any at all have been achieved?...fuck the system!!!

Just my 2c.....cheers, KB

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I agree that pot dealers are easy targets...

If you were a cop earning a shitty wage...

... but cops don't get shitty wages in Australia.


Where else in Aus can you do less than a year's training and make over 50K in your first year of work?



SA Police $55,229

ACT Policing $53,294

NSW Police $59,000


These are base rates for graduating officers, shift allowances and penalties add around 20% to the salary package.

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I agree that pot dealers are easy targets...


... but cops don't get shitty wages in Australia.


Where else in Aus can you do less than a year's training and make over 50K in your first year of work?



SA Police $55,229

ACT Policing $53,294

NSW Police $59,000


These are base rates for graduating officers, shift allowances and penalties add around 20% to the salary package.


That's a fucked wage mate. I'm a dumb tradie and earn over 50 bux an hr which equates to over 2k a week after tax. I don't have to go into houses and sort out drunkin domestics nor do i have to tell parents their 14 yr old daughter has just been found dead with a needle sticking out of her arm. Just think for a minute all the shitty things cops have to do.

I don't particularly like them but they are a neccessary evil.

I'll stand by my statement that cops earn a shitty wage :)

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I am tradie earning a decent wage but after my 1st year of my apprenticeship i was bringing home about $140 a week .

Less then a years training and earning over 50k Is pretty bloody good wage for a low experience worker . And cops have a shit job , but hey they signed up for it knowing what they are getting into and getting paid . They are a public servant and should be out busting the bigger problems within the community , not picking and choosing to suit there lazy , arrogant selves.


Even tho you are a dumb tradie Dinky you are on better money then 1/2 country so i would not compare your wage to a cops , your on over 100 grand a year . average australian wage is about 60-70 grand year, so 50-60 grand for there 1st year work before any promotions is pretty bloody good !



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Yo there bagseed Yer the first year apprenticeship wage is shit but let's face it, compared to a tradie you know fuckall lol. Most 1st years i work with or train are bloody useless.

What i earn is a basic construction tradesmans wage. Fuck, we have contractors earning 80 bux n hr.

Think about an 18 yr old cop who's just done his first years training. Still green as, then having to do something like i previously mentioned. It totally screws with their minds and they don't know how to deal with it. So many cops quit after their first year simply coz of the stress and lack of life skills to be equipped to deal with the situation.



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