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does anyone here know law as going to

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Hey , Gary Im gunna have to move to the NT ;) in Queensland you would be doing time now !

good luck to you and I hope you do well with whats pending .


Heh Shadow , I think you would find a quite a few people in this thread that have walked the walk !


This thread kinda started out by somebody getting caught as a first offence , ahhh , I think ;) anyway people have offered tips and advice to help people in that situation , much of the advice is so dependant on the circumstances of the particular situation , what is good for one case is no good for another , use some common sense .


I don't think the people offering advice here are bush lawyers , but people that have had to deal with a bad situation or in my case lots of bad situations concerning the law and offered advise based on what happened to them .

Take it for what it is .


If you want to research the actual national figures relating to guilty verdicts in the lower courts you will find that they are extremely high, and you will also find that when appealed into a higher court that they are overturned over 60% of the time , this is across the board and off course you would realize that lots of individuals can be plucked from the 60% to walk or the 40% that didn't and they all have their own story to tell .


There is some very good advice given throughout this thread and it is up to you to apply what suits your own deal and what is best for you .


I don't like to see people like Shadow jumping in name calling , the police have enough friends already , when busted it's a testing situation for the individual and family , and sometimes it can take yrs to get back on an even keel depending on the severity of the bust , we are here trying to help each other help ourselves and that's what this is all about .



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Name calling? bit touchy there rod, try talking to a real lawyer and see if they advise you to spill your guts to the cops in the hope they ll be soft on you. I think not. 99 percent of people are convicted from the evidence out of their own mouth. Thats a fact jack.
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Hey , Shadow , read it for what it is , nobody said spill ya guts , I can talk to you for hrs and tell you nothing , polititions do it all the time .


I dont agree with Im saying nothing , because like I said I can tell you nothing and talk for hours doing it .


Of course lawyers are going to tell you to say nothing , its a safety first rule with them , because they dont want you verballed and its easier for them to build a case than if you fuked it up, Im talking about a way to do the same thing yet not bur up the cops or judge by appearing to be a experienced crim , simple as that , and I know it works !


If anybody has not walked ya walk here Shadow its you by the sound of things , and its a walk I dont want to go down again because my nine lives are up , Im not about to list a long history to amuse a dickhead .


You talk about good lawyers , I ,ve had some of the best in the country people like Robert Richter queens council , he was worth $3000 a day

,geeeez man I dont know why Im bothering , you know nothing !


If stuff here helps some of you guys , Im happy



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shadow Posted on Feb 13 2004, 03:51 PM

  May you live in uninteresting times. 


Oooooh that's cold. *winces* You read terry pratchett much? ;)


C'mon, seriously roadblock, as we're talking about a first offence, I'd advise anyone busted by the police to remain polite, say absolutely nothing to them aside from what's directly required of you (name, address, etc... Be a good boy/girl, it makes life easier ;) ) and contact a lawyer about your situation immediately. And I mean a lawyer, not a legal aid laywer if you can help it.


We're a simple bunch of people who like to grow our own pot to consume for our own recreational or medicinal needs. For the most part I think, we are not criminals. I mean that in a true, not a legal sense. ;)


Thanks for the input roadblock, don't get me wrong there, every bit of advice and every story helps, but let's face it, unless you're a lawyer, and I'm certainly not one, I'd say keeping your mouth shut until you can talk to one seriously and confidentially would be the best bet eh? ;)


And if you and shadow can agree to disagree then I'd be most appreciative. We have a forum for bitching at each other, if you really, really don't like each other that much, then I would direct you both there. ;)

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Not a problem Luke , what ever you feel is best for your situation , thats all I been trying to say what you do is entirely situational .


My way has worked good for me as Ive always got bailed on my own reconnaissance same day , ended up with less charges because I didnt piss the jacks of and they didnt come at me hard in court .

The last time in Supreme crt I walked with a 6mth suspended sentence , not even a fine , , and this is rare , I got 90% of my hydro gear back again , because I pleaded guilty no officers that raided me were present in my case just the prosecuter and he didnt know what gear I used and what I didnt , so I applied for most back to the judge saying that the most of lights etc were used for photography and a few were used in mull production , the judge went for it and gave just about everything back .

I had 3 prior convictions for cultivation although they were 10yrs ago and earlier , this time I had 6kg dried just over a 100 clones and 4 mothers about 1.5 mtrs tall , I represented myself .

In the magistrates crt this amount with priors would have given me jail time , I could have chosen the lower crt if I had wanted to , not a chance .


A friend of mine got done about a year ago , he had 1.8kg dried and 26 clones , it was his first offence , he did exactly as you say and said nothing , not smart or anything , just made no statements no admissions no nothing etc .

He spent the weekend in lockup from Friday morning to Monday 4pm when he got bailed with a $1000 sureity , he was charged with cultivation , possesion , and use , and so was his wife , but she was aloud out Friday afternoon just in time to pick up the kids .

He got a decent solictor which cost him a grand , he fronted the magistrate crt and pleaded guilty on all charges and was fined $2000 and his wife fined a $1000 as the judge said she played a lesser part .


True storys !


Sorry to disappoint you Shadow , I am having the time of my life at the moment , Im 50yr old have my own graphic arts business , my women is 30 and beautiful , I drive a brand new car and live in a 60 sqr home in beautifull Queensland , no need to grow mull anymore and life couldnt be better ;)



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