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changing the way i feed in week 5 flower. Run to waste to satellite

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I have a question about coco feed regimes


I am doing run to waste, running 50lt pots, using nixs mix coco it is a blend. I am wondering how much and often to feed. I have been told to always have 10 to 20% run off, which will mean a lot of water per feed.


I am following H&G feed chart and when it comes to using shooting powder I was thinking of changing the feed to recycling satellite system for the 3 weeks, so I don’t need to use 45 packs of the shooting powder.


Do you think this is safe

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Heya ozadam, first ya wanna check out ya Nix mix, and see whats in it, I'm sure it contains worm castings and mineral fertilizers. So do you even add stuff to it?

Run off for coco is important, at LEAST 10% at feed, its a must.


You wont go through 45 packs of Shooting powder, 1 pack makes 100LT., this is mixed seperate, but added to the normal feed at the end before feeding.

The rate is 6.5g/ 10 Litres for first week and 13g/10 Litre for last 2 weeks.


Just feed the Shooting powder by hand in a watering can if ya dont wanna waste it , feed em first with nutes etc, until they just start run off, then bang 3-4L per pot of mixed up shooting powder in. Either way works.


Goodluck . Nibbler.

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