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plz help sexing plant!

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Oh sad to see man, better luck next time hey :|


all youll get from the average male plant is a headache, try making some hash or hash oil out of them! there are many guides on the net as to how to do this, but be V E R Y careful, as the rubbing alchohol used in the procedure is extremly flamable.


This would be your best bet, as i understand that if you have been growing it for 4mths and it turns out male when its the only one you have, its kind of a downer


take care!

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Yeah, damn man, bad luck.... This is why it's advisable to plant 4 times as many seeds as you plan to eventually harvest as good females. Given a 50% male rate, give or take, and lesser quality females being weeded out of the bunch, you'll usually end up with an end harvesting of about 1/3 to 1/4 in finished plants from the amount of seeds you've planted. Course, this will vary strain to strain, and you can always luck out and get a whole batch of lovely girls, but it's a good rule IMO.


Don't despair, try honey oil or hash as 200sx has suggested, the male plant contains small amounts of thc and other cannabinoids, and these can be extracted, but nothing like a good girl.


At least you know what a boy is now.... I know that's a crap consolation, but it's something.


One more thing, when you plant out again in the same spot, (if you do that is) you'll want to ensure there is no pollen remaining in the area. It's indoors right? But getting sunlight? Anyway, you'll have to be careful about the pollen remaining and fertilising any females in future crops... Pollen doesn't last long in the environment, but it's always better to be sure rather than be screwed... (:P get it? hee hee....)


Anyway, once again buddy, my sympathies go out to ya, but now you've grown and flowered an MJ plant it'll be much, much easier for you the next time, and any experience in growing plants, be it good or bad, is ultimately a piece of knowledge you can put aside for the future.


Take it easy bud. :P

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thanx for the sympathy guys it does suck bigtime! hmm hash sounds like it's be worth a try, we'll see how it goes! thanks for everyone's help!


i have one other plant, a bit younger, in the vicinty. i hope that turns out to be a sheila! thanks for the advice, luke, although they're being grown outdoors, but i'll keep an eye on the other plant fo first signs of flowering!



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As luke has said planting twice as many plants as you intend to harvest is a great way to assure you of at LEAST one female plant ( covering my own ass here by saying only one :P ) as it does vary from strain to strain in my experience, knowing many people who have grown for a long while.


I myself got very lucky, as the 6 seeds which have produced my current grow between me and my best mate, produced 3 females ( as 3 were killed due to poor soil at early vegitation ) so we were very pleased.


dont get too down about it, get yourself a new batch of seeds from a good batch of bud you have recieved, as the general rule of thumb is good bud = good seeds ;)


in a couple months when you have half a dozen females at your site getting ready to produce the flowers we all love, the first male wont be an issue :P


Oh and on another note your male looked very bushy and had a very nice color, indicating good plant health, so whatever youve been feeding and doing to that sucker, keep on doing it for the next batch!


take care mate

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hi guys!

just an update on that plant - not only is it male, but its female too! It's a hermie!! hahah how ironic, I was hoping it was a female hehehehe. Overnight the pistols have developed, but these female flowers are still surrounded by pairs of balls - she'll be a seedy crop this one! anyhow, i've got sum pics, take a look, have a laugh, thank god it isn't you :] oh and just one thing, is there any way to feminise hermie seeds, or any seeds at all for that matter?




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yep there is

you need the pollen from your hermie and pollinate a female.that produces fem seeds of female.word of caution some strains when grown from fem seeds will turn hermie traits on under stress.only some strains will be fem 100%.might be fun to try could have the right strain.other than that the seed of the hermie will be hermie.

Edited by indooraussie
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